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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 SERRE AID 0 savoceirro ommzos ooinromers 1s To various "onittoos for Ala to Donscratic Greeeot which ave boon organizing in Eastern and Wostorn Baropo 4n the coures of ihe post sevorsl nonthe have roccntly boon integrated through an ‘Wintornntioriel Co-ordination Comittes! established in Paris by the International: Conference for MA¥o Wuocratse- 20 - 11 Apri 1948). "sece \Parts, Thoss orpntzations are yunyertedly co eh the prow med only vision of relief (fooM, clothing, an? nediend aupolios) to the Grecie robole, ani although It {e elnar thet their natn etentficnnes Lice tn tho conventional olde of public aid ant propacnuta, Lt te possible that, as tn the caso of the crgmteations establiehsd 1n 1996 toad the Spanish Loyalists, such’ clandsstine cbjectives ae the rectultuent of oluntoors ei the channeling of funte and amie to the OP OF 0 leo dnvolreds 25X16 106} + Prior ta the Intomstionnl Conferenen for Aa to Denoeratic Greccs, & soriog of nettonAl coantttcos were fore in Eastern ond Wostera Europes Yagoodaviar A "Gomi ttoe for the collection of foot nn ci An Bolarate on 18 Jamory 1948, Djupo Selaj, Rasaisnetrain’ president of tho Contral Comitttce of the Twgoslev Worker'e Unton ie chaimomn, oni its eccrctory 1p Itil™m Soqlanovieh, ehatrman of tho Serb Poot ané Uriterg’ issoctations Price to Jonuary 1948, 1t yas allogod thet thore ovisted @ "arom for tho Ais to Donsorncicgh in Selgrada, ont thot Professor Potros Koiwlde was appointed by the rebel enter ifurkos fas the Crecic roprosentative to the barom, vhtlo one Hozyrritn Foxopnoulos vas appotntes Kolelie! doputye not Folend: A WPrionts of Douperatie Groves Society," unter tho fatmisuship of Wladielrw Sroncweicl, ua’ sponsored, according to the Colaforn journal, by Morcrntic parties, pubite Bodice end cultural oremiizations," van reported ce golicit= ing funtee wngery: Tho Mlatfonal Gounkttoe for ALA to th Grocee™ otatod in an official report that by 1948, 49} nfliton forinte hed boon contritas Aunente: A ctutlar cormittes say exist in ansniay 29 Couinforn reports stated that workers eaployed 4a santuze- Approves rOPRESHE ci. noere.oersRo00 00100004 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 —SERE tho of1 industey contributed a half day's yagoe to the Greek fund; aotsl and textile vorsera in ® Bacharest factory geve over 2,000 uetres of fabric, snd personkel fat a loconotive plant vorked 75,000 hours overtine contributing their overtine pay to the Greek fund. set up in srusseles: fas an overt countttee concemed largely vith fund raising and collecting clothes and food. This comnittes also ent two delegates to the "International Conforence fer 442 to Denoeratic Greece" in Paris (see below) bs a clandestine comtttee which hee hold four seotings in Brugcele ond 1e reportedly formuleting plane for re~ erultwent of personnel to go to Greece. San Herescne (co/ep eisiua, communist ceputy) presided over threo of the four npctings at waieh the Zolloving pointe were discussed: Ls AIL ala to Groveo met bo channolod through the central office of the OP in Ports. 2, Antoine Fornentes (Spanish delegate) apeerted that fornor nenbors of tho Spanieh Internstional Brigade would respond te rocrultnont effort 5, Joan do Quant whe appointed to ge to France as iatson with the corresponding Franch grap. 4s Gollan Communists Plorre Mazein, Jecn do Cuonty ond Leonard Hanolyeis wore cloctod 46 be responetbl? for fundse 5. Yonoe of volunteors to recruit for "ntomsttonal Brigndas" in Greece wore tain ‘he Bolglan cont ttoe purportodly neintaine relations vith a sintlar conaitico in Ttaly. On 8 ley 1948 tho folloving persone were roported ae having boon sont to Ttaly to com oriinate the work of the Zolgian and Ttallan com ttees: Antoine Laurent (CP 3elgiun) Philippe Dogoyser (Suspected uonber of OP Belgiun) Yoractuoren, (Za) Franco: the Hooaite Franeake DtALde « 16 Greco Dosocratique," HIS Bie Lufayotte, Paris, ie headed ty Joan Oulnebert, president, and Conminict, lindeleins Braun, Secretary Goncred. Ena lottcr adareseod to Juan Santos Rivera, Secretary General of O2/Puerto Rito, ‘mviting the party to sent delo~ gites to tho Interattiontl Conferenco for Ad £9 Croveo, Following