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Handy gestohlen

mit einer Freundin / einem Freund / meinem Bruder / … in einem Restaurant

neues Handy war in der Tasche

bezahlt; Jacke angezogen; Handy war weg

Handy gesperrt

alle Handynummern nur im Handy gespeichert

Hallo Juan!

Ich muss dir inbedingt erzählen, was zu mein Bruder und mir letze Freitag passiert isst. Wir sind in

habe er bemerkt, dass sein Handy weg war

Hi, i just paid my suscription of "Save the World" in the limitate time package thas is now on the
shop. The thing is that i can't play my first mition, the one that comes after the introduction part. It
always apear me a mesage that says that the connection is lost, but i can play perfectly batle
royale. I tryed many things, like open again the game, try meny times to enter the game, and also
y just reinstaled the whole game in my computer. but nothing seems to work. I need help because
i just paid it and i would like to play it.

Thank you, hope you can give me an answer soon.

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