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Mabini Campus

Final Exam
English 8
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: ____________________________________ Score: ________

Grade and Section: __________________________ Date: ________

Directions: Read, understand, and answer each question carefully. Write the CAPITAL
letter of your answer on the blank provided before each item. ( pts.)

____1. Teacher Mary ask her students to write a story about their childhood. What type
of text does Teacher Mary wants her students to write?

A. expository B. narrative C. persuasive D. procedural

____2. Brasen wrote and shared with her classmates her childhood memories especially
that of her first meeting with her best friend. What did Brasen specifically wrote?

A. science fiction C. paragraph

B. creative non-fiction D. non-creative fiction

____3. The story was quite horrible. The underlined word is called_______.

A. resumptive modifier C. Adverb

B. adjective D. degree modifier

____4. What do you call the word/s that specify the extent of an adjective in a sentence?

A. resumptive modifier C. Adverb

B. adjective D. degree modifier

____5. John felt a heavy emotion while reading a newly-releases novel. What do you call
the feeling that a reader feels while reading a text?

A. tone B. point of view C. mood D. mode

____6. What visual representation of ideas condenses a large amount of data into
images and text?

A. Venn diagram B. pie chart C. infographic D. graphics

For questions 7- 9, recall the folktale “The Mood Maiden”.

____7. In the folktale “The Mood Maiden”, what is the occupation of Take Tori?

A. goddess B. housewife C. landlord D. bamboo cutter

____8. What is the name that Take Tori gave to the moon maiden?

A. Lady Beaming Bright B. Sakura C. Luffy D. Kagura

____9. What is it that Take Tori and his wife lack in their lives as a couple?

A. golden treasure B. children C. neighbors D. parents

____10. What do you call the figure of speech that uses exaggeration?

A. hyperbole B. litotes C. irony D. simile

____11. What are words used to give information about the noun in terms of number or

A. adjective B. determiners C. sript D. figure of speech

____12. Marga told her childhood story to her classmates so that they will not be bored.
Which of the following best identifies what Marga shared?

A. personal recount B. autobiography C. novel D. drama

____13. Which of these refer to the issue or concept specifically addressed by the text?

A. genre B. theme C. setting D. plot

____14. What is the function of the underlined phrase in the sentence below?

When I woke up, I realized that I am not the same person I was years ago.

A. adverbial clause B. adjective C. verb D. noun

____15. Lilian’s grandfather tells her about the true purpose of his existence in the world
and tells her to also find her reason for living. What is the term that Japanese people use
to mean reason of living?

A. samurai B. shohoku C. ikigai D. tanjiro

___ 16. When Jon reads, he always asks what could have been happening in the country
of the author at the time the text was written. What type of context does he use to
understand the text?

A. text type and genre C. the place a text is written and published

B. historical context D. social context

___ 17. Reader A asks the question “what genre of literature does the text fall under”
when reading. What type of context does he use to understand the text?

A. text type and genre C. the place a text is written and published

B. historical context D. social context

___ 18. Reader B focuses on the status of the author and the people at the time a text is
written when reading. What type of context does he use to understand the text?

A. text type and genre C. the place a text is written and published

B. historical context D. social context

___ 19. Dylan seeks to understand the prevailing bahavior and attitude of the people
when reading a text. What type of context does he use to understand the text?

A. text type and genre C. historical context

B. cultural context D. social context

___ 20. Which of the following revolves around the wedding of the King and his lady and
the eventual overthrow of the Queen?

A. Biag ni Lam-ang C. La Luna Sanggre

B. The Epic of Bidasari D. The Epic of Gilgamesh

___21. What verb tense do you use when you want to express an action that started in
the past and just ended in the present?

A. simple past tense C. past perfect tense

B. simple present tense D. present perfect tense

___ 22. Which of the following refers to a speaker’s claim and support for this claim?
A. claim B. stand C. idea D. support

___ 23. Which of the following refers to idea or the point that a speaker is trying to

A. claim B. stand C. idea D. support

___ 24. Which of the following refers to the details that a speaker uses so that the
audience will accept his/her claim?

A. claim B. stand C. idea D. support

___ 25. Which of these refers to listening for and evaluating the facts and details in a
particular spoken text?

A. hearing B. gossiping C. active speaking D. critical listening

____26. Which of the following refers to the language of literature?

A. mood B. theme C. projective language D. figurative language

____27. Which of these refers to the modifiers that come before adjectives and adverbs
that show the degree or the extent of the main modifier?

A. graphic organizers C. degree modifiers

B. resumptive modifiers D. manner

____28. Which of the following refers to the feeling that you feel when you read or listen
to stories.

A. irony B. tone C. mood D. theme

____29. Which of the following refers to words or phrases repeated in the sentence to
expand its meaning or add information.

