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TCVN TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 8244-2:2010 ISO 3534-2:2006 Xuat ban fan 1 First edition THONG KE HOC - TU VUNG VA KY HIEU - PHAN 2: THONG KE U'NG DUNG STATISTICS — VOCABULARY AND SYMBOLS — PART 2: APPLIED STATISTICS HA NOI- 2010 TCVN 8244-2:2010 Muc luc Loi ndi dau .. Pham vi ap dung 1 Tao lép va thu thap do liu... 8 2 Quan ly qua trinh théng ké 24 3° Quy dinh, gid tri va két qua thoy 53 4 Kiém tra va ly mau chép nhan chung ... 70 5 Lay mau vat ligu dang déng 89 Phu Iyc A (tham khdo) Ky higu va thuat ng@ viét tat. 97 Phu luc B (tham khdo) Phuong phap lugn sit dung trong vie xay dung ti” wong 101 Thu myc tai ligu tham khdo .. 124 Danh muc ky higu .. Chi myc theo bang cha cai . 128 TCVN 8244-2:2010 Contents Page Foreword 5 Scope at 1 Data generation and collection ... 8 2 Statistical process management. 24 3. Specifications, values and test results ... 53 4 Inspection and general acceptance sampli 70 5 Sampling of bulk materials... 89 Annex A (informative) Symbols and abbreviated terms . 97 Annex B (informative) Methodology used in development of the vocabulary 101 Bibliography .. 124 ‘Symbols list Alphabetical index .... 132 Loi noi dau TCVN 8244-2:2010 hoan toan tong duong v6i ISO 3634-2:2006; TCVN 8244-2:2010 do Ban kj thuat Tiéu chun Quéc gia TCVN/TC 69 Ung dung cdc phuong phap théng ké bién soan, Tang cyc Tiéu chuan Do Ivong Chat lugng dé nghi, BO Khoa hoc va Céng nghé cong bé. BO TCVN 8244 gém céc phan dudi day 06 tén chung “Théng ké hoc — Tir vyng va ky higu’: = TCVN 8244-1:2010 (ISO 3534-1:2006), Phan 1: Thuat ng@ chung vé théng ké va thuat ngi? ding trong xac suat = TCVN 8244-2:2010 (ISO 3534-2:2006), Phan 2: Théng ké wng dyng BO ISO 3534 cdn 6 phan dudi day 6 tén chung “Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols”: — Part 3: Design of experiments TCVN 8244-2:2010 TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 8244-2:2010 Théng ké hoc — Tir vung va ky hiéu — Phan : Théng ké teng dung Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols — Part 2: Applied statistics Pham vi 4p dung Tiéu chuan nay quy dinh cdc thuat ngt vé thong ké tng dyng va thé hign ching duéi dang Khai niigm theo quy dinh cia ISO. Cc thuat ng duge sp xép theo chi 48, Tiéu chuan cé chi myc theo bang char cai. Ngoai ra, tigu chuan nay cdn quy inh cac ky higu va cho viét tat chuan hoa. Tieu chudn nay da duge chdp nhan trong inh vuc théng ké ing dung nhu mot phuong tién nhdm cai thign tinh higu Ive va higu qua cla cac t6 choc khi gap phai vudng mac bdi tinh phirc tap va ham fn do sy mau thudn trong thiét ké va sir dung cc thuat ngG, dinh nghia, chtr viét tét va cdc ky higu. Hai muc dich chinh cia tiéu chudn nay [a thiét lap mét tir vyng chung 48 str dung trong toan bé cdc tigu chudn cia Ban ky thuat TC 69, cing voi muc ich Ién hon [a tang cudng tinh chinh xéc, rS rang ‘va nhat quan trong viéc sir dyng/4p dung théng ké ng dung néi chung. Trinh 6 toan hoc dugc duy tri & mic thdp dé mdi dung cé thé dé hiéu voi phan dong d6c gia. Tiéu chun nay va TCVN 8244-1 tuong thich Scope This part of ISO 3534 defines applied statistics terms, and framework ‘expresses them in a conceptual accordance with ISO normative terminology practice. Term entries are arranged thematically. An alphabetical index is provided. Standardized symbols and abbreviations are defined. It has been recognized that the acceptance of applied statistics as a means to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations has been hampered by the complexity and confusion introduced by conflicting designation and usage of terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols. The two principal purposes of this part of ISO 3634 are, specifically, to establish a common vocabulary for use throughout ISO/TC 69 standards, together with the broader intent to enhance the preciseness, clarity and cohesiveness in the usage/application of applied statistios generally. The mathematical level has deliberately been kept to a low level in order for the content to be made readily comprehensible to the widest possible readership. TCVN 8244-2:2010 nhau. Tuy nhién, thudt ng& trong TCVN 6244-1 sir dung trong xac suat va thong ké I cdc thuat gtr co ban; do vay duoc trinh bay & mic 46 toan hoc phic tap hon so voi tiéu chudn nay. Vi ngudi str dyng tiéu chudn nay trong théng ké tng dung thuong c6 thé tham khdo TCVN 8244-1 d6i voi cdc thuat ngir nhét dinh, nén cdc chai thich va vi dy giéng nh trong TCVN 8244- 1 cho cdc thuat ngtr duge chon cling dua ra giai thich thong thuong vé céc thuat gir chinh thirc. 