voro Iistod 2s honorary proeidente of tho Comittee: Bloneotrt, Pse Duro, Balle aching Marcel (60 ané Politburo, GP Francs) Cot, Flore Cotton, Atzo Dihrageny Charlee do le Tigerie, Didsticr (Director of Liberation) Duchono, ree Gabriclie Bluse, Poul Foltot-curio, Fe Jourtuin, Fraacie artinedhmaftiery Bronant, liaresl {altomnvte nosber of CO, subatitute outer of Politiure, GP Franco) Walon, Honrt oa Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 SECRET Tho eocretariat of the committoo was reported to include: Baeeis, donrt Honmoussesu, Gaston (00/CP 7ranco) Patinend, wariue (00/OP France) Prossouyrcy Me Htaly; An mid to Groocot comntttae te proinably operating ix Ttaly as thteo Bolgtan monbore (see under Seltus stove) woro sont to Ttaly to Recwordinato activiticn® of the two orgtnizations. Australia aud Great aritain: Jnong dologites to tho Internation BL Conforence in PrFte (eso bolow) three are nased from tho sbove countrice as representing "Ata to Groses Conaittco™ tm those countricse Us8et Tho *Anortean Gouncil f6r @ Denocratic Greeco™ sent two Gologstes to the international conference sna scents te increasing thor activity in tha U.S. Thoy are currently: fighting the arrest of a Grcokc citizen who Is being hold for court-martinl beomise she Marod to uppeal to the Auerican people through a nowspaper articles" ‘Thos roporte indicate that the "Ald to Donocratic Greocet novonent ie not confined to Europe but fe world wide and beconing moro actives 5+ Tho International Conforenco for Ald to Denccratic Greece vas hel€ in Parts, 10-11 April 19484 the Conforence was orgentzea by the Fronch Comdttes for Aid to Grocec, with andre Karty, Proack Politburo nonber, on active participants Poul Mluard, Prench poct, opened the first scesten and oxprosecd the hope that "donoeratic Grosce would triumph over hor onentes* and Proataod to "rondor the herole soldiers of Marios every support. 2illicous (3ritish MP, rpresonting the loft wine of the Inbour party) enandod that the policy of interferones in Grovi interns affaire bo stopped ond declared thnt the Soviet Union was the only nation enrtying out the Yalta agroonente Connelly (Wow Yorie cLty CounelIncn) presided over tho third session end ono Huezicl (probably identical with Dluci Iangir, Ostap, Polish dolegsto) nde a tong epoch giving the hetory of the Bit, following the voLI-worn Gommnist Mince Madeleine Breuny the evoretary goncral of the Fronch Ata to Grocee Conmittec, spoke on oreanizational questions, stating that 65 delogatos fron 22 Zorolgn countries and 115 Fronch dolegites wore prosont at tho conferences ‘The French comnttteo, supported by tho COT, tdcnoceatie organiaations,* and ‘tho whole Pronch people, hnd collected tvo million france and bad despatched a large nuntor of paresis of food, feotwar and notice) supplivsy At the closing session a tolegena vas road fro: the provisional ervernnont of Groces, signed ty ite foroig wintster. tho conforcnes then adopted a resolution protesting Yonergetically aguinat tho support Sanitized - Approved For MURARE FCIR-ROP7s-00815R000100120002-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 EET ronfered ty the Washington government to the wonarcho-fasctsts of Athens ond against the presence in Greceo of Britieh occupation troopss! An Tnternetional Co-ordination Conntttes for Ald to Donocratte Groceo vos formed with headquarters 4n Ports to provide m organizational center for tho groupe represented at the nectiace Tho following Met of foreign dolegntes to the conference hne been coupled from tho French prose and fron a publication Leeued wy the Fronch Coumitteo for ald to Grecea: Atbenia Hocmnt, Drino, Hrs. (Canmntet, Unlon roprosentative) Rudra, Llenbi'(Commnict, Union representative) Sosinaweict, (fnu) (Comuatet, Union representative) Algeria Unnned reprosontative of Donoeretic Youth of Algeria stralte Fidler, Bornlo (Corsittteo for 44d to Democratic Grecee) Murray, Steven (Youth Delogate) ‘iliions, Bort (Socretary of WFDY) Bolgius Denany, Fornand (Gommntat deputy) Merteatx, Dr. (VP of Chenber) Bolizta Arno, Joze (Toror Proaident of Doputy's Chanter, lender of Partido Tquiorda Revoluctonario, living in France) mugria Vaninod dclegnta; possibly Professor Tachov, who holds a acholarship at's dronch Univeraity. canada