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Febri : Assalamualaikum

All : Waalaikumussalam
Faishal : long time no see guys
Faricha : yes, i’m bored at home
Fia : yes, i feel it too. Btw guys, do you know about sharia banking?
Febri : yes, i just saw on tv about it
Faishal : So, what do you think about the sharia banking system in Indonesia?
Febri : I think, actually sharia banking has been in Indonesia for 25 years. However,
until now, many Indonesians are still unfamiliar with the system.
Fia : So it's still very minimal right, people's knowledge of the Islamic banking
Faishal : Yes, that's right, there is still a need to conduct socialization through fair Islamic
banking (IB) and fair sharia finance so that Indonesian people understand about
the sharia banking system.
Faricha : Yes .. besides that, in my opinion, OJK also needs to collaborate with
universities in Indonesia to conduct socialization so that millennials also
understand very well about the sharia banking system and use it. That way, there
will be more and more sharia bank users.
Fia : Yeah, so good. So, that's our job as students of the Islamic banking study
program. We must be the movers and pioneers of the advancement of sharia
banking in Indonesia.
Faricha : Let’s support sharia banking!!
All : Yeah, come on
Faishal : Ok, guys I’ll leave first. I have an event after this
Faricha : I’ll completing my task too
Fia : keep spirit, don’t forget about worship
Febri : yes, see you soon guys. Assalamualaikum
All : Waalaikumussalam

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