1 Tao lp va thu thap dif ligu 1.1. Hé gid tri tham chiéu d6i voi cac dc treng 144 ‘Dic trung Dac diém phan bist. CHU THICH 1: Mot dac trung 06 thé la vén ob hoae duge an dinh. CHU THICH 2: MOt dac trung c6 thé Ia dinh tinh hoae Ginh wang. CHU THICH 3: Cé nhidu loai dac trung, vi dy nhu: = ty nhién (vi dy: co, dign, héa, sinh), = cém quan (vi dy: lién quan dén Khiru gide, xie side, vi gidc, thi gidc, thinh giao); Geng xir (vi dy: lich sy trung thy, than thy); — thdi thire (vi dy: ding Ide, tin cay, sn 6); = ergonomi (vi dy: de trung tam Wy hod lién quan én an toan ciia con nguei); = tinh nding (vi dy: t6c 46 t6i da cia may bay). [TCVN ISO 9000:2007, 3.5.1] 142 Dac trung chat lugng gc tring (1.1.1) von c6 clia mét san pham ISO 3534-1 and ISO 3534-2 are intended to be compatible. However, ISO 3534-1, on terms, used in probability and statistics, is foundational; 0, by necessity, it is presented at a more sophisticated mathematical level than ISO 3534-2. As.users of this part of ISO 3534 on applied statistics may occasionally consult ISO 3534-1 for certain terms, copious notes and examples in ISO 3534-1 follow selected terms providing colloquial explanations of formal terms. 1 Data generation and collection 44 Systems of reference characteristics values for 144 characteristic distinguishing feature NOTE 1 A characteristic can be inherent or assigned. NOTE 2 A characteristic can be qualitative or quantitative. NOTE 3 There are various classes of characteris- tics, such as the following) = physical (e.g. mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological); — sensory (2.9. relating to smell, touch, taste, ‘sight, hearing); — behavioural (e.g. courtesy, honesty, veracity); temporal (e.g. punctuality, reliability, availabilt = ergonomic (e.g. physiological characteristic or related to human safety); = functional ( |. Maximum speed of an aircraft). [ISO 9000:2008, 3.5.1] 142 quality characteristic inherent characteristic (1.1.1) of a product (1.2.32), qué trinh (2.1.1) ho&e hé théng lien quan dén mot yéu cau. CHU THICH 1: Vn c6 nghia la tin tal dudi dang nao 6, dic biet 18 dc trung Iau ban. CHU THICH 2: Dae trung én dinh cho mét san phdm, qua trinh hoa hé théng (vi dy nhu gid ca san pham, chi si hiru sin phdm) khong phi la dc trung chat wong cia sén phdm, qua trinh hoac hé théng do. (TCVN ISO 9000:2007, 3.5.2} 143 Thang do He théng céc gid tri quy chiéu adi voi mot dic treng (1.1.1). CHU THICH 1: Thuat ng “gid ti? duoc ding theo ghia rong bao gdm ca théng tin dinh tinh CHU THICH 2: Theo nghfa dinh tinh, thang do c6 thé bao gém mot tap hyp ac kj higu ma gitta ching it nhiéu o6 méi quan he phan bigt x4e dinh. 144 Thang do lién tye Thang do (1.1.3) 66 cac gid tr lién tue, Vi DY: Thang do khodng (1.1.8) va thang do ti sé (1.1.9). CHU THICH 1: Thang do lién tye c6 thé chuyén thanh thang do réi rac (1.1.5), bing cach nhém “cac gid tri”, Diéu nay rS rang s8 d&n dén mat mat théng tin nh&t inh. Thang do réi rac dang nay thudng la thang ther ty. CHU THICH 2: 86 phan gidi cia thang do cé thé chiu nh huéng bat Iai do han ché cla hé théng do. Déi kkhi, nhGmng han ché ola phép do nhu vay 6 thé d&n dén nhiéu phép do duge biéu din theo thang do roi rac, thirty. 145 Thang do rai rac ‘Thang do (1.1.3) chi c6 mét tap hop hodc chudi gia tri phan biét. TCVN 8244-2:2010 (1.2.32), process (2.1.1) or system related to a requirement NOTE 1 Inherent means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic. NOTE 2 A characteristic assigned to a product, Process or system (e.g. the price of a product, the owner of a product) is net a quality characteristic of that product, process or system. [ISO 9000:2008, 3.5.2] 14.3 scale system of reference values for a characteristic (ay NOTE 1 The term “Value” is used in a broad sense to include qualitative information. NOTE 2 In a qualitative sense, a scale can consist of a set of symbols between which @ more or less differentiated relationship is defined. 144 continuous scale ‘scale (1.1.3) with a continuum of possible values, EXAMPLES (1.19). Interval scale (1.1.8) and ratio scale NOTE 1 A continuous scale can be transformed into a discrete scale (1.1.5), by grouping “values”. This inevitably leads to some loss of information. Often the resulting discrete scale will be ordinal. NOTE 2 Scale resolution may be adversely affected by measurement system limitations. Such measurement limitations can, sometimes, give rise to measurements being represented on a discrete, ordinal, scale. 14.5 discrete scale scale (1.1.3) with only a set or sequence of distinct values TCVN 8244-2:2010 14.6 Thang do danh nghia Thang do (1.1.3) véi cdc loai duge gan nhan Khéng ¢6 thir ty hae nhan cé thir ty quy U6. VIDY: Quéctich, mau, mau 616, giéng ch6, loai Idi. CHU THICH: Cé thé dém sé phan tir theo loai nhung khong thé xép ther ti hoae do céc loai a, 147 Thang do the ty Thang do (1.1.3) c6 cdc hang duge ghi theo thir ty. CHU THICH 1: B61 kh, gia thang do thé ty va thang o ri rac khOng 06 ranh gibi 1B rang (1.1.5). Vide phan hang mét cach cha quan nhw xuat sac, rit tét, ‘rung binh, kém va rét k6m durgc ma héa, tire fa tir 1 é6n 5, la hinh thire chuyén di tir dang thir ty sang dang rdi rac. Tuy nhién, khéng duc coi ching nhu cdc 86 thir ty vi khoding céch gitta 1 va 2c6 thé khong giéng voi 2 va 3, hoge 3 va 4, Mat khac, mot s6 linh vue duge xép thir ty mét céch khach quan theo ‘cudng 00, vi dy nhur thang Richter tir 0 dén 8 theo lugng nang lugng thost ra, ob méi quan hé binh ding v6i thang do r8i rac. CHU THICH 2: 963 khi, thang do danh nghia (1.1.6) duge xép thir ty theo quy wée. Vi dy nhur nhém mau, ‘ABO, luén dugc néu theo thir tyr nay. Trréng hop tuong ty la khi cdc chi cdi don 18 bidu thi cho cae c&p khac nhau. Khi d6, ching duge xép thir ty quy ude theo bang cho cai. 148 Thang do khoang Thang do lién tuc (1.1.4) hodc thang do rdi rac (1.1.5) 66 Khong gia tri thang do bang nhau va diém khéng (diém géc) bat ky. VI DY: 86 Celsius, a6 Fahrenheit, (xem TCVN 6398- 4) va biéu din thos gian, tho’ diém (xem ISO 8601), 10 141.6 nominal scale scale (1.1.3) with unordered labelled categories or ordered by convention EXAMPLE Nationality, colour, model of car, breed of dog, type of fault. NOTE It is possible to count by category but not order or measure. 