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University of Dhaka


Midterm Examination 2020
FORMAT: HAND WRITTEN PDF (Please send via email in due time)

Course: Z104: History of the Capitalism and Birth of the Modern World

Time: 1 Hour (+10 Minutes for PDF & SENDING)

Marks: 25

1. Answer the following questions: 10×2= 20

a) "Renaissance art was not the result of sudden outburst of the imagination; it was the fruit of
a slow development covering centuries". In this context analyse the contributions of L da Vinci
and Raphael — two finest minds of the High Renaissance. (Word limit-700)

b) Briefly discuss main features of the 'Age of Exploration' (Geographical discoveries) by

exploring the E-book I have referred. What were its impacts (with a special reference to
Columbian Exchanges)? (Word limit-700)

2. Answer the following short questions: 2.5×2= 5

a. Write short-note on Venetian School of Art. (Word limit- 250)

b. How did Albuquerque broke the monopoly of the 'Moselm trade' in the East? (Word limit-250)

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