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The functional matrix hypothesisrevisited. 4. The

epigenetic antithesis and the resolving synthesis
Melvin L. Moss, DDS, PhD
New York, N. Y

In two interrelated articles, the current revision of the functional matrix hypothesis extends to a
reconsideration of the relative roles of genomic and of epigenetic processes and mechanisms in the
regulation (control, causation) of craniofacial growth and development. The dialectical method was
chosen to analyze this matter, because it explicitly provides for the fuller presentation of a genomic
thesis, an epigenetic antithesis, and a resolving synthesis. The later two are presented here, where
the synthesis suggests that both genomic and epigenetic factors are necessary causes, that neither
alone is also a sufficient cause, and that only the two, interacting together, furnish both the
necessary and sufficient cause(s) of ontogenesis. This article also provides a comprehensive
bibliography that introduces the several new, and still evolving, disciplines that may provide
alternative viewpoints capable of resolving this continuing controversy; repetition of the present
theoretical bases for the arguments on both sides of these questions seems nonproductive, in their
place, it is suggested that the group of disciplines, broadly termed Complexity, would most likely
amply repay deeper consideration and application in the study of ontogenesis. (Am J Orthod
Dentofac Orthop 1997; 112:410-7.) is a fallacy that the genome, the of bone cell DNA (for example by methyl-
totality of DNA molecules, is the main repository ationml,l°2), or of chondrocytic DNA (for example
for developmental information; i.e. that there exists as reflected in differential regulation of biosyn-
a genetic program, or blueprint, theoretically capa- theticic pathways~°3), are epigenetic mechanisms.
ble of creating an entire organism. ''98
Similarly, the specific steps of the activation and
Biological Mechanisms and Processes Defined deactivation of appropriate portions of the bone cell
genome, associated with the trio of possible osteo-
This article continues the dialectical analysis of
blastic responses to loading (deposition, resorption,
the roles of genomic and epigenetic processes and
mechanisms in the control of craniofacial growth or maintenance of bone tissue) are further examples
and development. Previously a genomic thesis was of epigenetic mechanisms that control the genome.
outlined and several critical terms were defined. 99 In this sense, the original versions of the functional
The dialectic process concludes here with an epige- matrix hypothesis (FMH) described only epigenetic
netic antithesis and a resolving synthesis, following processes, 4-8 whereas recent revisions also described
two additional definitions: (1) A process is a series epigenetic mechanisms. 9,1° The fundamental cor-
of actions or operations that lead toward a particu- rectness of earlier FMH descriptions is supported by
lar result. (2) A mechanism is the fundamental more recent research. 1°4,1°5
physical or chemical process(es) involved in, or The Epigenetic Antithesis
responsible for, an action, reaction, or other natural
phenomenon. ~°° That is, mechanisms underlie pro- Some of the principal strengths of this antithesis
cesses. For example, loading a femur is an epige- come from precise definitions of what a gene is and
netic process: the possible resultant modification(s) is not. For example: (a) "gene. The unit of heredity:
one or more nucleic acid sequences incorporating
From the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Physicians information necessary for the generation of a par-
and Surgeons, and School of Dental and Oral Surgery, Columbia Univer-
ticular peptide or RNA product"l°6; and, (b)
Reprint requests to: Prof. Emeritus Melvin L. Moss, Department of "enough is known about the genetic machin-
Anatomy, Columbia University, 630 W. 168th St., New York, NY 10032. e r y . . . [to know].., that this is virtually the only
Copyright © 1997 by the American Association of Orthodontists. kind of information which polynuceotide molecules
0889-5406/97/$5.00 + 0 8/1/79951 are inherently capable of containing: nothing there
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Moss 411
Volume 112, No. 4

at all about which proteins will be expressed in appliances (and most other therapies) act as pros-
which cells at what time and in what quantities. ''98 thetic functional matrices. Clinical therapeutics in-
The genomic thesis is denied because it is both cludes a number of epigenetic processes, whose
reductionist and molecular; that is, descriptions of prior operations evoke a number of corresponding
the causation (control, regulation) of all hierarchi- epigenetic mechanisms. These latter, in turn, under-
cally higher and structurally more complex morpho- lie the observed processes of tissue adaptations by
genetic processes are reduced to explanations of both skeletal units and functional matrices.
