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EGYPT INDEPENDENT US, Australia, India, Japan discuss China’s growing power ‘TOKYO (AP) — Japan's new Prime Minister Yoshii said Tuesday at a meeting with the US and other diplomats swonaaoo US Atl, ea Jape cus Ch’ ig amare that their "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" initiative, a concest to ‘counter China's growing assertiveness, is more important than ever amid challenges from the coronavirus pandemic. “The foreign ministers from the Indo-Pacific nations known as the Quad group — the US, Japan, India anc Australia — were gathering in Tokyo for their first in-person talks since the coronavirus pandemic began. ‘The international community faces multiple challenges as it tries to resolve the pandemic, and "This is exectly why right naw its time that we should further deepen coordination with as many countries as possible that share our vison,” Suga said He took office on Sept. 16, vowing to carry on predecessor Shinzo Abe's hawkish security and diplomatic stance, Abe was a key driving force behind promoting the FOIP, which ‘Suga called "a vision of peace and prasperty ofthis region” {and pledged to pursue the effort. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne, Indian Minister of External Affairs ‘Subrahmanyam Jalshankar, and thelr Japanese counterpart, oshimitsu Motegi, were to hold their own session, without ‘Suga, later Tuesday. Pompeo earlier met with his three counterparts separately and shared their concerns about China's Increasing influence in the region, while reaffirming the importance of cooperation ‘among those sharing the concerns, on pyieeprtrtzaivausilrdejoer seca cirenonhse! swonaaoo US Atl, ea Jape cus Ch’ ig amare Pompeo in his talks with Payne shared concerns about ‘China's malign activity in the region,” while agreeing on the importance for the Quad discussions to "the promotion of peace, security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific," according to the State Department. Japan's Motegi held a working lunch session with Pompeo ‘and expressed hope that Japan and the US will lead the international society to achieve the FOIP. Pompeo welcomed Suga’s recent description ofthe Free and (Open Indo-Pacific and that "I could not agree him more.” On nis way to Tokyo, Pompeo told reporters that the four Countries hope to have some “significant achievements” at the meeting, but did not elaborate Japanese officials say they will discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, as well asthe FOIP initiative for ‘greater securty and economic cooperation that Japan and the US have been pushing to bring together "ike-minded” countries that share concerns about China's growing assertiveness and influence, “The talks come weeks ahead of the US presidential election ‘and amid tensions between the US and China over the virus, trade, technology, Hong Kong, Taiwan and human rights. Pompeo is attending the Quad meeting, though he canceled subsequent planned visits to South Korea and Mongolia after President Donald Trump was hospitalized with COVID-19, “The president was released Monday and returned to the White House. on pyieeprtrtzaivausileraejoer seca cirenonhse! swonaaoo US Atl, ea Jape cus Ch’ ig amare “The talks follow a recent flareup in tensions between China and India over their disputed Himalayan border, Relations between Australia and China have also deteriorated in recent months. Japan, meanwhile, is concerned about China's claim to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, called Diaoyu in China, inthe East China Sea. Japan also considers China's growing military activity to be a security threat. Japan's annual defense policy paper in July accused China of unilaterally Ccranging the status quo in the South China Sea, where it has built and miltarized manmade islands and is assertively pressing its claim to virtually all of the sea’s key fisheries and waterways, ‘Suga, who had been chief Cabinet secretary under Abe, told Japanese media on Monday that he will pursue diplomacy based on the Japan-US allance as a cornerstone and “strategically promote the FOIP,” while establishing stable relations with neighbors including China and Russia. He sald he also plans to promote the FOIP during a planned Visit to Southeast Aste later this month. Japan sees the FOIP as crucial to have access to sea lanes all the way to Middle East, a key source of oil for the resource- poor island nation. ‘Suga has ite experience in diplomacy. Balancing between the US, Japan’s main security ally, and China, its top trading partner, will be tough, analysts say. on pyieeprtrtzaivausilrdejoer seca cirenonhse! swonaaoo US Atl, ea Jape cus Ch’ ig amare Japan hopes to regularize the Quad foreign ministers talks {and broaden their cooperation with other countries. But each Quad member has its own political stance toward China anc it would be difficult to agree on concrete steps even though they share perception of China as a common threat, analysts say. By MARI YAMAGUCHI Image: Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, right, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, let, greet prior to their meeting atthe prime minister's office in Tokyo, Tuesday, Oct 6, 2020, ahead of the four Indo-Pacific nations’ foreign ministers mesting. (Charly Triballeau/Pool Photo via AP) on pyieeprtrtzaivausilrdejoer seca cirenonhse!

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