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2, 1753 BU. (A) 2 WATER SERVICES INDUSTRY ACT 2006 Waren Servtens Diousray (Pranic, Desens [Constavcrion oF Sewreace Syste AND SErtIc TaXk) "RoUss 2073, Port Con and commencemsat Imerpreation ‘Aplcation of Ras Responsibility of developer Faneingprocederes fr ceveoome Condon fr peprtion of swe planing Anolon foe approval of severgepasing Amendment 9 reneate planing ‘Aproval of sera planing Vatey period for approval of sewerage sansing Paci ‘Conlon oe preparation af design -Arplicton for aproal of ds PU. (A) 214. 1134 4 1s 2, 2 B a 25 26 ‘Competent person to amend design Approval of design Velliy ped or apes of éesign Par V Commencement of contin [Compliance dcing conststion ection by the Comision Samples for esting Nae for commencenent of constcion af t2eige works Notice lay open works one of ie a Notice fr commencement of contraction of septic ak works Notice o completion of sep ttk works Pose vt Intend inpeton Nose of fia inspection Sanender of land and way leave 1738 RU. (A) 214. ‘our? eof Cotes 27 ever of coaurmanea for sewerage wks a spi tank WoHES Paar Vk 28. Handing er of renerge ster, 29. Operation and misenance of sera stem before nig ver 30. Deets iabiiy peed owt VL 31. Respoity of compete penn 32, Oblightn of competent peton 33. Change of competent peso0 ase 35. Payne of fos for sewerage planing mproval 36. Payse of fet fr design approval 57. Paymen’ of fet fr comment of sewerage works 38. Payment of es for inemedte nseton 39. Paymeet of es for final inspection Somes: 1 BW. (A) 21 1756 LWATER SERVICES INDUSTRY ACT 2006 Wa SepversIusay (Puno, Dison 10 ConemcTON oF ‘Stance Seno so Sere ase) Reus 2013, ‘xecit ofthe powers conferred by pag 18(n) and) te Water Sees Infusty Act 006 [Ac 09], the Cision maketh FOWing 1.) Thee sles maybe cite oth Water Seeviws Indsty (Planing, ‘Baan and Contretn of Serge Sytem a Septic Tank) Rules (2) These Roles come into operation on 1 aly 2013, terre 2 Inthe Ras wet the cost there regis — Sarit” ans any person wh i essed ws law iallone to peace ot eay on busines as an ace or mean he felevan forms ot i th Guielines Guides” means he Malaysian Sewerage duty Geils seed by te Comite clang ny tones Horio Hom ine to tie soon” means «pean who epoa 4pfeioa age Ute sawed to peste or ea oe utes oto “sewerage wor” mess (a) any constucio,insalition,eprndng. eubishment. aeration, ‘Steins iconocions elacuen ot Ceig up of sewerage ‘pm indie mal severap pe cme erage () constion of «conection to user ‘epic unk works" meas ay constuction, installation, cefubishent sherton, mdiction, devmminoning or mioeaton of sept tank 8 {ny part eet. 137 Po (a) 214. competat person” meus + person who i qualified 0 abet sewerage ‘soning abd design, superviae te consracon avalon. tertng and Inipectis ofthe sewerage woct or sep tank work paral se ut "he Sebel Is “vovenge develop pla” mea deel plane incorpedting te med i eset ofthe development ond improvement of aera sem and ‘eases ora exng sewerge sem prepared by aiken ad approved sewerage cachet pla” mean plans formating the policy. aeay and pene proposals pepued bythe Commision to aes the severe repstereé tiie douse” forthe purpose of these Rules mean ny bling deusghsman whois tepisteed unt the Teevat laws of Natasa: developer” means say person or govemeatagtey that engeet is oe cairo or andes proves Sie for developing sewerage wake rep tac wens permit toler” means any person iesued with permit IPA Type 1a on Type C nds th, Watey Services Indust (Porn) les 2067 (eu, cay ssu00r) town pam” meant ny pra wo epee tv pam uder any lw eating he elton fw plans a Malaysia why onder {i ewe allowed © pracice a eary on Doses asa torn ples, renege