mechanisms at the molecular (DNA) level. For
example, the genomic thesis of craniofacial ontogen- Epigenetic Processes and Mechanisms
esis passes directly from molecules to morphogene- In craniofacial morphogenesis, more is known
sis: directly from DNA molecules to adult gross presently about processes than about mechanisms.
morphology, ignoring the role(s) of the many epige- Despite this, it is no longer sufficient to note, for
netic processes and mechanisms competent to con- example, that otherwise undescribed epigenetic pro-
trol (regulate, cause) the large number of interven- cesses of "intrauterine environment" can regulate
ing, and increasingly more structurally complex, fetal mandibular growth, n2 The future aim must be
developmental stages 13,18particularly, and there are to elucidate the molecular, genomic, mechanisms 1°1
additional similarly reductionist views of odontogen- whose activation underlies the adaptive growth pro-
esis. 17,22,60,107,108 cesses of the mandibular functional cranial compo-
The epigenetic antithesis, detailing both pro- nents (that is, of the mandibular skeletal units and
cesses and mechanisms, is integrative, a°9 seeking to their related functional matrices).
clarify the causal chain between genome and phe-
notype. Its goal is to identify and describe compre- Loading
hensively the series of initiating biological processes Many different epigenetic processes can evoke
and their related underlying (biochemical, biophys- mechanisms capable of modifying DNA. 113q16 At
ical) responsive mechanisms that are effective at clinically significant structural levels, physical load-
each hierarchical level of increasing structural and ing is unquestionably of the greatest importance.
operational complexity.11° "Among the numerous epigenetic factors influenc-
This article reviews some of the clinically signif- ing the vertebrate face is mechanical loading. ''18 It
icant epigenetic processes and mechanisms, existing is useful to consider the epigenetic process of load-
at several organizational (structural, functional) lev- ing and some of the epigenetic mechanisms this
els, that regulate (direct, control, cause) cephalic process evokes.
and craniofacial (musculo-) skeletal morphogenesis. Loading per se. Loads may be imposed at many
structural levels. While clinical observations usually
Craniofacial Epigenetics are macroscopic, the loadings act microscopically, at
"Broadly speaking, epigenetics refers to the entire molecular and/or cellular levels, n7 Loadings are
series of interactions among cells and cell products able to regulate several alternative molecular (cel-
which leads to morphogenesis and differentiation. lular) synthetic pathways (mechanisms) of many
Thus all cranial development is epigenetic, by defini- tissues, including bonea18; for example, the mechan-
tion." This view is supported here, 15,19,2°,an despite ical environment is important in maintaining the
continued expressions of genomic regulation of cranio- differentiated phenotype of bone cells. 1°2 It should
facial morphogenesisJ3a4 be noted that loading may be dynamic (for example,
As previously noted, 99 epigenetic factors include muscle contraction) or static (that is, gravity); and to
(1) all of the extrinsic, extraorganismal, macroenvi- be effective, loads may increase, decrease, or remain
ronmental factors impinging on vital structures (for constant.