Storric, Jessie (Conmmist uember of WFDY) etna Ww feat, wee (Corsmntet, delognte of vononts oremtantion) Stochostovaiste, Bolesborsicl, Dry Benesova, Lida (Roprogontative of vouen's orgntentions) Boucoic, Jaroslav (Youth reprosontative) Trtina, fm (Communist Journalist in Paris) Tralova, tiie. MX. (Represcntative of vonon!s orgnizations) Tang, De- Jasonir Filoalava-Tivegora, Mave Bechvatal, Frantioek (Poet) Pape. Dr Kirg, Mres Be (Commatst Journalict) Oleca, Albert (Profosssr at Coponsiagon Untvoretty) Yoibol, Stig (Professor at Copenhagen Univereity) RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 Allon, Mies Elizabeth A, (Civil Liberties Union) Bitlor, Gs Ae (Tobacco Unto) Dneivas, Veeces (British £14 to Denoeratte Grecce Comittee ~= Communist) Ealdane, J. Be (GP nonber) Hazell (fui) (Electrical Uaton) Tones, Mies Gladys (Zritish 414 to Donoerntic Greces Comnittoo) Martin, 5. R. (Engincors! Uatoa) otmyalt, fm Popvorth, is P+ (oP/Great Britatn) Sloon, Pat (Leage for Deaocracy in Greece) Stovens, faa zilliacis, I. (MP) "Denoeratict Grose Axiotis, te Holpe Georgioue, Hho. Yassos Holand Keening, fru (00 nonber of OP/HoLend) Yon Tysy fm Yorhoy, "Me He (CP nonber) Whegnain, Plot sungrey. Horvat, ichel (Union repragentative) Karaaz, Qvovo (Aungarian 414 to Greece Conatttoc) Steimelte, Goorcos (Couneclicr, Parte Legntion) Yineze, Joseph (Vhingprian Ada to Grove CosmAttoo) me Beirnénri, fm (Communist, raprosontative of contval counsil of untons) Iuxoaburg arandgonot, Jos (Deputy, Secretary Gonerel of Union) Hoftaann, Suoquce (Lnber representative) Polond BrouloveRt, tou (Poot) Ovticy tou (soeretary of Socielist perty) Dlusti-Langer, Ostap (Reportedly sunnoned Sseninekt ond Yorekl fron the Polish entesey in Lendon end Joon Gloreck from Polish entessy in Jelitin to the conference) MaLsnowsiet, fou (Youth dolegato) agora, fma (Regrosontative of vonon's organizations) Hotwen, fax (Soerotary of youth organization) Hunnats Yot represented as their visas vere delayed. ‘Spata (Republi can) Angileso, fou Bazola, fms Rotsl,'iunro del (BAttor of clandestine Munte obrora") Seitzorlend hocks + Clara (Labor party) Sanitized - Approved FoF RARE PTR Rbere-ooetseo00100120009-4 eet een See Sees Senne e6eSSR Ee eer eens bees eresse nnn nl Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 Bartoli, Thoo (Conmmist prostdenP EM Botternena, Therese (Gontréle Sanitaire. Sul: Fischer, Dr. (Conmnist Contrele Sanitaire Suisse) Forel, Around (Labor party doputy Grether, Panay (Centrale Sanitaire Sutesc) Keogi, Uelt (Youth dologate, conmintet) farce, Andro (Conmunist, Journalist) Stroife, Vincent, inon (Zaher Party, reportedly £ ner Condnter sgont) ed States Dorie (Proeroseive Party Vico president of US Coumittes for Ata to Donoerntic Oreceo) Gonneliy, Bgone (ew Yor: OSty gounctinon) Daridia, Janes (010) Ienacson, Leo (Nombor of House of Zoproso Xoraflos, George (US Comittee for Ala to Pittnan, John (> Starobin, Josops (Hatter of e808) Dengeratte Gresce) Viet tes Duo Van Cho, tine (Conmmntet) Raupalavie ph (Iabor dolegste) Jaigovi jovie, Stevan (Director Kovacle, lg (Journaliet) Mintorovic, Ondo (Secretary of desoeiation of Arts and Letters) olgrade University) 4s The Contnforn or ra Poonte'e Donooreayl stated tn ite 18 april 2 jon necting of tho Fepreaontatives of the Zalicin comtries, attonted by delomtes fron Ymelovia, Rinante, Dulgarin, sAlbonia ond the Grocic Central Confederation of Labor Ind toon "recently! tn Sofia, hte nectinc doclded to Fequost tho World Tedoretion of Tendo Untons: Ms to Aiacuss the quostion of help for the Grecis at against “Anglondneriean Paseiea"s le in their B+ to cal upon vorimrs evorywhore to accord noral and materiel support to the Grec people and tho Oreck refugces; + to wot up an Aid Goratttec fer Tenoeratic Greces as to asic the ational trode union dodivs affitt to form siuitar comnt tteno. 18 to the WT £ the WPOV concerning aia Yo further information on the vite 2BX1C10b to waecocrstict Greece has beon received. Sanitized - Approved For GE ‘CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4 28K1C100 anitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00815R000100120003-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100120003-4

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