pltsne” mean he separ together With plane detiling the locaton vost nd rangement of Senerage works or septic tak wos ‘ying or anes opltion fo emetic mates from set ie ele ‘ideal, commercial and dutta Ht contabute ow 1 Be seerge plimnag pocedues” meats prsstucs polls and galdlaes seed bythe Conan fm ine fn ean plating fever desiga” means the detiled design, pla, caleulaton, drawing and speciation: standards” meses aay Malaysin standards, trations standart, pstcation and coes of practice coped By he Common PU. (A) 24 158 Parr Application o ales 3. These Roe clase be aplabew any submision mae or ewerge Sct tak vss a comme lhe ois a fore esponsibility of deveoper 4.1) The developer (a) wenge pinning ad design of sewerage orks and sep tank snk are propane in accordance with ese Rees (0) somenge planing snd devign of sevcnge works ad rope an ‘tik re ubmited by «compete pon 10 te Comision for ot (c) corcton of the sewerage works ae carried out by permit nce tha the (a) persion ofthe sewerage works nl septic nk Was are ered ‘om y competent ptm: and (6) deveaymenis in accordance with sereage developmen pen if here IS twerge develo las Yorke developers evelyn: (2) A developer wt file to comply with paragraph (140), cf) committe eleace td ta om Sono, beable io Ei ao ‘ceding tee hundred howsand nga or foam intone for ater so excesiag one yea or bth, (2) The developer stall be responsible fr he payment of he fo iui sander Pa Planning proceure for development ‘The Camminica may Sue pinning pocedars for any developmen 8 fous (4) seer genet fo pning of severest aod wpe (0) reared citer forte sgn of ewernge works api (Sere vo comply ih (© covonmesaldschage sands st (Geese of the aeerige cnn ae: 1759 at (A) 214, (e) megraion of semerag lamin ihe sewerage nyse exten, find ner ectcon fre we Shp Paci onions for preparation of Semerage planning 6. (1) The sewerage plunning for sewerage works Septic tk work shall te pepred ie copance wa (a) planing proce: (by Guieize: ane (e) sewerage catchnent pla 0) Whee thee is a sewerage developmen pan forthe develope usc, te severge planing fr sewerage wks or spe fenk wo Sl ‘te prepared frber fo comply with be hd eee developmen pan (6) The sewerage planing for seeape wks or sep tk works shall be pepe taka int comcaton the alii (a) the nye! an ction ofthe sewer aye o septic tsk; (0) he overal project development lyon (o) te ype of ev age wesnent process (a) te conection pot the existing eweragt nyse (ey the postion of ad aces to sverige aise; 0 ‘Miuorbinge tame noveage oes yo ppd Trovage ects er sope ok work (e) te Stage pin for Weed ef (0) Staats; a (1 ny tomato documents a he Cones ay ree Alston fr approval of sewerage planing 17, The compute peron shall py tthe Commision for the sprovat ai genetage planing Tor sewerage works or seplc tank wortt y (6) 5 iy spate orm fot apion fr sverige paog (0) writen comet rom te omer of the Ian where the severee Spite or the Sele ak il be contre ane 1 (A) 214. 1760 (6) any dacamet rept, eka o ter elev parc ‘rinformaton cndorl by te comptst pen snd ued by ‘he Commision Amendment to senerage planing (1) The Commiesion may nse writen nace othe compet pesos 1 tive te sewerge planing an Jsbmit he eendedsewerne plane (0 the Comenacion fo aprva (2) The competent yonoe stall eabmit the umended sewerage planing 1 the Commies for approval wii sx ots flow th sumer ofthe ‘ite nace ener se 0). ©) Any sewerage planing rnbnited er than six maa fom he inane of he ten aoce unser srl) sal be ened a 4 ek sbenston of sewerage planing for spre Approval of sonerage planing 2 Common may wove te saw ain Be tend fe fone roel of revenge Husain, iy ered foro 10. (1 The aproval forthe sewerage planing eval for tem of 0 ‘entre