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The simple present tense

1. He thinks He is right.

2. He often directs traffic.

3. He it helps, their fathers.

4. It sells meat.

5. He lives in London.

6. She worries too much.

7. He drives too quickly.

8. He always carries an umbrella.

9. Why does it bark?

10. He son goes to the local school.

11. It does not bark.

12. He goes every ten minutes.

13. He always reads the guardian.

14. Does he like boiled eggs for breakfast?

15. It seats costs 2.

16. He goes to the church on Sundays.

17. It the elephant nerves forget.

18. He makes very bad coffee.

19. Does duck lays big egg?

20. He often forgets his own age.

21. Does he life snails?

22. Does he often eat garlic?

23. He cooks own meals.

24. He seldom speaks at breakfast.

25. He does not wear uniform.

26. What does he do? He does nothing. He lies in bed all day.

27. He always obey he parents.

28. He kisses the mother when he comes home from school.

29. He rushes home when the day works is over.

30. He boxes in the gym on Fridays.

31. The dog always attacks strangers.

32. It does not allow dog.

33. The motor cycle does not make a lot of noise.

34. She brushes hair every night.

35. He hens often fly over the wall and lay egg in the garden.

36. He does exercise every morning before breakfast.

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