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Find the phrases in the picture

1.Kick the bucket.

2.Putting your best foot forward.

3.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

4.Time flies.

5.Born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

6. Hit the nail on the head.

7.He’s got his hands full.

8. Over shadowed.

9. Grabbing the cat by its tail.

10. Bird for brains.

11. In a nutshell.

12. Trick up his sleeve.

13. Play your cards close to your chest.

14. Wearing his heart in his sleeve.

15. Spilling the beans.

16. Sweet, with a cherry on top.

17.Call it a day.

18. Served up on a silver platter.

19. Keeping an eye on something.

20. A piece of cake.

21. Hang in there.

22.Sticking his neck out.

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