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A. I am currently working as a counselor in a school setting.

Our office also facilitates other student

B. Mostly, our office entertains mental health concerns of the students most especially when they
feel the “burn-out” of heavy academic workloads. They usually come to us due to academic
stress, financial strains, or when there are problems concerning their family that has affected
the way they perform in their studies. Our office also handle the information data of our
students and the processing of academic scholarships.
C. As counselors, we facilitate a yearly small group therapy with the students. We conduct the
therapy per block section and we divide them into the kind of therapy that the student would
personally prefer. The choices are art, music, dance, play, and sleep therapy. For the current
remote learning situation, we plan to do online-based sessions with our students.
D. We also go beyond the limiting boundaries of our school as we also offer counseling and therapy
to some urban poor communities. We call this little project of ours as the “sunshine project”.
However, school counselors like us also have limiting capacities. Cases such as severe depression
or anxiety are usually handled by professional clinical psychologist, so our role would only be to
recommend them to our school’s partner psychological clinics.


A. I work as a counselor for 2 years now.

B. I handle the student volunteers of our office therefore I am the team manager of our “Sunshine

C. I handle some of the therapy programs and I am currently assigned to

managethecommunicationcenters of our office in this time of pandemic.

D. I am still new to the job but I personally think that to be a counselor you must have an optimal
thinking, a passionate heart which can empathize, and of course an open mid so as not to look down
on the feelings of others. Processing emotions is a bit rough so you also must have a strong heart for
you to combat compassion fatigue

E. I think that I still have a lot to learn. Every case or student that I handle is a learning experience
for me that I really take as something significant for me to perform better. I enjoy doing the
therapies aforementioned as it also feels therapeutic on my part. On the other hand, I hate
doing the paper works. I am more into manual labor than written work.
F. I also feel emotional when I hear the problems of my students. Sometimes their problem would
really go with me and affect my entire day. I feel burned out processing their emotions that I
tend to forget to separate my personal feelings from theirs.
G. My colleagues are the best support systems as we also have the same struggles. Also, I gain my
strength from the “thank you”s of the students that I’ve helped.
H. I need more exposure and experience to be able to work effectively. Mental health trainings and
talks will also be helpful.
I. I want to encourage people at your age to take the same path as ours. We are still a growing
community and I promise that this job will make you feel ecstatic and make your life more

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