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Amid this global crisis we are currently experiencing, there were still few good things that

emerged from it, and below are ten experiences, insights, and events that I am grateful for in the last six
months of this pandemic.

1.) I learned to look at the brighter side of things. Instead of dwelling on uncertainties and things that
are not under my control, I managed to be optimistic in these difficult times—and that is something to
be grateful for. Somehow, with this new kind of perspective that I acquired throughout the length of
quarantine, I managed to get by and move forward.

2.) Despite the fact that we are tucked away in the comfort of our homes right now, communities have
never been closer. We managed to execute one of the good citizenship values: ‘unity’ under
‘Pagkamaka-bayan’. Many communities communicated through volunteer work, not to mention
community concerts and singalongs, which became viral on various social media platforms that have
been taking place from people’s balconies. These acts, though relatively small, brought people together
and revived the spirit of our communities.

3.) The importance of family has been the highlight of my quarantine period. I communicated more with
them, both on a spiritual and emotional level. We also bonded a lot together, and I felt like I have talked
to them more in the past six months than I have spoken to them in 18 years.

4.) I am thankful that internet technologies exist to help us reconnect with people online. While these
platforms like Zoom or Google Meets can never replace the feeling of physical social interactions, it can
indeed replicate one. Having this kind of alternative is still something that I am grateful for.

5.) Ironically, I felt ‘closer’ to my friends despite our enormous physical distance. Since we are not
allowed to meet up physically, we are making more effort to keep up with each other. This pandemic
tested our relationship, but we never fail to catch up at the end of the day and appreciate the joys of
socializing even at a distance. I can say that this pandemic only strengthened and solidified our
friendship even more.

6.) I found out a lot more about myself and a lot of undiscovered hobbies.

7.) The earth is also healing. With fewer cars on the road, planes in the sky, and fewer people in the
streets, the world is starting to heal and regain what was lost. In the last six months, there were cleaner
air, less pollution, and fewer carbon footprints

8.) I became more knowledgeable in the use of information and communication technology and
digitalization. I became adept at using virtual tools and applications, which I wouldn’t have otherwise if
it weren’t obligatory in this new ‘normal’. To still be able to gain knowledge despite this situation we are
facing is a privilege, and I am also thankful for that.

9.) My family and I also learned how to budget due to impacts on work. With this, we learned to spend
less on needless consumer goods.

10.) Lastly, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned in these difficult times. This pandemic has
profoundly affected us in many ways and limited the scope of our lives. It cut many of us off from
variety. With this, I appreciated everything I used to have and took for granted, such as social
interactions and the outside world. I am grateful that I learned to be grateful.

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