die te approval i need by the Conmsion @) Any application to exo the valiiy period of the approval (or fhe expiry of sch vay pee (2) The Commission may extend the valty prod ofthe sewerage pluoning approval for seston deemed necaaty by the Crmisin nd ‘sy Impose rer conto. (4) Any sahinion extend he vty prio ofthe eproved sewerage pinning shall be deemed at fresh saison when the sabmission (6) fo he vale perio forthe approval expe or (0) tes than thee moth foe te exp ofthe ray pre 1761 PU(A) 214. Par [Conitons for preparation of design “The design for sewerage work and sep tak works sll eprepaed in compliance wih te fo) Stasis (0) Guides: fe) sewsrage pinning epproved by the Commision recess Appliation for approval of design 12, () Toe design for sencrage wou or sept nk otk shal be submited and approved bythe Commision cing the ait pets of fe appeared ‘emerge plana (2) The competent pron shal ppt he Commision fr te approval of deign fr soerage wens see tank nore By sebng (a) day ample Fas for aplication for deen apo () a copy of tbe projector development planing apoval fom te ‘eleva lel ploning atone, (6) plan endorsed by the competent pon ad the develope; (a) dsigeeaclatons endosed by the competent person; and (e) such eter informacion oF document asthe Commision may rei ‘Competent person to amend design 12, The Commision ay is «writen ice othe competent prion tocmend the design an setbmithesmended design othe Comussion fer (2) The competent person shall ceeuhmit the amended design 10 the Commision fo approval within ix month frente sane the wie Sodce ender subnte (2) Any sign serum ner tam sin mth from te issn ofthe writen oie seer sobre (1) shall be deemed at ech sobmilon of PU. (A) 204. 82 Approval of design 13. The Commision may approve the design ot the amended design and Vale period fr approval o esen 15. (1 the approval for design i vali or a uration of two yar Fors the die‘ sme of he approve y the Common 2) Any aplication w extend he ality pei of he serv fr design (©) Toe Commission my exten he vy psd of th sin pov and may spore aro contons Any stiinon to extend the valley prod ofthe approved sien shall be deemed teh sabinoa whee ti aban I ae” (a) ae the valiy pei for he approval has expired: oF () nyt lees an hee mon eloe the eapey of te alii ee ‘Commencemest of canstrton 16. (1 The constuction of the sewerage orks o sep tank Wook shall ommcoce ding ne vay period a the apeoved desis (2) Ie sewerage wort othe sei nk nos do nt commence within ‘ne vay pci f the approved design for sch wort, the compet fro shal Fane aptcaton for preva of cwerge pln sad {stn in aecodane with hee Rule before commencing ssc wots Compliance during construction 17. (1) Ayrton who unde the contraction ofthe swerne wt aad sept anor al comply wi (a) the approved sewerage plaoing and ei: (0) Gaielies 1763 PU. (A) 214. (ey Stands st (4 an ier cntions tilted ty the Comision 2nd er elvant hori (2) Any developer, competent peton oe conractr who fit to copy wih the Snr ete etestucon of te sewerage work e sepoe ek ‘ris ommut a offence tnd shall on coin be late to ie mt ‘eating one handed hound rng or © imprzonnent ft em ot Inspection by the Commision 18, (1) The Commision o ay petson etbtised by 1 Commision may Oy he Comminioe (2) The compet person all cary out ay recifienin noted bythe (9) The competent person shall nots the Commision in wring apo commletos of te recuewen Samples for testing 19. (1) The Commision or any person autoises by the Commision sal te permite Wo trench ample of the mails ud te snc Sf fowerape wars as ny he deemed neceary bythe Commie fo ‘xing (2) Any cont inured by the Commision for ttng of te stern shal be bome bythe develpe (2) The Commitiosorany pecan suai bythe Como hal te ile for any lose, dsge orcas de fo ang sich Semper purse to subele oper ‘Nai foe commencement of contraction of sewerage works 20 (1) Tre competent penoe stall ny the Conmisioe of (a) the commencement ofthe conection of sewerage Woks ad (0) edits conection pubic rover or pai zevage ttt ‘woke it Eoonrecton wore nie 5) nner ew at omer or poblicewsge wetment wots, B.C. (A) 214. 