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Future perfect + Future continuous: Exercise 1 httipsv/! Exercise 1 Complete the sentence be doing) and the ver with the future perfect (will have done) or the future continuous (will + in the box. disappear arrive cook watch replace move finish fly teach _ listen When we reach Portsmouth we .. su OUF Voyage. When I drive my car 1. .. to the new CD. In a twenty years' time thousands of species .. planet. Ina few hours’ time we on the plane, Tl meet you at four o'clock, - At four? I'm afraid I. English, We... . the wheels before you come back from the shop. Shall buy a pizza? - There's no need. 1... .. as usual. I'm sorry, we can't come tonight. We sccm ... the new documentary on TV. My new PC... ... by the end of this week. The Johnsons .... ... in their new house by Christmas. ESL worksheets on Future perfect + Future continuous: Exercise 2 wna ¢-grammar.or rfect-fulure-continuous! Exercise 2 Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. In aten years’ time most people .... smart watches. (wear) Hurry up or the coach before we reach the station. (leave) Shall I say hello to Ann? I .. to her, (talk) When you get up tomorrow morning, I ..- already .. to Cork. (drive) When you get back the decorators all the work. (finish) By this time tommorow we our new car in the garage. (have) Can we meet at 5 o'clock? - Sorry, I still (work) This time next week we at the seaside. (relax) On 1 July Marion ... engaged for a year. (be) By the time we get to the cinema the film .. (end) ESL worksheets on Future continuous: exercise 1 - affirmative Livoww, \ Exercise 1 I's Sunday, 10 o'clock in the morning and the Scott family are enjoying their free time. Use the verbs in brackets to write what they will be doing this time on Monday. Example: Peter is playing games on his new laptop. This time on Monday he will be writing an English test. Mr. Scott is cleaning his car in the garage. This time on Monday he to the airport. (drive) Mrs, Scott is reading a fas! magazine, ‘This time on Monday she ... - meals at the restaurant. (cook) ‘Marion, their daughter, is playing with a ball in the garden, And her grandma is watching her. This time on Monday Marion .... . @ geography lesson. (have) And her grandma a doctor. (see) Ben, the oldest son, is still sleeping. And his grandpa is trying to wake him up. This time on Monday Ben... . football in his club. (practise) And his grandpa for grandma at the doctor's. (wait) Samuel, the youngest son, is chasing their dog Spot around the house. This time on Monday Samuel ... a physical education lesson, (exercise) But we have no idea what Spot .. .. tomorrow. (do) ESL worksheets on Future continuous: exercise 2 - affirmative 3s /www. Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the future continuous (will be doing) and the verbs in the box. lie see use sleep watch take work wait decorate listen When you come back home I. in my bed. Ina few days’ time we on the beach. TU call Jim at six. - No, don't. He sss ... in his office then, Tl tell him. 1 him on the train as usual We can't meet you on Saturday. We ... .. our house at the weekend, In aten years' time most people electric cars. Tl come at one o'clock. - OK. 1 for you. It won't be easy to get in. The warden the gate closely Will you help me tonight? - Sorry, I to the concert on the radio. .. her entrance exam, This time tomorrow my sister ESL worksheets on Future simple and continuous: exercise 3 - affirmative hitps:/www.-orammar.oraifuture-simple-continuous-worksheets/ Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with the best form. Shall I say hello to Sharon? I... to her today a) write b) be writing ©) will be writing Can Ihelp you? 1 a) will be showing ) will show ©) won't show v=» You that blouse. Good Lord! The engine has stopped. - No problem. Bill a) is having b) will have ©) will be having Why don't you have dinner with us? I... anyway a) will be cooking b) am cooking ©) cook ‘This time next week we ....... round the Aegean Sea, a) sail ’) will be sailing ©) will sail If you take three cassettes, you... one cassette free. a) are going to get b) are getting ©) will get T ccsooe my work before they arrive, a) will be finishing b) finish ) will finish By the end of this century everyone ...... English a) will be speaking bb) is going to speak ©) speaks a look at it. Ww The Future Perfect Simple and Continuous Exercise will have driven will have been driving Fill he gaps with the verb in brackets using either the future perfect simple or continuous tenses. 1. By the time we get to the party, Fat Bob ... everything.(eat) 2 When we get to March, Jimbo .... snow i Thailand for 18 months (live) 3. There's no point going now. The bus by the time we get there.(leave) 4. Be prepared to stand up during the concert as they all the seats by now. (take) 5 Come June, we ut together for four months.(go out) 6 When you get to L.A., you .. .. for seven hours (fly) 7 'm sure that when we go to the meeting, all the important decisions beforehand.(take PASSIVE) 8 This time tomorrow | all my exams.(finish) 9 Aweek Friday we .. .n« the course.(complete) 10 Old Mr Macawber maths for 30 years by the end of this term. (teach) 11 Come next spring, we in Kyoto for two years.(work) 12. By the time you wake up tomorrow morning, Pete in ingdao (arrive) 13. Atthis rate, we ‘everything ready by six o'clock. (get) 14 Johnson at sea 7 days by the time he enters French waters.(be) 15. If what scientists say is true, humans next 15 years. make) fe a miserable existence within the B Now write some examples of your own. 4 wiv o \Writon by Bob Wilson @Rober Cfford McNair Wilson 2008 Future perfect simple and continuous: exercise 1 /woven.0-grammar or rfact-simple-cont -workshs Exercise 1 Use the verbs in brackets to make the future perfect tense. In five years’ time there will be no houses in this street. (demolis! In five years’ time they . ‘The Christmas tree will be ready before our children come back. (decorate) We the Christmas tree before our children come back. This is my tenth year of teaching experience. (teach) 1 soe for ten years this year. Tam going to finish my second book by the end of this year. (publish) My second book .. . by the end of this year. Greg will call me and I must think about his proposal before that. (consider) Before Greg calls me, I .- his proposal all the time, ‘You will be hot until you open the window. (sweat) You until you open the window. On Thursday we will have all the needed information. (receive) By Friday we all the needed information, We planted the trees nearly three years ago. (grow) This year the trees .. for three years. We will be in Paris sooner than at 5 p. m. (arrive) We in Paris by 5 p. m. Our English workshop will start at 8 o'clock and it will finish at 12 o'clock. (work) At noon we .. on our English project for four hours. ESL worksheets on

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