example, food, light, temperature), including me- Mechanical loading is known to influence gene
chanical loadings and electromagnetic fields, and (2) expression? 19'12° Of clinical (and FMH) interest,
all of the intrinsic, intraorganismal, biophysical, extrinsic musculoskeletal loading can rapidly change
biomechanical, biochemical, and bioelectric micro- (1) both articular cartilage intercellular molecular
environmental events occuring on, in, and between syntheses1= and mineralization122; and (2) osteo-
individual cells, extracellular materials, and cells and blastic (skeletal unit) gene expression. 123,124 Epige-
extracellular substances. netic loading processes include gravitational varia-
In terms of clinical orthodontics, and of the tions that evoke unique mechanisms of molecular
FMH, all therapy is applied epigenetics, and all synthesisJ 25
412 Moss American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
October 1997

Extracellular matrix deformation. Musculoskele- the intranuclear genome. 9,z° Indeed, such informa-
tal tissue loading inevitably deforms an extracellular tional transfer between cells and ECM is dynamic,
matrix (ECM) that is not developmentally inert. reciprocal, and continuous) 5~
Rather, in several ways, ECM regulates the forma- Other processes and mechanisms. (1) DNA
tion, development, and maintenance of its included methylation is a potent epigenetic event. It is in-
cells that synthesize the ECM. 126"129 Further, ECM volved in many intracellular, extracellular, and in-
can regulate multicellular tissue morphogenesis 13° tercellular mechanisms? °1 It can "introduce novel
and contribute to genomic regulation of its enclosed features of cellular function far removed from the
cells. 13~ classical Mendelian view of the gene, chromosome,
Cell-shape changes. Tissue loading can also alter and inheritance.., with information flowing back to
cell shape. This inevitably deforms intracellular con- the DNA level and changing gene expression, ''~2,~53
stitutents, in cluding the cytoskeleton, a32-134 The the genome now being considered as a sophisticated
epigenetic process of changing cell shape invokes response system and a carrier of information, 154 a
the epigenetic mechanisms of mechanotransduction system activated by several epigenetic processes and
of biophysical forces into genomic and morphoge- mechanisms? 55 (2) There are numerous examples of
netically regulatory signals. ~35-138 yet other processes and mechanisms of epigenetic
Cell-shape change processes can also activate sev- regulation of the g e n o m e . 113'115'156-159 (3) In addi-
eral other epigenetic mechanisms, for example, tion, it has been shown that (botanical) epigenetic
stretch-activated ion channels in cartilage and other factors can impose metastable inheritable changes
mechanically initiated cell-signaling mechanisms. 139-142 in the plant genom@ 6°-163 a nontrivial matter not
There is recent orthodontic interest in the cell-shape considered further here.
change of nonskeletal cells) 43
Cell-shape change may lead to nuclear shape Epigenetic Regulation of Higher Structural Levels
deformation. This, in turn, is a mechanism that can In addition to the molecular and cellular pro-
directly cause (regulate) a consequent alteration of cesses and mechanisms noted, over a century ago
the mechanisms of genomic activity) 4° the discipline of developmental mechanics (entwick-
Epigenetic cell signallingprocesses. Several load- lingsmechanik) 85,86 established that the epigenetic
ing processes can regulate genomic expression. One, process of extrinsic loadings play a major role in the
previously described, begins with cellular mechano- regulation of bone tissue and bone organ growth,
reception and mechanotransduction of the loading development, and morphology. 118,164-167
stimulus into an intercellular signal that undergoes At the tissue level, there are several causal,
parallel processing within a connected cellular net- strain-specific differences in bone tissue microstruc-
work of bone cells. 9,1° The details of cell-signalling ture. 168171 Closely similar epigenetic mechanisms
are reviewed extensively elsewhere. 144 and processes are observed in the adaptational
Chains of intracellular molecular levers. A second responses of all connective tissues, including carti-
epigenetic cellular process begins with deformation lage, to loading. 164,165,172-175
of the ECM. This matrix has an epigenetic regula- At the organ level, the ability of the processes of
tory role in morphogenesis, by virtue of integrin motion and of articular function to regulate joint
molecules that physically interconnect the several morphology is well-known176-17~; and, of course,
molecular components of the intracellular (cytoskel- physical activity processes regulate oganismal skel-
etal) and the extracellular environment (for carti- etal adapational responses. 179 Other epigenetic pro-
lage). 145'127"128"146-148 While the form (size and shape) cesses affecting bone tissue include local vascular
of the cytoskeleton may be physically controlled by a factors.18°
broad spectrum of loadings, 133,149it responds iden- Regulation of functional matrices. Periosteal
tically to all. aS° functional matrices are under closely similar epige-
The epigenetic mechanism evoked consists of a netic control. Mechanical loads regulate skeletal
physical array of intracellular macromolecular muscle (periosteal functional matrix) phenotype18~;
chains, acting as levers, extending from the cell and chronic muscle stimulation can change its phe-
membrane to multiple specific sites on each chro- notype) 82-184Numermous studies establish the neu-
mosome. 146The molecular chain acts as an informa- rotrophic role of neural innervation in muscle ge-
tion transfer system between the extracellular envi- nome regulation, aa5188 It remains only to note the
ronment and the genome, transmitting signals truism that, for muscle as for bone, mechanical
generated by deformations of the ECM directly to epigenetic factors, broadly termed function (or ex-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Moss 413
Volume 112, No. 4

ercise) significantly control musculoskeletal growth, Because epigenetic processes and mechanisms are
development, ls7,189,19° and maintenance of struc- best explained as examples of CT, a clearcut demon-
tural and physiological attributes. 19t-193 stration of the role of CT in craniofacial ontogeny, at
some point, is both necessary and possible. But in this
A Resolving Synthesis place only this brief, intuitive preview is possible.
