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Aku akan memberimu Kepada kalian tentang Kota asalku, aku berasal Dari Jayapura tepatnya di

Papua. Papua sangat kaya dengan Kebudayaan yang sangat unit dan Sejarah yang menarik, di
tambahkan Saat Ini ada beberapa Tempat di Papua yang menjadi Tempat Terkenal di Indonesia
bahkan di Dunia, salah satunya yaitu di Tempat saya sendiri ada Danau Sentani, jadi danau Sentani
ini dulunya ada Naga yang sedang berbaring di danau tersebut, lalu Ada Danau Love, Bukit
Teletubise, Kali Biru, juga ada pantai yaitu Hamadi, besji, Hol, tabla nusu and Harlem .lalu ada Juga di
raja empat dengan Keindahan bawah Laut yang sangat Indah.

Jadi Buat kalian Semua and Miss Wanda, ayo berkunjung ke Papua dan nikmati keindahan alamnya.

I will tell to us about my hometown, I’M Come From Jayapura is located in Papua. Papua is Very Rich
with Culture who unique and History is very interesting, also right now there are several place in
papua which is a famous place in Indonesia. Even in the world, one of them is Sentani Lake. Okay I
Will tell you about famous place in Jayapura that is Sentani lake, Sentani lake is one of the biggest
lakes in Papua with max length 28 km and max width 19 km. Sentani lake is A very beautiful place to
visit around Sentani lake is Asei Island. Asei Island is one of the ecotourism village in Jayapura and is
known for its cultural heritage. Kulit Kayu or bark paintings are made of the Khombow tree which is
in Sentani Lake. Then there are Love lake, teletubbies hill , Kali biru and also some Beach as Hamadi,
Besji, Holl and the other. So for us and miss, Let’s Come on to papua and enjoy every beauty.
Every weekend, my family and I always spend the time together. We always cook together in my
house. They bring many foods and snacks. I am so happy because there are many families and we
can play together.

Next holiday we have another plan. We will...

1. What do you do every weekend? Can you please tell me detail?

Every weekend, I and my family spend to time together with singing, shopping, cooking, story telling
about future, Kidding, Playing card Gaplek and Uno, go to beach and mountain.

2. What do you feel ?

I’m Feel Happy and very excited

3. How long do you spend the weekend with your family?

Around three to five days

4. Where do you spend the weekend with your family?

Usually, I spend with my family at beach and mountain. And sometimes we just gardening.

5. If you can not spend the weekend with your family, where do you spend the weekend?

Stay at Home, while I singing and cooking

6. Where do you go? And what do you do there?

Oh no, I just stay home.

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