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Volunteer work is that which is done without profit motive and that contributes to a cause.

contribution is represented by the intellectual or physical work of a person who is called a
volunteer, which does not receive any monetary contribution.

Volunteer work should meet three conditions: be selfless, be intentional, and be justified.

The primary objective of a volunteer job is to improve the situation of the other.

An NGO is a non-governmental organization that has social initiatives and humanitarian purposes
created independently of governments.

An NGO can have different legal forms: association, cooperative foundation, among others, but
they never seek financial gain, but rather they are entities that are based on volunteering and that
try to improve some aspect of society.

NGOs are usually financed through the collaboration of citizens from state contributions and their
own generation of income through the sale of items or the organization of events.

Most of the NGOs began by professing criticism directed at their governments regarding the
commitments and obligations that they had with respect to Third World countries.

In conclusion, it is these organizations that in developed countries make their population aware of
the problems that affect development and this is materialized through the changes that took place
with respect to the forms of aid, for example there is greater dedication to the realization of micro
projects for Third World countries whose purpose is to lay the foundations for a more
autonomous and lasting development.

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