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Python Course By Wael Mrabet

Commands | What they refer to / mean

print ( " TEXT " ) | To write text or symbols

print ( " TEXT " *10) | To Multiply the text you wanna write

Variable = Value | To identify a variable and give it a value

input("TEXT") | writeln('TEXT')

var = input ("text") | writeln('TEXT') readln(var)

var[0] | first character of the variable

len(var) | gives the length of the variable

var.upper/lower | string method

var.find('L') | find the first occurance of the letter

var.replace('TEXT1' , 'TEXT2') | replace the first text by the second text

2 ** 3 | 2 power 3

True / False | not true / false or TRUE/FALSE

if var: | if variable ( boolean ) is true

else: | if it is not

elif: | if it is not + an other condition

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