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Key Points

 Using the “ Inverted Pyramid style “ , the most important information

communicated right up front , in the lead , and is more effective than
arranging the document chronologically
 Always write short, simple sentences as they are easy to write , read
understand and they ensure that there are less grammatical errors in the
 After having written the e-mail , the editing process begins with
underlining the main points and deleting any unnecessary conjunctions ,
commas and words .For effective business communication , there should
be more POWER words ( words that expresses the main ideas in a
document ) and less PASTE words ( words which hold the sentences
together as a tight , grammatical units )
 Writing in the Active Voice ensures that your electronic sentences are
short, simple and easy to read
 Selecting the right tone and using conversational , yet professional
language makes for effective tone for business correspondence
 Restrict the use of technical language and uncommon abbreviations
/acronyms, as there may be hidden readers, in addition to the intended
readers of the e-mail.
 Keep your e-mail gender neutral ( by eliminating the gender specific

pronouns and using the various alternatives ) as sexist language could

offend the hidden readers

Sandhya Pathak
@Copyright Drishtikone Consulting

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