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Dr Mr/MRS the head department of Cardiology.


My name is KRIFA Myriam, I am currently an intern-medical student ( i have

accomplished 5 years of medical studies) at Ibn el Jazzar’s University of Medicine of
Sousse, Tunisia. And I am writing to you in the goal of obtaining a clerkship at your
department. If you let me i will explain to you why I am interested in this field.

First and undeniably , this specialty changes people’s lives in very profound ways.
Helping people when their lives are in danger is one of the most enjoyable experiences
of this life-saving career and getting to see that is really priceless and would definitely
emphasize the love you have for Medicine and that is something that I really want to
Secondly, I want to discover the world of Cardiology since i want to complete my career
and i want to specialize,, that’s why I want to spend as much possible time as I can
explore and learn from you and your team. So this clerkship will really help me set my
goals and make the right decisions for my future career.

In addition for me, as for the most students who consider academic learning too abstract,
I need to practice what I read and write to more understand and memorize it.
I think that I can fit in your department, because, I’ve developed a passion for learning
ever since I got into medical school; I believe that active learning starts next to patients in
every inch of the hospital.

I would be more than honored to get to spend a month in a place that I consider my

Finally, I hope that my application will be of interest to you and look forward to hearing
from you soon.

Sincerely Yours ,
KRIFA Myriam

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