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1. I must respect my parents

2. I must clean my room
3. I must obey my parents
4. I must fix my bed
5. I must comply with the rules and values of my home
6. I must have hygiene both at home and personal hygiene
7. I must bathe my pet
8. I must clean my house
9. I must wash the dishes
10. I must help my family


1. I have to pay attention in class

2. I have to get up early to go to school
3. I have to get to school early
4. I have to eat on the break before playing.
5. I have to clean my class
6. I have to enter the classroom in an orderly manner
7. I don't have to speak while the teacher is speaking.
8. I don't have to dirty my desk
9. I have to do my homework
10. I have to respect my friends

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