117 ordinal scale scale (1.1.3) with ordered labelled categories NOTE1 There is blurred borderline between ordinal scales and discrete seales (1.1.5). When subjective opinion ratings such sometimes a as excellent, very good, neutral, poor and very poor are coded, say, 1 to 5, this has the apparent effect of converting from ordinal to discrete form. However, they should not be treated as ordinary numbers as the distance between 1 and 2 may not be the same as between 2 and 3, or 3 and 4, say. On the other hand, some categories that are ordered objectively according to magnitude, such as the Richter scale that ranges from 0 to 8 according to the amount of energy release, could equally well be related to a discrete scale. NOTE2 Sometimes nominal scales (1.1.6) are ordered by convention. An example is the blood group, ABO, which is always stated in this order. The same is the case if single letters denote diferent categories. They are then ordered, by convention, according to the alphabet. continuous scale (1.1.4) or discrete scale (1.1.5) with equal sized scale values and an arbitrary zero EXAMPLE Degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenhei (see ISO 31-4) and date and time expression (see 180 8601) CHU THICH: Chénh lech gitra cae gia tri khong bi anh hugng bai vige thay di diém khong cia thang do (1.1.3). 119 Thang do ty sé Thang ty 16 Thang do lién tue (1.1.4) c6 khoang gid tri thang do bang nhau va diém khéng tuyét déi hodc ty nhign. Vi DU: Gia ty kndi lung (xem TCVN 6398-3) va 46 dai (xem TCVN 6398-1). CHU THICH: Ty sé gia cac gia ti khong bi anh hung béi viée thay d8i don vj (1.2.14) cia thang do (1.1.3), 1.2, Ngudn dir ligu 124 Téng thé Toan bé oa thé (1.2.11) duge xem xét. CHU THICH 4: Mt tng thé 6 thé la thy va hou han hode of thiét va vo han. CHU THICH 2; Lady mu (1.3.1) mé rong tir mot tng thé thye h@u han ¢6 thé tao ra phn bé (2.5.1) tin suat hodc tn sudt thye tuong déi. Hoae vite nay od thé phat sinh mét m6 hinh ly thuyét oa téng thé gia inh dya trén phan bd xc suat cé thé rit ra. Didu nay ‘cho phép thyc hign cdc dy dosn. CHU THICH 3: Mét ting thé c6 thé 1a két qua cia mot qua trinh dang dién ra bao gdm két qua trong tuong tai. CHU THICH 4: Mét ting thé 6 thé gém cdc vat phan bigt dug hose vat ligu dang déng, 1.22 Tham sé ciia tong thé Gia tr do ting hgp cia mét dc treng (1.1.2) nao 66 clia mot téng thé (1.2.1). TCVN 8244-2:2010 NOTE Differences between values are not affected by a change of zero for the seale (1.1.3). 119 ratio scale proportional scale continuous scale (1.1.4) with equal sized scale values and an absolute or natural zero point EXAMPLES — Mass (see ISO 31-3) and length value (see ISO 31-1), NOTE Ratios between values are not affected by a change of unit (1.2.14) for the seale (1.1.3). 1.2. Sources of data 124 Population totality of consideration items (1.2.11) under NOTE 1 A population can be real or hypothetical and infinite. and finite NOTE 2 Extended sampling (1.3.1) from a finite real population can give tise to the generation of actual frequencies or —_frequenoy distributions (2.5.1). Alternatively, or arising from this, a theoretical model of the hypothetical population based on probability distributions can be derived. This enables predictions to be made. relative NOTES A population can be the result of an ‘ongoing process that may inolude future output. NOTE 4 A population can consist of distinguishable objects or bulk materia. 122 population parameter summary measure of the values of some characteristic (1.1.2) of a population (1.2.1) " TCVN 8244-2:2010 VI DU: Trung binh téng thé = ys; 46 lech chuan cia téng th o CHU THICH: Tham 86 ca ting thé thudng duge ky higu bang char Hy Lap thurong, nghiang, 123 Téng thé con Mét phan ciia tng thé (1.2.1). 124 Le Phan xac dinh clia tng thé (1.2.1) cdu thanh trong cae diéu kign vé co ban gidng vai ting thé xét ve myc dich lay mau. CHU THICH: Vi du, muc dich ly mau co thé a8 xéc Ginh kha nding chdp nhan 16 hoe 68 uéc lveng gi tr ‘rung binh cla mét de trung (1.1.1) cu tha. 1.25 Lo riéng 16 Lé (1.2.4) duge hinh thanh tach biét v6i mot loat 16 va cing khéng tao thanh mét phan cia loat 16 46, 126 Loat cdc 16 riéng [é Nhém céc 16 lién tiép nhung khéng tao thanh bo phan cla mt loat én hodc tao boi mot qué trinh tign tuc. 127 Lé6 duy nhét L6 (1.2.4) hinh thanh trong cdc dibu kign dc thi cla 16 d6 va khong phai [4 bd phan cia loat thong thudng. 