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BRITAIN: Country and People

I. SHORT QUESTIONS. Definitions. In English, answer the following

questions or explain the meaning of each of these words or expressions.

1. What adjective should we use to refer to someone from Bristol, Glasgow

or Cardiff?

2. Mention some symbols from the four nations in the UK.

England: St George’s Cross Rose St George
Wales: Dragon of Cadwallader Daffodil St David
Scotland: St Andrew’s Cross Thistle St Andrew
Ireland: St Patrick’s Cross Shamrock St Patrick

3. England dominates over the whole UK. Why?

Because of various aspects related to economic power as the supply of
money in Britain, which is controlled by the Bank of England, or other
common aspects which happen unnoticed day- to- day. For example: the
use of the term -Anglo, the English, main language of the four nations, etc.

4. Explain the sentence: “Today these differences have become blurred”

It means that in the 21st Century, those differences that distinguish Ireland,
Scotland, England and Wales have mostly disappeared. Some dialects, the
different economic, social and legal systems, etc, although they still have
characteristics which difference one nation from the other.

5. Imagine you are translating a document into Spanish and you run into
the expression: “He is the typical Jonh Bull”. How would you translate it?
‘’Él es el típico inglés’’, ‘’Es un claro ejemplo de un inglés’’

6. What is the “Invisible Scott”?

It is an article written by Janet Swinney which express the indifference and
the anger of the Scottish and their anger of the dominance of England over
7. Find updated figures for the population of England and the whole UK.
England: 55,98 million (2018).
UK: 66,65 million (2019).

II. SHORT QUESTIONS. Vocabulary. Translate the following words or


 Leek: puerro
 Daffodil: narciso
 Chalk cliffs: acantilados de caliza
BRITAIN: Identity

I. SHORT QUESTIONS. Definitions.

1. How important is the Welsh language in Wales?
The Welsh language is a highly important symbol in Wales. A 20% of the
population strongly believe that the mother-tongue is Welsh. Welsh is teached
at school, many local newspapers are written in Welsh and channels and public
notices use the Welsh language.

2. Explain the case “Trouble at Lllangybi”.

‘’Trouble at Lllangybi is a case of the 20st century that affected a Welsh couple:
Ray Sutton and Jan Sutton. An extremist group forced them to leave Wales or
their will burn their shop because of their racism against Welsh.

3. How would you translate the concepts of “nuclear family” and “extended
family” into Spanish?

4. Can money give you access to a higher class in the UK?

5. What is RP? What is “inverted snobbery”?

6. Why do people in the UK change jobs and homes quite frequently?

7.After reading the section “Men and Women”, would you say that Britain is a
sexist country?

8. Give some details about “identity in Northern Ireland”.


 Gaelic: irlandés
 Haggis: morcilla escocesa
 Best man (46): padrino
 Double-barrelled (48): compuesto
 Nappy: pañal

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