1768 "he Comosnsion teat fourteen days poor tothe proposed commence: (he of he comtion (2) Te folowing ecuent sal e submited the Commision oster sith te a or ete of commencement of works fo al seni Sek ‘rcpt forsewerage wos nvling nly consti of oon tg ie ser or for cow neo sno (a) on copy of the deed strut plans of te senerage works ‘niin he require fo the foundation and Sabi together ‘ha lege copy of te dig clclaton the For fo eae ‘bev plas sod dergncleiaon: xd (0) ne copy of he deed eiecia desgs, mecheial desian and Aasings othe severage Wer nsalitin Inthe Fore fr als Snr ele sgn, mechanical design ahd drawings. (2) The compet person o any pens who commesces the consction senerage vor ele song the Commision of uch comstin inet ‘cha commis a face an sal on easton be able one or exceed one funded hvsané egg Neti to ay open works 21, Tae Commission may inte ate inthe Fora ty open wets, fay penton wa fr nots the Commining acer sabe 2%) before ‘ommeacig the constction of teverage works fo dig tt ino Tay apn, ‘ay ot ay necestary wos, To ea own te works aay be deed ctor) By the Commissions the persons own east and within a dation {ecied by he Commionocnble te Comammton oa person utd bye Commision tapers Sewerage werk ug otie for commencement of construction of sept tank works 221) Te coptent pect sl oy he Comino ote consmance nest ‘ft comtacion sf cp ank work in Foe for mie a Srameesent ‘ot wocts Teast Fsieen ys pit tothe proposed corsoencement dat of | (2) The sompetent personae ay pron ho commences te coseaton sep tn ork befor noting the Coon of such onset det “sae (1) somite an offence and halon convicdon be table oa fine ot exceehy iy thousand ng 1165 BU. (A) 214, Notice of completion of septic tank works 23. The competent peso shall declare it the Form for declaration of| ‘erwin of tpi tank mk hate as pra the etc te works tnd loge the sid Pom ine Commisin spa the completion of the Spe ak works Par v1 ete aero of eee te Interedite eapecton 24 (1) The compte person salty the Commision wher the sewerage ‘tts wil be ey fo needa speci the orm ot ntermeite 2) The compte pron hall spervse the intemedae inspection of the ewerge mors ol cue Gat te smenge weds coegee a (a) the approved sewsiage planing and dese (6) Ouitins (6) Standards: and (4) any conditions spats by te Conmision. (6) The Commision o¢ any pra assed by the Commission ay witness the ltemedite inspection of the pverage works ah may soe ‘tes nlc tthe compete person Wiis furecr days host te dle ot recrpt of the Fore fer itrmedteiapction nailing the competent eon restfy any nomconplnce of he tperoved sewerage planing tod sign or any provision of thse Rules With Garton spled by the (@) The compote peso hl yon the etieaton och me-complags solly the Commision a wring of such recteaon (5) A record ofthe Inermedate inspection nd any oe testing requ forthe sewerage war sl be prepare ad ped by the competent pron Sno sichvesord thal be sabe to the Commision ponte competion ‘the ieee Inspection BU. (A) 214. 