128 L6 thi aiém LO (1.2.4) nh tién hanh true loat 16 théng thdng é thu thap théng tin va kinh nghiém. 12 EXAMPLES Population mean = 4, standard deviation = o. population NOTE Population parameters are symbolized by lower case Greek letters in italics 1.23 sub-population Part of a population (1.2.1) usually 124 lot definite part of a population (1.2.1) constituted under essentially the same conditions as the population with respect to the sampling purpose NOTE The sampling purpose can, for example, be to determine lot acceptability, or to estimate the mean value of a particular characteristic (1.1.1). 125 Isolated lot lot (1.2.4) separated from the sequence of lots in which it was formed and not forming part of a current sequence 1.26 isolated sequence of lots group of lots in succession but not forming part of a large sequence or produced by a continuing process 127 unique lot lot (1.2.4) formed under conditions peculiar to that lot and not part of a routine sequence 128 pilot lot small lot (1.2.4) run prior to a routine sequence in order to gain information and experience 129 re-submitted lot Lé (1.2.4) trde do aa duoc An dinh la khong duge chap nhan va dugc giao nép lai dé kiém tra (4.1.2) sau khi 68 duge xi Ij, thir nghigm, phan loai, tai xtr We ove 1.2.40 Lecon Phan xée dinh ca 18 (1.2.4) 12.11 Thyc thé ca thé Bat civ thir gi co thé mo ta va xem xét riéng 8. Vi DU: Ca thé vat If; long vat ligu xée inh; dich vy (1.2.33), hoat déng, con ngudi, hé théng hoa két hop tir d6. CHU THICH 1: Xem thém don vi mu (1.2.14). CHU THICH 2: Knéng nén dung thuat agi “adi tugng’ 1.2.12 Ca thé khéng phi hgp Ca thé (1.2.11) c6 mot hoac nhiéu sy khéng pha hop (3.1.11). 4.2.43 Ca thé khuyét 13 Ca thé (1.2.11) cd mot hod nhidu khuyét tat (3.1.12). 1244 Bon vj mau Don vi Mat trong céc phan riéng 18 hop thanh téng thé (12.4) CHU THICH 1: Bon vi m&u cd thé gém met hoac nhidu ¢4 thé (1.2.11), vi dy mot bao diém, nhung $6 bao ham mot két qua thir (3.4.1), CHU THICH 2: Bon vi mau 06 thé gém c&c ca thé roi rac hode mot luging vat ligu dang ding xac dinh. CHU THICH 3: Béi vai “don vi mau" , xem 5.1.4. TCVN 8244-2:2010 lot (1.2.4) which previously has been designated as not acceptable and which is submitted again for inspection (4.1.2) after having been further treated, tested, sorted, reprocessed, etc. 1.2.40 sub-lot definite part of a lot (1.2.4) 12.4 item entity anything that can be described and considered separately EXAMPLE A discrete physical item; a defined ‘amount of bulk material; a service (1.2.33), activity, Person, system or some com! tation thereof. NOTE 1 See also sampling unit (1.2.14), NOTE 2 Object is a deprecated term. 1.2.12 nonconforming item item (1.2.11) with one or more nonconfor- mities (3.1.11) 1.2.13 defective item item (1.2.11) with one or more defects (3.1.12) 1.2.14 sampling unit unit one of the individual parts population (1.2.1) is divided into. which a NOTE 1A sampling unit can contain one or more items (1.2.11), for example a box of matches, but one test result (3.4.1) will be obtained for it. NOTE 2 A sampling unit can consist of discrete items or a defined amount of bulk material. NOTE 3. For “sampling unit” , see 5.1.4. 13 TCVN 8244-2:2010 1.2.15, Bon vi khéng phi hop Bon vj (1.2.14) cé mot ho&c nhiéu sy khéng pho hyp (3.1.11). 4.2.16 Bon vj khuyét tat Bon vi (1.2.14) co mét hoa nhigu khuyét tat (3.1.12). 1.217 Mau Tap hop con cla tng thé (1.2.1) gdm mot hoa nhidu don vj mu (1.2.14). CHU THICH: Trong vige chon m&u 6 nhiéu cach khdc nhau, ngdu nhién va khong ngdu nhién. Tap hop d0rligu thu dug theo cach dy mau (1.9.1) chéch khong thé tranh khdi trong nhidu finh wwe (vi dy nhur trong di truyén hoc ngudi, cba dong ho duge phat hign thong qua tr em dj thudng), cng ta mot vi dy. Trong ldy mau didu tra (1.3.18), céc don vj mau thuéng duge chon v6i xac sudt ty 16 voi quy m6 cla mot bién da bidt, s8 cho mu chgch. 12.18 Théng ké mau ‘Don vj do biéu thi chung cho mét (3.2.8) nhdt dinh cia mot mu (1.2.17). ri quan tric CHU THICH 1: Théng k& mau (bién ngdu_nhién) urge ky higu bing cho Latinh hoa, in nghiéng (vi du X va S) trong khi thé hign thye té cla théng ké m&u (gi8 ti quan tréc) duge ky higu bang chi Latin thuéng, in nghiéng (vi du ¥ va s). Bibu nay nguec v6i tham sé ting thé (1.2.2) duoc ky higu bing cho Hylap thuéng, in nghiéng (vi du 4 va 0}. CHU THICH 2: Cac gia tri quan trdc 06 thé két hop a& tao thanh két qua this (3.4.1) hoac két qua do (3.4.2) VI du, ty trong cia mot thanh 6 thd 1a sy két hop gia cdc gid tri quan tric v8 do dai, duong kinh va knéi lvong. 