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(MBA) B863
Spring 2019-2020 SEMESTER 2

Final Take Home Exam (THE) Version-A

(48 Hours)

Question 1: (40 Marks) 600 Words

To a large extent the contemporary emphasis on the importance of leadership in organisations
derives from an attempt to differentiate it from management.

Discuss the fundamental differences between the managerial and leadership roles as proposed
by Kotter (1995).

Note: Students should draw on evidence beyond the course material. For top marks students
should need to show command of academic literature beyond the course material (including
appropriate citation and referencing).

Question 2: (30 Marks) 450 Words

To be effective a group needs to be able not only to tackle the task in hand but also to maintain
social relations within the group itself.

Kenneth Thomas (1992) provided a particularly influential account of how leaders should
understand and handle conflict. Explain the five conflict handling styles/approaches as
proposed by Kenneth Thomas (1992).
Note: Students should draw on evidence beyond the course material. For top marks students
should need to show command of academic literature beyond the course material (including
appropriate citation and referencing).

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Question 3: (30 Marks) 450 Words
Practices used to elicit employee engagement can be applied to the individual employee, to
employees as a collective group or, as is sometimes argued to both. Some of the elements of
these practices through the ‘VOICE framework’ outlined by Storey et al. (2009).
Critically evaluate the practices used to elicit employee engagement in your organization
using the ‘VOICE framework’
Note: Students should draw on evidence beyond the course material. For top marks students
should need to show command of academic literature beyond the course material (including
appropriate citation and referencing).

End of Question Paper

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