17665, Notice of fia inspection 25. (1) Upon he completion ofthe sewers works, the competent person Shall of he Commision othe cate for nal inspection othe wewecage ‘rts by submiting fo he Commision the llowng dctnent fo) the Form for fia inspection: (@) docamens specie inthe Gules; and {0 any infomation o dcumets egeted by the Comision (2) Tee Commision ot ay person antaisd by the Commission sal witness the final sper and yes I'dens neces aoe wen ‘ice tote copetet pronto recy ety om compliance of he sppoved Seerage planing ad design or ny proviso a these Rules wii Toutes ay from he dt o en ofthe For fr fia inspection 9) The competent pecsan shall upon tees of rach or compliance, ‘ntfs tae Commision ir wing of soc reaeatioey resenting Tbe (a) cry tat the defects oti the Commission a been etek (b) sty the dete thatthe sewerage works wil Be ready for tn (6) A recor af he Fal nection able grepared and sg by te the completion ofthe fa npn Surrender of land and way lave 26, (1) The developer af new development ho has consraed a serge ‘scm o part of te system at fo be Bande ove to seviee ence ‘de secon 37 of the Aet shall opeter wih he Form for he approve tt design of the serage Ws sabe bythe competent peso, seb ‘oveetry poof ws ances ta alle necessary eps of scons Teor anette Nato Land Code [Ae 5/1985) or any ter rien Ibs have ben taken or complied with by ts developer inuding for ay ‘provi te baie hd fs odes payable unde such In, for the ‘render of tke Ind where the sewerage syse or pat of te tem se Ince ote Sate Atri 2) Upeo the serge syste or pat of fe sytem being handed over unde section 7 of the Act abd por tothe empltion of seer of te land where the wewsrge sytem o pat of he tem sci fo the State [Athi be developer sal rm or case one permit the eens {over the ld and camry oot any Teas. mrading oF refrbitment f such stem. 1761 BU. (ay 214, (2) Wher any pa of he ewerage system cota by be developer on eat ad. sn way lene secre by te develope ia lin ch tend sal be assened in perpen othe seve iene. coupe ef oii [eter of confirmation for nmerage works and epic tk werk 27 (1) Subp sobule 2), te Comision may sue ate of cotati, {econo tha the etic of campance may be Saud fore seers torte orth sp tank wake wher (o) vio fhe om of dectaraion of upervin of ep ak works ‘bythe compete peo for Septic tank works: or (0) Sia iaspcton of sewerage works weed by he Comision, (2) The Commission may int eter of confiomaton if te Comision ati 0 (a) the sowerage wars oh sete ink works has Beem conse in (0) the developer an the competent perion have complied Wi the ‘teins tmpoued by the Conia arr Vi Handing ove of sewerage stern 28 (1) Ujon se snc of the cetiete of compan of «the severage Sem oe pat the stm by a ied person nae econ 47 9 the ‘Ate develpe of new development sal ply othe Caisionin ke Fors for fund ove he Sewerage ote 0 hand ove he sewerage sem oF pr of the sytem 6 te sevice ene, (2) The sevice lense sal aecept the Handing over ofthe Seerge spe rp reac aru pb ener en we (a) the severge sytem part ee bs een completed ad every (0) he approves sewerage plsnng and approved design conus Imposed bythe Comasson Caielins and Standart ae consid Pw. (A) 214. 1768 ‘Operation and maintenance of sewerage system before handing over 2. Unil te sewerage system is haaded over a serve ese under ‘con 47 ofthe Ast the developer ofa new development sll (o) be response case the sewerage system and al pr thereat open and ital () sake good any damage ordefect the sonerage ter al pate (6) ae a sae pore tees. nd ect sntacs forthe sewerage yen an ll Defects abiity period 20,1) Upon nanaing ove of be sewerage syste prt ofthe system ner ‘imposed un the ceelpe fort dation of che enone fhe date ct naming overt the sie ces, (@) The developer sl povide guaran dint fest ped cof tbe Senerege tat and ne gusrane shal be lodged wl he eri lence when the copa posonsubats he Form fo sl inpeton to ‘8 Comminsos (2) Th amount of he guraice sl be fv prent of the eat ofthe sepcoge ent ned