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Julieta Bares

Lengua Inglesa II

Home working essay.

There can be no doubt that work from home is not for everyone. In this essay, I will be
addressing the advantages and disadvantages that this kind of work has, and some tips to
manage the stress of working at home.

First of all, it is widely believed that there are a number of advantages that make working
from home a great option. For example that there is no commute and a lot of flexibility. All
the evidence suggests that you can improve your work-life balance and your day is less
stressful if you decide to work from home.

At the same time, it is generally agreed that you need a lot of self-discipline. Focusing on
work when you are at home can be really difficult. Besides, no one would dispute the fact
that it is hard to establish trust and develop relationships with colleagues and clients. Lastly,
it is often claimed that you lose living space creating a home office.

As well as that, there can be no doubt that working from home can cause stress, so for those
who work from home, is vital to set a schedule rather than working when you find the time.
Regarding reducing this stress, it has been suggested that rewarding yourself is a great idea to
keep your motivation up.

To conclude, working from home can be a really good option if you consider the advantages
and disadvantages and manage to control the stress. Along with considering this, you have to
consider the type of work that you do and by analyzing these factors, you can make a
decision that will work for your business.

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