14 1.245 nonconforming unit unit (1.2.14) with one or more nonconfor- mities (3.1.11) 1.2.16 defective unit unit (1.2.14) with one or more defects (3.1.12) 41247 sample subset of a population (1.2.1) made up of one or more sampling units (1.2.14) NOTE Many different ways, random and not random, in selecting a sample can be envisaged. A collection of data obtained by biased sampling (1.3.1) that is unavoidable in many areas (e.g. in human genetics, of families detected through abnormal children), is also a sample. in survey sampling (1.3.18), are often selected with a probability proportional to size of ‘a known variable, giving a biased sample. sampling units 1.2.48 sample statistic summary measure of some observed value (3.2.8) of a sample (1.2.17) NOTE 1 Sample statistics (random variables) are symbolized by upper case Latin letters in italics (e.g ¥ and $) whereas the actual realization of sample statistics (observed values) are symbolized by lower case Latin letters in italics (e.g. ¥ and s). This contrasts with population parameters (1.2.2) symbolized by lower case Greek letters in italics (e.g and 0). NOTE2 Observed values may be combined to form a test result (3.4.1) or measurement result (3.4.2), For instance, the density of a bar may involve the combining of observed values of length, diameter and mass. 1.2.19 Mau con Phan duge chon ciia mau (1.2.17). CHU THICH: Mau con 06 thé due chon bing cing m6t phyong phap 48 dug ding 48 chon mau ban dau inhumg khéng nat thiét phai nhu vay. 1.2.20 Mau kép Mét trong hai hodc nhiéu mau (1.2.17) hoac mau con (1.2.19) thu duge riéng ré déng thoi bang ‘ciing mot quy trinh dy mau hod quy trinh phan mau. 1221 Mau cdp mot Mu (1.2.17) ldy trong giai doan dau olla phép lay méu nhidu tang (1.3.10), 4.2.22 Mau cdp hai Mau (1.2.17) ldy tty mu cép mét (1.2.21) trong giai doan thir hai cla phép lay mau nhiéu tang (1.3.10). CHU THICH: Vigc nay 06 thé mé rong dén giai doan thir kd6i v6i k > 2 1.2.23 Mau cudi Mau (1.2.17) nhan duge & giai dogn cudi cing cla phép ldy mau nhiéu tang (1.3.10). 1.2.24 Mau ngdu nhién don gian miu (1.2.17) duge chon bang cach ldy m4u ngdu nhién don gin (1.3.4) 1.2.25 Mau ngdu ni Mu (1.2.17) chon bang phép Idy mau ngau nhién (135). jn CHU THICH: Dinh nghia nay lién quan dén mau vat ly TCVN 8244-2:2010 1.2.49 subsample selected part of a sample (1.2.17) NOTE The subsample can be selected by the same method as was used in selecting the original sample, but need not be so. 1.220 duplicate sample one of the two or more samples (1.2.17) or subsamples (1.2.19) obtained separately at the same time by the same sampling procedure or ‘sample division procedure 1.2.21 primary sample sample (1.2.17) taken during the first stage of muttistage sampling (1.3.10) 4.2.22 ‘secondary sample (1.2.17) taken sample (1.2.21) during the second stage of muttistage sampling (1.3.10) sample from the primary NOTE This may be extended to the th stage for k >2 1.2.23 final sample sample (1.2.17) obtained at the final stage of multistage sampling (1.3.10) 1.2.24 random sample sample (1.2.17) selected by simple random sampling (1.3.4) 1.2.25 random sample sample (1.2.17) selected by random sampling (1.3.5) NOTE This definition relates to a physical 15 TCVN 8244-2:2010 nguoe voi mau ngiu nhién dinh ng! (8244-1 1& mot khai niém ly thuyét. trong TCVN 12.26 ca mau $6 don vj mau (1.2.14) trong mot mau (1.2.17) CHU THICH: Trong dy mu nhidu ting, oo mau 1a téng s6 don vj mau (1.2.14) tai thoi diém két thic giai oan cubi cla vige ldy mau (1.3.1). 1.2.27 Khung mau Danh mye day di cac don vj mu (1.2.14). Vi DY: Ban kiém ké cae thanh phan trong mét kho hang, ban ké cdc kién len trén mt chuyén tau hodc ban ké cdc khosin phi tr. CHU THICH: Khung mau hay “téng thé mau" (1.2.1) 66 thé khéc voi “tng thé muc tieu’, Vi dy, mot danh séch ctr tri o6 thé ly lam khung mau 48 thé @n ting thé nguoi trréng thanh trong mét ving cy thé. Bibu nay khéng cé nghia la nd sé hoan toan chinh xe. 1.2.28 Chim BO phan ciia tang thé (1.2.1) chia tach thanh céc nhém don vi mAu (1.2.14) téch biét nhau theo mot cach thire nhdt éinh. 1.2.29 Lép Téng thé con (1.2.3) tach bit va day 6a duoc xem la déng nhét hon vé c4c dae trung (1.1.1) nghién ciu so véi toan bé tang thé (1.2.1). Vi DY: Trong ly m&u dang déng (1.3.2), theo thoi gian, khéi long va khong gian, c&c lop dién hinh la: = thoi gian sn xudt (vi dy 15 phat); ~ kn6i lugng sin xu (vi dy 100 tn); = luu gift trong thing, toa xe trén tau va céngteno. 16 sample in contrast to the random sample defined in ISO 3634-1 which is a theoretical concept 1.2.26 sample size number of sampling units (1.2.14) in a sample (12.17) NOTE In a multistage sample, the sample size is the total number of sampling units (1.2.14) at the conclusion of the final stage of sampling (1.3.1) 1227 sampling frame complete list of sampling units (1.2.14) EXAMPLE An inventory of parts ina warehouse, a manifest of bales of wool on a ship. or a schedule of accounts payable. NOTE The sampling frame, or “sampled population” (1.2.1) may differ from the “target population’. For example, an electoral register may be taken as @ sampling frame to represent the adult population in a particular area. It is unlikely that it will be totally accurate. 