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How I Learned APA

After Using It for Years

Nichol C. Veles

Instructional Science & Technology, California State University Monterey Bay

IST 511: Writing Workshop

Dr. Tourtellotte

November 03, 2020


How I Learned APA

After Using It for Years

I will be writing about my experience using APA and how I finally learned it with a clear

understanding just this week. I am currently a Masters Student at CSUMB and I have spent the

last four years, or so, utilizing APA formatting but never really being able to drill the formatting

into memory. Thus I would use template after template, hoping that the template was accurate.

How It Happened

Figure 1 Illustration of how I feel when we have to format papers.

In the past I would use templates and never

really knew if something looked off or was

obviously missing. This assignment has provided

me the information and resources to write this paper,

using APA formatting, as a practice assignment to

learn. We were given a list of various videos that provided all the information needed to create a

document using APA formatting. I checked the margins and styles of headings and subheadings.

I added page numbers and the photo and caption above was new knowledge because I never

before created a caption properly.

What Else Am I Doing

In the above paragraph I failed to mention that I wrapped the text around the photo. There

are a few other required elements that need to be in this paper for this assignment to be complete.

These elements are:

 Create a small chart or table and label

 Create a bulleted list  

 Write one paragraph with set indents

 Include a page break

Second Level 2 Heading

Here is where I will add a basic small chart of some basic APA formatting guidelines that

I feel are pertinent to add to your mental toolbox for later use. When you are able to create the

skeleton- or bones- of the paper it is easier for you to organize your thoughts and gather more

relevant information.

1” Margins Page Numbers

Normal #3
Times New Roman, Headings & Subheading

12pt 2x2

This Would Be My Second and Ending Heading

I would conclude and summarize the document here. Hopefully leaving a memorable last

thought that entices conversation or even just further thoughts… all in all, page breaking and

ending with references.



Forlenza, S. [Samuel Forlenza, PhD]. (2020, January 20). APA Style 7th Edition: Student Paper

Formatting [Video].

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