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It’s ctober . Yes you heard that right. ctober . I’m not joking. Check your calendar.

lendar. It’s ctober . Haven’t

you looked outside? The leaves are falling or something. Because it’s ctober . ctober is a special month.
ctober is the 10th month of the year, and ctober shares 4 letters with octopus. That’s amazing. ctober is
amazing. Do you guys like ctober ? Ever wondered what ctober feels like? What it tastes like? Tastes like
ctober . One of the most ctober -est ctober ’s to date. Trust me. It’s ctober . Look outside. Smell the air.
Smells like ctober , right? Look again. Is it still ctober ? No. ctober is about to end. Be careful. ctober
might end. No more ctober . That’s bad for ctober . What do you eat during ctober ? What do you do
during ctober ? Is ctober good for you? Is ctober a good month? Are you going anywhere during ctober ?
What about next ctober ? And the next ctober ? And the next ctober , and the next ctober , and the next
ctober , and more? Think about ctober a little bit more. There isn’t much of ctober left. So enjoy ctober .

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