A. graphic organizers C. degree modifiers

B. resumptive modifiers D. manner

____30. Which of these literary devices uses exaggeration?

A, irony B. simile C. hyperbole D. onomatopoeia

____31. What famous Korean literary form consists of three lines with 14 to 16 syllables
each and is in verse form?

A. haiku B. sonnet C. choka D. sijo

____32. Which of these allow people to facilitate information they receive by organizing
it in an understandable manner?

A. graphic organizers C. degree modifiers

B. resumptive modifiers D. manner

____33. Which of the following pairs form a prepositional phrase?

A. preposition and verb C. preposition and object

B. object and verb D. adjective and adverb

____34. Which of the following means retelling something that happened in the past?

A. recounting C. memorizing
B. storytelling D. narrating
____35. Which of the following types of listening happens when one listens to a material
from his/her point of view?

A. projective listening C. therapeutic listening

B. analytical listening D. discriminative listening

____36. Which of the following refers to the pacing of a speech?

A. stress B. manner C. punctuation D. intonation

____37. Which of the following refers to the use of words to mean differently from the
actual or literal meaning of the words.

A. irony B. word stress C. manner D. spelling

____38. Which of the following types of adverb clause tells how an action happened?

A. adverb of frequency C. adverb of manner

B. adverb of time D. adverb of place

____39. Which of the following refers to the issue or concept specifically addressed by a
literary text?

A. mood B. theme C. problem D. moral lesson

____40. What is the function of the underlined clause in the sentence? The story which
my grandmother told us was featured in the national television.

A. adverb B. noun C. pronoun D. adjective

____ 41. It refers to the body of oral and written literature produced by people of
Nigeria, Uganda, and other neighbouring countries.
A. World Literature C. Philippine Literature
B. African Literature D. Asian Literature

____ 42. What is a group of words that has a subject and verb and may or not have a
complete thought?
A. Sentence B. Phrase C. Clause D. word

____ 43. What is a group of words with a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone.
A. Independent clause C. Sentence
B. Dependent clause D. phrase

____ 44. What is a group of words with a subject, verb, and a complete thought?
A. Interdependent clause C. Sentence
B. Dependent clause D. Phrase

____ 45. These are visual ways of presenting the relationship between facts and ideas.
A. Pictograph C. editorials
B. Graphic organizers D. graphic design

____ 46. Sam listens to his favourite songs whenever he feels frustrated. What type of
listening does he employ?
A. Appreciative listening C. Informative listening
B. Critical listening D. Therapeutic listening
____47. The English teacher of Grade 8 students assigned them to listen to the speech of
Steve Jobs and write their own opinion about the speech. What type of listening does the
teacher wants the students to do?
A. Appreciative listening C. Informative listening
B. Critical listening D. Therapeutic listening

____48. Alisa watches a vlog of her favourite vlogger and paid attention to her words
and body language to decode its real message. What type of listening does she employ?
A. Discriminative listening C. Informative listening
B. Critical listening D. Therapeutic listening

____49. Miarah always shares her bad and good experiences with her boyfriend. She is
making her boyfriend employ what type of listening?
A. Appreciative listening C. Informative listening
B. Critical listening D. Therapeutic listening

____50. What type of listening requires the listeners to watch out for information, verbal
and non- verbal cues to know the message conveyed by the speaker?
A. Inactive listening C. Informative listening
B. Active listening D. Therapeutic listening


A. The following sentences contain faulty parallelism. Underline the word/s which make
each sentence unparalleled. Then, rewrite the sentence to make it correct. Write the
corrected sentence on the blank space provided. (10 pts.)

1. The committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, cut
its benefits, or lowering workers’ wages.


2. Mr. Holloway enjoys reading and to play his guitar at weekends.


3. Swimming in the ocean is tougher than a pool.


4. The cyclist owns both a mountain bike and has a racing bike.


5. Samantha run, jumping around the backyard and played with her friend yesterday.


B. The following sentences contain either a misplaced modifier or dangling modifier. If

the sentence has a misplaced modifier, write M before the number. If it has a dangling
modifier write D before the number. Then, rewrite the sentences to make them correct.
Write the corrected sentence on the blank space provided. (10 pts.)

____1. Waiting for the rainstorm to pass through, the days passed slowly.


____2. We only drove as far as the state line the first day.

____3. Limping along the sidewalk, I felt sorry for the stray dog.


____4. They gave prizes to the top contestants in gift- wrapped boxes.


____5. Emma Sue was delighted when Mr. Chu returned her perfect calculus test with an
ear-to-ear grin.


A. Directions: Identify the following underlined phrases in the sentence as adjective

phrase or adjective clause. Write AP if it is an adjective phrase and AC if it is an adjective
clause. Write your answers on the blank provided before each item. (5 pts.)

____1. The guy whom Barbara disliked most when they were in high school later became
her husband.

____2. The popular movie to hit the theaters in the past few weeks was “The Breakup

____3. Rowena left her son to her mother’s distant relative who has resided in US for
about three decades.

____4. I can’t beat him in a five-minute jumbo ice cream eating contest.

____ 5. This is an old fort which was built by Emperor Akbar.

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