1.228 cluster part of a population (1.2.1) divided into mutually exclusive groups of sampling units (1.2.14) related in a certain manner 1.229 stratum mutually exclusive and exhaustive sub-population (1.2.3) considered to be more homogeneous with respect to the characteristics (1.1.1) investigated than the total population (1.2.1) EXAMPLE In bulk sampling (1.3.2), based on time, mass and space. are typically: strata, - production periods (e.g. 15 minutes); = _ production masses (e.g. 100 tonnes); 1.2.30 Phan lop Viée phan chia téng thé (1.2.1) thanh cdc lop (1.2.29). Vi DY: Téng thd méo hoac ché dug phan lép theo giéng, tng thé nguéi duge phan lop theo gigi tinh va tang lop x4 hi, mot quéc gia duge chia thanh cac vung, mién. 1.2.31 Khéng gian co’ hgi Bon vj (1.2.14) hoae phan vat ligu, qué tinh, san pham (1.2.32) hoae dich vy (1.2.33) trong 46 c6 thé xay ra (cc) bién 06 6a dinh, CHU THICH: Thuat nga nay thudng duge goi la “ving co hi”. Tuy nhién, khi én quan dén ba bién ‘re lén thi thuat ngg “vung” khéng thich hop. 1.2.32 San phim Két qua cla mot qua trinh (2.1.1). CHU THICH 1: C6 bén loai san phdm chung ~ dich vy (vi dy: van chuyén); = phdin mém (vi dy: chyong trinh may tinh); = phan exing (vi dy: b6 phan co khi cia dong co); = vatligu qua xir ly (vi dy: du bdt tron). Nhidu sn phim gdm nhidu thanh phan thuige cdc logi sin phim chung khdc nhau. Khi 46, sn phdm duge goi 1a gi tuy thuge vo thanh phan chi dao. [TCVN IS 9000:2005, 3.4.2} 1.2.33 Dich vu San pham (1.2.32) la két qua cila it nhdt mét hoat dong dugc thyc hién gita ngudi cung cp va TCVN 8244-2:2010 - holds in vessels, containers. wagons in a train and 1.2.30 stratification division of a population (1.2.1) into strata (1.2.29) EXAMPLE Stratification of a cat or dog Population into breeds, a human population into gender and social classes and a country divided into regions. 4.2.31 ‘opportunity space unit (1.2.14) or portion of material, process, product (1.2.32) or service (1.2.33) in which designated event(s) can occur NOTE This is frequently referred to as an “area of opportunity’. However, when three or more variables are involved, the term “area” is inappropriate. 1.232 product result of a process (2.1.1) NOTE 1. Four genetic product categories are: = services (e.g. transport): = software (e.g. computer program); — hardware (e.g, engine mechanical part); ~ processed materials (e.g. lubricant). Many products comprise elements belonging to different generic product categories. What the product is then called depends on the dominant element. {ISO 9000:2005, 3.4.2} 4.2.33 service product (1.2.32) that is the result of at least one activity performed at the interface between the 7 TCVN 8244-2:2010 khach hang. VI DU: Dich vy 06 thé lién quan dén: = mt hoat dong thy hign trén mot san phdm AGU hhinh do khéch hang cung cp (vi dy: sira 6t0); = giao mét san phdm hu hinh (vi dy: trong céng ‘nghiép giao thang van tai); ~ giao mot sin phdm khong how hinh (vi dy: trong chuyén giao théng tin); = tao ra bau khong khi cho khdch hang (vi dy trong khach san, nna hang). 1.234 Ca thé thir/do déng nhét Mau (1.2.17) duge chudn bj va 06 thé gid dinh la dng nhat d6i voi myc dich dy kién. CHU THICH: Cac yéu cau thyc té duge néu trong ban théa thugn v8 myc dich dy kién, 1.2.35 Mau dai dién Mau ngdu nhién (1.2.25) durge chon sao cho céc gi tri quan trdc (3.2.8) c6 cing phan bé (2.5.1) trong mau (1.2.17) giéng nhy trong téng thé (1.2.4), Vi DY: Mau duge chon bang phép Idy mau ngdu ‘nhién phan l6p (1.3.7) trong 46 ty 18 ca thé ly tir ode lop (1.2.29) khde nhau bang t7 18 c& thé cla ting thé trong I6p 46, c6 thé durge xem IA mau dai dién di voi cc gia tri quan trac, CHU THICH 1: Binh nghia nay chi ra rang mula hinh nh giéng hét hay thu nhé ca tng thé. CHU THICH 2: Trong tai ligu va Gng dung chung, thudt ngtr “mau dai dign” va “lay mu dai dign” duge ding theo it nht la sau nghfa khéc nhau = mOttuyén b6, phé chun chung, khOng gid thich vé di ligu; ~ _Khéng o6 &p 6&t lira chon: - hinh nh phan chiéu hay thu nhd cia téng thé. M&u c6 cing phan bé voi tng thé; 18 ‘supplier and the customer EXAMPLE Service may involve: - an activity performed on a customer supplied tangible product (e.g. automobile to be repaired): ~ the delivery of a tangible product (e.g. in the transportation industry); ~ the delivery of an intangible product (e.g. the delivery of information); = the creation of ambience for the customer (e.g. in hotels and restaurants). 1.2.34 identical testimeasurement item sample (1.2.17) which is prepared and can be presumed to be identical for the intended purpose NOTE Practical requirements are stated in the protocol of the intended purpose. 1.2.35 representative sample random sample (1.2.25) selected in such a way that the observed values (3.2.8) have the same distributions (2.5.1) in the sample (1.2.17) as in the population (1.2.1) EXAMPLE A sample, selected by stratified random sampling (1.3.7) where the proportions of items drawn from the different strata (1.2.29) are ‘equal to the proportions of the population items in the strata, can be considered as a representative sample with regard to the observed values. NOTE 1 The definition indicates that the sample is a mirror image or a miniature of the population. NOTE 2 The terms “representative sample" and “representative sampling” are used in at least six different categories of meanings in the literature and general usage: - general, unjustified acclaim, approbation for the data; - absence of selective forces; = truéng hop dién hinh hode ly tuéng; = bao trim ting thé, Mu durge thiét ké d8 phan nh 46 bién dong (2.2.1) dac bist Ia giba cac 6p: = Iy mu xée suét: churong trinh Ky mau chinh thire dua ra cho méi thanh phan cia téng thé mit xac sudt Iya chon da biét. Sy c6 mat cia tat cd cée nghia khde nhau nay chi ra rng cn tanh hodc si dung thugt ngir nay mot cach than trong. 