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Dream house

Today I would like to tell you about my dream house. I dream of a modern house which is
placed on the outskirts of the big city. As the house is located on the outskirts there should be a
garage where a car and a cross bike would fit. The house should be detached and two-story one
and have an attic. There should also have access to the terrace.

At the entrance to the house, you will find a lounge room with a ladder on the second floor. The
lounge room is two sofas standing around a small coffee table opposite which there is a large
plasma TV. Near the lounge, there is a kitchen. In the kitchen, there is a large cooking table with
a sink and microwave and under the table, there is an oven. In the center of the kitchen, there
is an en-suite table with two or three chairs and a large panoramic window. Also on the ground
floor, there are a lounge bedroom and separate bathroom.

On the second floor is my room. In my opinion, the room must be spacious and modern with all
amenities where I can have privacy. I think in my room must be white walls witch decorated
with colorful lights under the ceiling. I want a settee in the corner and near a computer desk,
and near there is an exit to the terrace overlooking the forest. Of course, the room must have
central heating. It is desirable that on the wall opposite the settee there is a TV.

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