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Last week, I was excited to wake up at 5.45 a.m.

early in the morning because my

friends and I had a trip to Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas, SEMABOK. I went down
the stairs and assembled at the cafe. When bus arrived, 42 of us and 2 lovely lectures got
into the bus. We chose SKPK SEMABOK because this school quite special which is their
student are having hearing impairment. We can learn and know how the deaf students learn
in class. After 20 minutes, we saw a sign board “SKPK SEMABOK” at the main entrance and
because of that, some of us shouted “Wow, this school is very beautiful!”.

We felt so eager when we arrived. All of my friends and I pushed each other because
we wanted to get down from the bus quickly.

“Pon, pon!”, the car horned us. We did not realize that our bus blocked the main entrance.
We gathered at the school compound and we was welcomed by the Senior Assistant of
Student Affairs, Pn. Noraini. She brought us to the meeting room an briefed us about the
school. Then she taught us how to use the sign language when we want to greet the deaf
students. “Knock, knock!”, door was knocked by one of my friend, Afini. She looked
extremely exhausted. This is because she left the gift that she supposed to bring so she
have to go back to our campus by Grab for the sake of the deaf children.

After the brefing, we were divided into ten groups. I was so lucky to get the chance to
join with the deaf students and we can see how the deaf student learn in the class.
Fortunately, that period was an English class. The teacher looked so fierce at first but after
that she told us that was acting actually. The teacher gave us some advices to become a
good special education teacher. She told us to be more patience, strict but loving, technique
or pedagogy that we are going to use in class and the most important thing is to make an
eye contact when we are teaching. The actions of the students were so adorable. One of
them was autistic child at the same time he also a hyperactive student. He loved to disturb
his friends but his friends never scold him. After the class ended, my friends and I took the
photos together with the English teacher and the deaf students.

Then we take a break for 20 minutes to have our own meals. I ate greedily because I
did not take my breakfast early in the morning. Around 10.30 a.m. we did some activity with
20 deaf students that had been chosen by their teachers. First, we did the warming up
session with some aerobic movement. All of us were so enthusiastic. Each of us must find a
partner from the deaf students and I got paired with an Indian boy. He is a very kind-hearted
and he love to smile to everyone. I felt so happy but at the same time I felt sorrowfully
because he cannot communicate well with others even using the sign language yet he still
enjoyed the activity with his friends. Then we do explorace game which consist of four
checkpoint and I being selected to handle the first station. After done, we did the closing
ceremony by giving the gift to each of the deaf students.

Based on my experience, this was a trip that I enjoyed so much one in a life time and
I hope one day I still have chance to come there to teach the deaf students. When I attend
this trip, I felt I was able to understand the deaf students. Moreover, I learned how to
communicate with them by using the sign language. In conclusion, the trip to SKPK teach
me how to be a great teacher in future. I felt thankful because I got the opportunity to join
this trip.

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