ne Be npr ker so fe (4 The guna abe se ithe for fen gstnie wich sal be vai for plod of een mont fromthe date of banda eet of Ge Socrge systems tothe sevice come (5) The guaance sal te scuity and not a payent advance and sai tt elev the developer tom any iby weer sobre (6 (6) repaired iin he ects ity perio or ay defen, Imperfections or ay other fue whaorver wich nu tppeat or ih at ‘eto mmeraih or goo ox workaehip notin acorance it theapproved Scwergepumsing and desig, Guidelines and Sanda he sec ean ‘hall mmesilyoaty te developer andthe develope shal ary at te (2) Taoughou te defects ality pest the develope als oanderake the reused thin Fenty one ays on the ace te service iene the sie Hens may ener sch rp An cot of puns eulng om say defects. inpertetss ot any ‘iter fos ‘under srl (6) shal be secetrbie bye seve lense By oiage he bank poaamerTodged wih the sevice Tcemee unde shee 1769 BU. (A) 214 (9) teach epi cot exceeds he amount of bank suc provie, te exces shal be Weave by he serie lens Hoste develo is ‘hy day eo sch ution of te uate, (40) Wee a task pnrance fae been liad by the service lense vader sata (8). the developer sa, within thirty dyn fom te Sie of ‘ch ulation renure anon ofthe bank fusrnee to erare {BS amount of te Dink rasranne sal bear refed nde bel ©), (11) Upon expo he tank suszante reed in subrle (the bak soiranie shall be cancelled ue deding anno wich ma be de ar Vi esponsibility competent person 31, The competent person submting the design for approval fom the (a) consrction slain od nipection ofthe sewerage works or Sep tank oss athe competion of Sach wor: a (0) performance of seerage works ote septa woes. Otigaton of competent person 32. (1) A compet person peprng the sewerage planning or design for Sewerage works of sepia Wea Sl tere sewerage planning ad be design ate in comple wits he (8) tat he plans, cleltins report, dt records ober lene ‘document und for purpons of ning approval forte toweage anno esign tom the Commission arena ale In wae fos (2) Any compet eon endeking the sspevson of cnstoton and Jason of te sewerage moka orp tank Woes hl enue tha the ‘Woks ae a copie Wid (te provisions ofthe Ac ané these Roles: (0) we sewerage planning abd design approved by te Commision {ooling any contin: imposed by te Coo: ane (e) Osidtines and Standards PU. (A) 214, 170 (3) Aty prion who fl to comply with sexe (1) or 2) commits an ste an shal o convcin, te Labo ie mt exeedng two wd ‘tournd rina oto smpasonment for tem nt steels Jou 1 oh (4) No competent pesos pon conviction of ny fence ander hee constetion of vewerage works or septic tank works, (5) A prta who contravenes srl (0) commits end once a bl ‘on conviction. be lable ow fine ot exceeding fo huned Gowan ge ro impsonnet fra tran not exceding wo yes 0 hth Change of competent person 53 (1) fa compton perton cae cary ate dais eres to he ‘energe won othe sept nk wok in deel he Seep shall ify the Conmsion wie fouseen dye om the dle of cb cession or date (2) To developer sal as von a puaicile appoint enter competent pen Sn sly the Commission n wring of sch appsiinen (9) The sewerage works or he spi tank works sal rot continu wt he new competent person it ppomted by the develope thd tt suc ‘ppoinment fe develope shall Be responsible t fake ll sey measures for sch wots (4) The new compete person apoiiedparant to srle shall unlerake fal responsi Ter te sgn, stperaison of te eenttion, Installatie, ispewion and pefosance of the sewerage wok oe pc ‘ak wid nda te al ale ew ome oct Inspection and performance of the works abity of competent person 34. Nowitstandag ay approval nspeton orciteaionby he Cision ‘pasa to thse Rules, the competent peso sal be hall repost forthe design, quay of