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READ EVERY MORNING WITHOUT FAIL! Make it a habit by doing it everyday!

Set time apart

everyday to pray to our Lord Jesus. For that is actually the Most Important time of the Day.

Everyday starting August 2020, for the rest of my life!

To Do Everyday:

1.) Love the Lord Jesus with all your strength. Put him #1 in everything that you do. Seek Jesus
with all your strength.

-For He is Love.

2.) Follow Jesus commandments.

-For if you truly love Jesus, you will keep His commandments. When you sin confess it ASAP and
repent sincerely. Do not deny your sin, or make excuses for it.

-Do not judge others. You have no right, for you are a terrible sinner yourself.

3.) Pray every morning to our Lord Jesus.

-Pray for love,peace, and joy. Pray that evil and anger be far away from you. For all goodness
and positivity comes from Jesus.

-Harden not your heart to Jesus, for that comes from the Devil. We can always start anew our
relationship with Jesus everyday.

-Stay faithful all your life, during hard times, or days when Jesus seems far away. Rejoice and be
happy in those days. For Jesus promised to be with us as long as we are alive. All doubt,
discouragement, and negative thoughts come from the Devil.

-Basically your life is about James 1:

"God blesses those who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life
that God has promised to those who love Him."

It is necessary to be tested, for it produces endurance and steadfastness, and endurance

produces character. Therefore rejoice in hard times, and days when Jesus seems far away. For
Jesus is always there every second. And testing produces endurance. Remain faithful all the days
of your life, for Jesus promised to be with you at all times. On top of that Jesus promised that
He will never leave you nor forsake you. All evil and negative thoughts come only from the Devil.

Testing comes from your own evil desire. Therefore know and realize all your desires and get rid

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