1.3 Logi ldy mau 134 Lay mau Hoat dong ldy hoac thanh lap mot mau (1.2.17) 132 Lady mu dang déng Lay mau (1.3.1) vat ligu (5.1.1) dang déng. VI DY: Lay mau dang déng than 6a d6i voi ham luging tro hoa thuéc la d6i v6i ham lugng 4m, 13.3 Lay mau rai rac Lay méu (1.3.1) vat ligu riéng ré. 134 Lay mau ngdu nhién don gian Phép Idy mau (1.3.1) trong 46 mot mdu (1.2.17) gdm n don vj mau (1.2.14) duge lay te mot tong thé (1.2.1) sao cho tat cd cdc t8 hgp c6 thé c6 cla n don vi mau 06 cling xac sudt duge ly ra. CHU THICH: Trong Idy m&u dang déng (1.3.2), néu don vi mu la mau so cdp thi viée dinh vj, phan inh va lay cdc mu so cdp phai sa0 cho tt c8 cde on vi mau cé xac sudt dug chon nhu nhau. TCVN 8244-2:2010 = mirror image or miniature of the population. ‘The sample has the same distribution as the population; ~ typical or ideal case; - coverage of the population. Samples are designed to reflect variation (2.2.1) especially among strata; = probability sampling: a formal sampling scheme that gives every population element 2 known positive probability of selection. The presence of all these different categories of meanings indicates that the term should be avoided or used with care. 1.3. Types of sampling 134 sampling act of drawing or constituting a sample (1.2.17) 132 bulk sampling ‘sampling (1.3.1) of bulk material (5.1.1) EXAMPLE — Sampling of a bulk of coal for ash content or of tobacco for moisture content. 1.3.3 discrete sampling ‘sampling (1.3.1) of discrete material 13.4 simple random sampling sampling (1.3.1) where a sample (1.2.17) of nm sampling units (1.2.14) is taken from a population (1.2.1) in such a way that all the possible combinations of n sampling units have the same probability of being taken NOTE In bulk sampling (1.3.2), if the sampling unit is an increment, the positioning, delimitation and extraction of increments is such that all sampling units have an equal probability of being selected. 19 13.5 Lay mau ngdu nhién Phép ldy mau (1.3.1) trong 46 mot mau (1.2.17) gdm n don vj mau (1.2.14) duge léy tir mot ting ‘thé (1.2.1) sao cho méi t8 hyp 06 thé c6 cian don vi mau c6 mot xac suat duge léy cy thé. 136 Lay mau phan lop L4y m&u (1.3.1) sao cho cac phan m4u (1.2.17) duge ly tir Kop (1.2.29) khéc nhau va méi Isp dug lay mau it nhat la mot don vj mau (1.2.14), CHU THICH 1: Trong mot sé truéng hop, cc phan la 49 18 quy dinh duoc xac dinh truéc. Néu vige phan lop (1.2.30) duge thyc hign sau khi ly mau thi ty 18 uy dinh khong duvge biét trade. CHU THICH 2: C& thé (1.2.11) te mdi lop duge chon bang phép ly mu ngdu nhién (1.3.5) 137 L4y mu ngau nhién don gian phan lop Ly mu ngdu nhién don gian (1.3.4) tir mdi lop (1.2.29). CHU THICH: Néu ty 18 ¢4 thé (1.2.11) ldy tir cdc lop khéc nhau bang vdi ty 1é cé thé cia téng thé trong 16p 46 thi duoc goi Ia Idy mau ngu nhién don gian phan lop ty 1. 13.8 Lay mau theo chi dinh Lay mau phan lop (1.3.6) trong 46 mau (1.2.17) duge chon theo céch khéng ngdu nhién. 13.9 Lay mAu chim Phép ldy mau (1.3.1) trong 46 mau ngdu nhién (1.2.25) ca cae chum (1.2.28) éuge chon va tat c& cdc don vi mu (1.2.14) tao thanh cham bao 20 13.5 random sampling sampling (1.3.1) where a sample (1.2.17) of » sampling units (1.2.14) is taken from a population (1.2.1) in such a way that each of the possible combinations of n sampling units has a particular probability of being taken 136 stratified sampling sampling (1.3.1) such that portions of the sample (1.2.17) are drawn from the different strata (1.2.29) and each stratum is sampled with at least one sampling unit (1.2.14) NOTE 1 In some cases, the portions are specified proportions determined in advance. if the stratification (1.2.30) is done after the sampling, the ‘specified proportions would not be known in advance. NOTE2 Items (1.2.11) from each stratum are often selected by random sampling (1.3.5). 13.7 stratified simple random sampling simple random sampling (1.3.4) from each stratum (1.2.29) NOTE If the proportions of items (1.2.11) drawn from the differing strata are equal to the proportions of population items in the strata, it is called proportional stratified simple random sampling, 13.8 quota sampling stratified sampling (1.3.6) where the sample (1.2.17)is selected in a non-random manner 13.9 cluster sampling sampling (1.3.1) in which a random sample (1.2.25) of clusters (1.2.28) is selected and all the sampling units (1.2.14) which constitute the gém trong mau (1.2.17). 