"It seemed that the next minute they would discover a Because fairness to both the novelty and conceptual
solution. Yet it was clear to both of them that the end was richness of CT requires a comprehensive presentation
still far, far off, and that the hardest and most complicated to make it generally intelligible, it will be substantively
part was only just beginning."--Anton Chekov. The Lady reviewed subsequently.
with the Dog. CT provides descriptions of the behavior of
As the epigraph indicates, it is certain that no complex biological systems that exist as "ensembles"
matter what arguments, theoretical constructs, and of several tissues and organs, and not as clusters of
supporting experimental data are presented here, individual cells and extracellular substances. Such
the prevailing tension between the genomic thesis an ensemble (identical to a functional cranial com-
and epigenetic antithesis will continue unabated. ponent in the FMH) is termed here as a complex
Nevertheless, a resolving synthesis will at least clar- adaptive system (CAS), structurally arrayed as a
ify the bases for continued discourse. vital continuum. This term is defined here as it is in
The fundamental argument of this resolving the several analytical finite element methods (FEM)
synthesis, based on an analysis of casuation, was recently introduced into orthodontics and physical
presented earlier, 11 and later amplified. 99 It argues anthropologyY 3-221
that morphogenesis is regulated (controlled, CT provides compact, statistical descriptions of
caused) by the activity of both genomic and epige- the collective growth behavior of such CAS conti-
netic processes and mechanisms. Both are necessary nuity. During ontogeny, vital CAS exhibits the cre-
causes; neither alone are sufficient causes; and only ation of robust, spontaneous, and emergent order.
their integrated activities provides the necessary and An algorithm for control of such a CAS requires
sufficient causes of growth and development. that it is able to alter itself in response to the
Genomic factors are considered as intrinsic and (epigenetic) information produced by the system it
prior causes; epigenetic factors are considered as is trying to control. In a CAS, minor changes in the
extrinsic and proximate causes. The data supporting epigenetic input can cause huge fluctuations in the
this synthesis are provided here and above. 99 morphological output.
It is acknowledged that the validity of this dia- CT, as it utilized information theory, assumed that
letic synthesis is significantly dependent on the a CAS processes information (both genomic and epi-
validity of its epigenetic antithesis. In turn, a defen- genetic) in a parallel, not a serial, manner. 1° Where
sible epigenetic antithesis should convincingly sug- most previous biological theories of development were
gest some process(es) and/or mechanism(s) that can based on the methods of deterministic (genomically
regulate (direct, control, cause) morphogenesis. It is predetermined), classical mechanics, information the-
argued here that these are provided by the newly ory, and CT, are probabilistic (epigenetically self-
emerging disciplines of complexity. organized and emergent), and are based on the meth-
ods of statistical mechanics. It is probable that
Complexity and self-organization ontogeny involves nonlinear processes and is not fully
The theories of ontogeny and phylogeny currently predictable; that is, growth and development, to a
are being significantly reinvigorated by the new and significant extent, exhibit both random behaviors and
evolving science(s) of complexity that integrate topics frequent perturbations. To clarify this point, note that
from mathematics (for example, cellular automata, previously most biological models were studied as if
fractals, strange attractors), biology (for example, ge- they were linear. That is, when their mathematical
netic algorithms, artificial life simulations, neural net- formulas were graphed they looked like straight lines.
works, emergence, adaptive systems, connectivity), and Linear systems are predictable: the calculus shows the
physics, while minimizing distinctions between them. changes in their state, and statistics (especially regress-
Complexity theory (CT) also integrates specifically sion analysis) reduces their data to a line. However,
related topics in bioengineering and the computer CT makes it clear that most biological systems are
sciences; for example, chaos, information, and hierar- nonlinear and are not most correctly described by
chical theories, fuzzy logic, as well as cyto(tissue)me- these mathematical techniques; nonlinear formula-
chanics and molecular (nano)mechanics. 194-212 tions are necessary.
414 Moss American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
October 1997

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