constuction and atlas o the aewerge work ‘ne the epi tank wrk ané shal remain able for any’ tects o nae ithe deg consructon end insalaton of he soveage wks ax rps tone works incleding efecto fue in ueatent grea and sts] sau. im PU. (A) 214, 55. (1) ay penon when sabiting the Fon for spliaton for sewerage piseing approval for sewerage works or aeptc tnt work oll py the fatowing te (a) the fee for septic tank 4 specifi in calms (2) of Pat | of Schedule? in accordance tote sue of development specie om (0) of Part Lf Shee 2, 1b) the efor sage conection a pie inclu 2) of Pa of Schedule 2 in sccondace tothe iat of develope! speci i olen (1) of Pa Tf Sebel 2 fo) the fe for sewer netuk as speed In colamn(2) of Pat of Schodate 9 'nscordance to te sae of development see fa alum (1) of Pa I of Schedule 2 (4 he oe for pumping mation seid colem (2) of Pat V af Schedule 2m secordance te size of developnent specie i Solu (1) af Par IV a Seda 2: and (oe ts tc sewage not la ci nel) of Specie inclu (1) of Pat V 0 Scheie 2 @) The fee pid forte sbiston of semeage plating fo he approval ‘ofthe Commition nlues tial sebetanon and fit ress fe ‘Sewerage plating for severge works and spe Hak Works. (2) The same moat offer he fe for inl sbi wil be inposed {or etry second esbision the sewerage Pasieg tothe Common {ort approval f te Common (&) Any ssbmission 10 the Comaisson for approval of anssdmet 10 hing fer such sewerge planing ns Been aponed 9y Be {Commision sal be deemed a sh tabmsion ae these tot of {ets he fr for iil sebmanion shal be impores. Payment of fe for design approval 236. (1) Any perion when sbmiting the Form fr application for design ‘poral for Roverage works or septic tank wrks abl pay the following ca (o) te fee for septic tank as sped in column (3) of Pet 1 of ‘Sheatie 7 masons th tre ot Sevlophee pete ix cola () of Pat 1 0fSeedule 2: BU. (A) 214. ma (0) the eo singe coaocion a specie inclu (3) of Pat To ‘Siedule 2 in cconance to the sit of dvelopmest specified ole) of Pa of Shee 2 (othe fe for seer network as speed in cola (3) of Pat of Scheu 2 in secondans tote ef develops pec ohm () of Par Il of Ssh (a) te fe oe pumping station sped i oar (3) of Pat 1 of. Sthele 2 in eetdance toe sie of evlopmest secidn folema 1) of Pa IV of Sede ae (the te for sewage weatment pants seid in elma @) of lr of Scholae 2 in atddence toe sae of develope ‘peed incon (tof Pat V of Sede 2. (2) The fe pu forthe sahenision of design forthe approval of the CComnissis tclaer init sobmision aod fet sesubmiiono he design for severage work or sete tank wo (2) The sane amount of fee at the fe fr smi ssbinsen willbe pred forever) second retomiain ofthe decir othe Canis Cor the moval of be Commission (4) Any mtmision he Coominion oars fanendmen tn design ter sch Sesign has ben approve by te Coon hl detrei freh abso sot the sate fee are fe forte al svn sl Payment of ft for commencement of seneage works 37._Anypeeon when sobiting eer Fam for aoeuon of cmmencement ‘oF sewerage works sl py ae following fe (e) the fe fo single conestion specified in alr (2 of Par of ‘Sthedle? in score to e se of devspment speci i foloes (I) of Pat Io Sch 2: (0) he fee for sewer network as specified in cluma (4) of Par of ‘Schedule? in scordaae f those of developmen pected In cline (1) of Pat If of Sebel 2 (c) the fe for pampig sation specif in column of Par LV of Schedule 2m arconane othe sg of develope eed alma (1) of Pa IV of Schade 2: a (4) the fe fr seunge wesinet plata specified in eolame () of Par V of Schedule 3 i actnance tote see of etlopmest specie in eam (1) of Pat V of Sebeule 2 ims PU. (A) 214, Payment of fer for Interment inspection 38. 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