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CE144_SW_Sewer Appurtences

Answer the following, handwritten on a bond paper. Submit clear scanned copy to Course Messages the
pdf file in 1 single file only. Scanned images can be combined using app such as IMG2PDF.

FIlename and Subject should be:  SWonSewerAppurtenances_<lastname, firstname initial, middle


DUE on or before the institutional deadline.

Refer to Chapters 16 of Steel & McGhee. Create a tabulation of the description and specs of sewer
appurtenances. Use the specs in the book but you may also include additional specs from other
references. For the pictures, it should be other than that from the book - get it from online resources
and cut-&-paste. This will also serve as your reviewer for your exams in this course.

Use the table below for your input:

Sewer Material/s Standard Placement

Appurtenance Purpose it is made (either depth, interval,
Name of specific location, etc.)
What is its Why do we
definition? need it?

1. Manhole

Picture of the Unit Picture of the Unit when installed

References (of standards and images):

Extend the table for the following Sewer Appurtenances:

2. Inlets
3. Catch Basins
4. Flushing Devices
5. Sand, Grease, and Oil Traps
6. Regulators
7. Junctions
8. Sewer Outlets
9. Inverted Siphon
10. Sewer Crossings
11. Pumps
12. Pumping Stations
13. Sump Pumps
14. Sewage Ejectors
15. Vacuum Collection System
16. Grinder Pumps

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