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Know: 97% of Earth's water is saltwater and the other 3% percent is freshwater, much of

which has been polluted.

Wonder:Why aren’t wealthy and well-known people doing anything to help provide water to
these countries? I would assume that they would be able to create a bigger and faster
impact as they have a bigger platform, either to raise awareness or raise money. Why aren’t
these “super power” and developed countries providing water to the developing countries,
knowing that these poorer countries are in debt and struggling to receive their fundamental

Learn: I was surprised when I learned about how serious the conflicts over water shortages
had become in these developing countries.

I was aware that water shortages were issues many developing countries were facing,
however after watching the documentary i realized it was a very serious issue. Citizens had
to fight for clean water, which is a fundamental, human need, leading to civil conflicts. I was
shocked when I learned about the Bolivia conflict, where many citizens lost their lives. I
could not even comprehend when I learned that rainwater was also privatized by these
companies. It is very disturbing to learn that there are many countries in the worlds fighting
for basic necessities, and these developed and “superpower” countries are not doing
anything about it, but making their situation even worse by providing tied-aid, knowing that
these countries are in years of debt.

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