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Nino Giorgadze

Academic writing 1

Reasons why education is so important for developing countries

Education starts from childhood and continues during the whole life. But why education is
so important for developing countries? There are many reasons why education plays a
significant role I the progress of every country.

Firstly, education is the only and mainly tool to have a bright future. You gain a basic
knowledge about worldwide information. It is clearly, when the society is more educated it
becomes more succesful and the country becomes more strong.

Personally, I think that education improves the behavior. When I was visiting Germany,
every time I was going out and met people, I felt that I was in the developed country with
educated society.

To sum up, I want to say that education is very important for developing countries, because
it is the key to become a powerful country. Hopefully, one day my country becomes one of
the best countries in all over the world.

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