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************************************** // *
// * Arduino MIDI Drums *
// * 2017 (c) *
// *
// * Custom code - no hi-hat pedal, 10 drum pads *
#define NUMBER_OF_PADS 10 // number of drum pads (analog inputs)
#define VELOCITY_ACTIVE 1 // velocity sensitive ON-OFF [1-0] #define
MIDI_CHANNEL 1 // MIDI channel [1-16]


#define MIDI_NOTE_ON 0x90 // MS nibble for note on status message #define
MIDI_NOTE_OFF 0x80 // MS nibble for note off status message
uint8_t padNote[NUMBER_OF_PADS] = {46, 37, 40, 50, 41, 49, 51, 36, 45, 47}; // MIDI
notes [0-127]
uint8_t padThreshold[NUMBER_OF_PADS] = {30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30}; //
trigger treshold values [0-1023]
uint8_t padCycles[NUMBER_OF_PADS] = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20}; //
number of cycles before the second trigger is allowed
uint8_t activePad; // each bit represents a pad state
uint8_t padCurrentCycles[NUMBER_OF_PADS]; // number of cycles since the pad was

void setup() {
// initialize the serial port at baud rate 115200

void loop() {
for (uint8_t pin = 0; pin < NUMBER_OF_PADS; pin++) {
// loop through all of the pads
uint8_t val = analogRead(pin);
// read the input pin
if ((val > padThreshold[pin]) && (!padActive(pin))) {
// if hit strong enough

val = VELOCITY_ACTIVE ? velocityAlgorithm(val) : MIDI_MAX_VELOCITY;

// if velocity sensitive, calculate the new value, otherwise apply the maximum value

midi_tx_note_on(padNote[pin], val);
// send a note on MIDI message
padCurrentCycles[pin] = 0;
// reset the current pad cycle counter
activePad |= 1 << pin;
// set corresponding bit (active flag)

if (padActive(pin)) {
// enter if pad is active
padCurrentCycles[pin] += 1;
// increment the cycle counter by 1

if (padCurrentCycles[pin] >= padCycles[pin]) {

// enter if cycle counter reached the desired number of cycles
midi_tx_note_off(padNote[pin]); // send a note off MIDI message
activePad &= ~(1 << pin);
// clear corresponding bit (active flag)

uint8_t velocityAlgorithm(uint8_t val) {

return (val - 0) * (127 - 0) / (1023 - 0) + 0;
// remap the val from [0-1023] to [0-127]

uint8_t padActive(uint8_t currentPin) {

// check if current pad active
return (activePad >> currentPin) & 1;

void midi_tx_note_on(uint8_t pitch, uint8_t velocity) {

// send note on MIDI message
Serial.write((MIDI_NOTE_ON << 4) | (MIDI_CHANNEL - 1)); Serial.write(pitch);

void midi_tx_note_off(uint8_t pitch) {

// send note off MIDI message
Seriazl.write((MIDI_NOTE_OFF << 4) | (MIDI_CHANNEL - 1)); Serial.write(pitch);

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