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Edina Kurtovic

Assignment - Making Inferences

Course title:

      Critical thinking and Business ethics

Title of the assignment:

      Assignment 4

Submitted by:       Edina Kurtovic

Matriculation Number(s):      1910734011


Lecturer: Dr. Mag. Christin Vallinkoski MA

Institution: Lauder Business School

Hofzeile 18-20
1190 Wien

Vienna,      05.04.2020.

Edina Kurtovic
Assignment - Making Inferences

10 Inferences

1. This is an old photograph in black and white of the country side.

2. There are four buildings on it in the distance. It is probably where the persons
in the picture live.
3. It seems that the man has plowed the land with help of the horse.
4. It seems that they are done with the plowing and are resting now.
5. It is sunny.
6. The man has taken of his shirt, he is possibly hot from the sun and work.
7. The horse is white and has horse equipment on it.
8. In the distance in front of the buildings there are a man and a horse who also
appear to be plowing the land.
9. The woman who is standing and leaning on a three has a bigger stomach. It
could be the case that she is pregnant. She seem to be enjoying the sun.
10. The other female is going to read.

This looks like a drawing or photograph in black and white. The picture is showing
the life on the country side. There are four buildings in the distance, it could be
where their barn or house is located. On the picture there are two men that might
have been or still are plowing the land. Conceivably, with the help of the horses,
because I assume that they couldn’t have done it on their own on a land of this
size. It appears to be hot and sunny, because the man has taken of his shirt and
the other two woman are also wearing short sleeved clothes and no one has a
jacket on. The horse is probably white compared with the tan of the man beside
him. One woman is standing and leaning on a three with her hands laying on her

Edina Kurtovic
Assignment - Making Inferences

stomach. Her stomach is bigger (Kurtovic, 2020). One could suspect that she is
pregnant. She has a long dress with short sleeves. She has a scarf on her head
that is tied on the back of her head.
“The other female is on the left side of the picture. Her head is turned to the right.
She has a shirt with sleeves reaching under her elbows. She has a bow around
her collar. The collar has small dots alongside the edge of the collar. She is also
wearing a skirt. She is holding 2 objects in her hand that look like books or
notebooks”(Kurtovic, 2020). It suggests that she is going to school or going to

Edina Kurtovic
Assignment - Making Inferences


1. Kurtovic, E. (2020). WA3_SFBA_Kurtovic.

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