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Roy C. Macridis Major Characteristics of the Traditional Approach Abe account of the characteristics of the traditional ap tach emphasis the comparative sy of government Uh revel the sure ofthe current station and wl into the need for feorenaton. Comparative study has Thus ar been comparative im name ont has been part of ‘tat gp loosely be called the study of foreign governments, Thi the governmental structures and the formal organ Dao of sa aston reread rs descipiv, histor {Ea of legalistic manner’ Primary emphasis fas been placed ‘Gruhn document ike Constant va the legal prescrip Sins forthe latin of pla powetnay sua ‘ore gneraments were largely addrewed To the Wenn uropeay democracies or (the pia syste of Western Furey Gre Bian and the Dominions Tt may be worthaile t dsc bel each of these chat= acter f the traditional approach, Essentially Noncomparative ‘The vast majority of publications in the field of compara- tive government deal either wth one country or wth paral [SGEption ofthe insttions of» momer of countries ‘Fhe marry of texte lustre this approach, The stent i [et dough the constittional foundations the organization of politcal power and.a description of the ways Powers are exicued: in each ease “problem fee sh ree (he county ton scare ‘The rightof dissolution is oftem ted to explain political ist ii treasee and comers pola aby in England efhetaed wath reference to the prerogatives of the Crown, Sih prc rohan of our, ime int feof diecltion, The sere of the stadent is coneene Fated primary on an analysis ofthe structure ofthe state the lena of sovereignty, the Electoral provisions, and the dst [Gaius ofthe cecorat into political parties whose ideologies Sha prourame ave described. This approach will be found in Shy Rela tet and sn numberof monographs which as jie to be more comparative in charscert um the Std ef Cent Pn Mew Yr Radon oe 198 ened msc 16 Bernacdh Susser , Memeaches to the Study of folitcs (Macmillan, 1642) Major Characters ofthe DaditionalApprowch ” Essentially Descriptive 1f may well be argued that description ofthe formal poli ical institutions is vital for the understanding of the politcal process and that as such it leads to comparative study. I 0, ‘ve hardly ever have any comparison between the particolar Insitutions described. A reading. for instance, of ane of the boat texts, Government of Continental Europe. edited by James ‘T'Shotwell will reveal tht a6 we pass fom France to Kal Switrerland, Germany, and the USSR. there ts no common Thvead, no -criteron of hy these particular countries were Scie nd ne exination of the factors tha econ for Similar and diflerences. The same generally apples to Frederic Ogg and lal Zk’ deer Fog Gonere ments, and to Frity M Max’s Foreig Governments In a some iat different fasion John Ranneys and Gwendolen Carers Major Foreign Powers has the virtue of addressing sll oon {our political systems and of discussing them with reterenceto some basic problem areas, but again the connecting Tink and the eriterio of selection are missing. Another pioneer beok in the Bel, Daniel Wit’ Comparative Pola stations, aban ‘dons the country-by-country approach in favor of categories within which comparison is more feasible, but the author is {nished to include under such categories ss "The Cltten and the Government. and “The Electoral Proce” separate desrip- tions ofthe institutions of individual countries, and fails fo ‘comparisons ‘early understood here that these remarks ate not meant oreilect on the scholarly quality ofthe books cited, hor to disparage the descriptive approach. They sre meant ‘merely to point ost that these books ae limited primary to political morphology or what might aso be called political Jnatomy. They describe various polical institutions ener ally without attempting to compare them: what comparison fs fade is limited exclusively tothe identification of diferences between types or systems, suchas federal veraus Unitary ay tem of Patliamentary versus presidential system or the more clusivediflerences between democratic and totalitarian sys: “There are 1wo typical approaches inthe descriptive study of poltieal institutions The Bt is hgrical and the second is Reals The neil apron Ser othe stay he Eins and growth of certain Insitutions. We trace the ort tins ofthe British parliamentary sytem to Magna Certs and Study its development through successive historical stages Tt ® oy Macriis issued hat pra! horea scans ofthe etlton ee ei ra ett een ee Mosel es Wael we ae Tce en acyiatsehene ht a Ester Nese yoo gr ee ee ee Eeedereoeg en emt peet cary ay amma altel bakes Se ete Cpa resonances ent Fee pet gr peti SORES Ol Sree te a ee ee Serica teeta ape ea asf ae eerie eine eter ey errr are aetna! et ones ae eee eer py ere Ee eerie tee rer eateaar antenatal ent Bs Nee eae Ren spe tea ae Freee cen iy ne Testes oe Kangen te bt ate td seer eee ner ees Waar hgh aie Sanches ha es a eet pee perso eet mt ik nee tee energy La oee hee iaea ere ead Soe Fata ei oan te ede pretend seemed Se ee ee ee ee ee FeeBaP otha estonia and pean Essentially Parochial ‘The great numberof studies on foreign political systems has ‘been addressed to the examination of Wester European in Stitutlons. Accessibilty of the countries stdied, relative Major Characteristics ofthe Trail Approach » of overcoming language barirs, and the availablity of of Sia documents and other source materials as well a calura affinities account for this fac. France, Grea ivan Germany, Switzerland, and wo leser extent the Scandinavian courteeg And the British Dominions have been the countries to which ang and research has been dieeted snd which ase else included the various comparative goverment cscs othe {eater number of Arran universities. Agu were Systematic effort has been made to faethe mlartes nd the diferences among these counties except iy prey

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