13.10 Lay mu nhidu tng Phép ty mau (1.3.1) trong dd mau (1.2.17) duge chon theo ting, cdc don vj mau (1.2.14) tai méi ting duge lay tir don vj mau lon hon duge chon & tang trude dé. CHU THICH 1: Lay mau nhiéu tng khac voi lay mau nhiéu lan. Lay mu nhiu lan la lay mau theo nhiéu ti6u chi ddng thai. CHU THICH 2: Phuong phap ldy mau d6i vi cdc ting khéc nhau 06 thé khdc nhau, sao cho cé thé chon mau cdp mét (1.2.21) vi dy bang cach ly mau nigdu nhién don gian (1.3.4), trong khi m&u cudi (1.2.23) nhan duoc thong qua, vi dy, lly miu he théng (1.3.12). 13.11 Lay mau chim nhiéu tang Lay mau chim (1.39) voi hai ho&e nhiéu tang, mai lan lay mau (1.3.1) duge thyc hign theo cham (1.2.28), trong 46 cdc chim nhan duge bang viéc chia nhd mau (1.2.17) truée a6. 13.12 Léy mau hé théng Lay mau (1.3.1) theo phuong 4n c6 hé théng. CHU THICH 1: Trong Idy mau dang déng (1.3.2), mau h@ théng cé thé dat dugc bang cach Idy cdc ca thé (1.2.11) céch nhau mot khoaing c&ch oé dinh hose sau nhimg khong thdi gian cé 46 dai o6 dinh. Cac khoang 06 thé duge xe dinh, chang han trén co si khdi lugng hoge thei gian, Vé mat khéi lurgng, ede don vj mu (1.2.14) hoge mau so cdp ¢6 khdi lung bing nhau. Trén co sé théi gian, don vi mau hoge mau so cp ugc ldy tir mt ludng hoc bang tai, nghia 1a, & cae Khang thai glan déu hau. Trong trudng hop nay, TCVN 8244-2:2010 ‘clusters are included in the sample (1.2.17) 1.3.10 multistage sampling ‘sampling (1.3.1) in which the sample (1.2.17) is selected by stages, the sampling units (1.2.14) fat each stage being sampled from the larger sampling units chosen at the previous stage NOTE 1 Multistage sampling is different from multiple sampling. Multiple sampling is sampling by several criteria at the same time. NOTE 2 The sampling method can be different for the various stages, such that the primary sample (1.2.21) may be selected by e.g. simple random ‘sampling (1.3.4), while the final sample (1.2.23) is obtained through e.g. systematic sampling (1.3.12). 13.11 multistage cluster sampling cluster sampling (1.39) with two or more stages, each sampling (1.3.1) being made on clusters (1.2.28), in which the clusters already ‘obtained by the preceding sample (1.2.17) have been divided 1.3.42 systematic sampling sampling (1.3.1) according to a methodical plan NOTE 1 In bulk sampling (1.3.2), systematic sampling may be achieved by taking items (1.2.11) at fixed distances or after time intervals of fixed length. Intervals can, for example, be on a mass or time basis. In the case of a mass basis, sampling units (1.2.14) or increments are of equal mass. With respect to a time basis, sampling units or increments are taken from a moving stream or conveyor, say, at uniform time intervals. In this case, the mass of each sampling unit or increment is 2 TCVN 8244-2:2010 khéi lurgng ota mdi don vi mau hoe mu so cp ty 16 v6i lwu lugng khéi lugng tai thoi diém lay don vj mau ho&e mau so cdp 66. CHU THICH 2: Néu 18 (1.2.4) duge chia thanh cae lop (1.2.29), thi o6 thé tién hanh l4y mau hé théng phan lop bing céch Idy cdc mau so cdp & c&c vi tr turong durang trong ting lop. CHU THICH 3: Voi vige lay mau hé théng, viée ngdu nhién hoa ldy mau sé bj han ché. 4.3.13 Lay mau hé théng dinh ky Lay mau hé théng (1.3.12) trong 46 don vj mau (1.2.14) trong mt tang thé (1.2.1) duge sép xép theo trat ty va danh sé ti’ 1 dén N trong mau (1.2.17), khi d6 tao thanh cac don vi mdu danh sé Bh hh 2k, oh + (n= Mk, trong dé 4 va k la c&c $6 nguyén durong théa man quan he: nk-< Ne nk +1) va h ck; A thuéng duge ldy ngdu nhién tir sé nguyén & dau tin; va n = 86 don vi mau. CHU THICH 1: L4y mdu hé théng dinh ky la phuong phap lly mau trong 46 ngdu nhién héa vige lly mau (1.3.1) duge gigi han dén vigc Iva chon mot s6 trong 86 nguyén dau tién, CHU THICH 2: Mau he théng dinh ky thuéng dug sir dung 48 nhan dug mot m&u ngdu nhién d6i véi cdc 4c trumg (1.1.1) 03 biét la khong phy thuge vao oo” 8 hé théng. CHU THICH 3: MOt co sd hg théng 06 thé 1a trat ty. sn xudt. Tuy nhién cdn than trong. Néu ot 4y ed thé (1.2.11) thir 6, 12 hode 18 duge san xudt tir may sau ‘dau thi 6 nhidu kha nding mau khéng phai la dai dién cho dau ra cia may 46. 22 proportional to the mass flow rate at the instant of taking the sampling unit or increment. NOTE 2 If the lot (1.24) is divided into strata (1.2.28), stratified systematic sampling can be carried ‘out by taking increments at the same relative locations within each stratum, NOTE 3 With systematic sampling, the randomiza- tion of sampling is restricted. 1.3.13 periodic systematic sampling systematic sampling (1.3.12) in which the sampling units (1.2.14) in a population (1.2.1) are arranged in order, and numbered from 1 to N within the sample (1.2.17), then constituted as the sampling units numbered Ahk, ht 2k, oh + (n= Yh, where hk and k are positive integers satisfying the relationships: nk mé ta cdc thanh phan hé théng duge sir dung aé kiém sot sy bién dong (2.2.1) cia céc dae trung (1.1.1) ola céc qua trinh (2.1.1), san pham (1.2.32) va dich vy (1.2.33), va nham gidm thiéu sy sai Iéch so voi gid tr wu tien eda ching CHU THICH: Tai ligu 12 moi trxdng chira thong tin (TCVN ISO 8000}. Tai ligu co thé 1a t hyp cdc loai phurong tién théng tin khac nhau, vi dy, gidy, tu, den ‘tr hoc dia quang, anh hoe mu (1.2.17) chinh. 2.4.10 Phan tich qué trinh Nghién cou nham dem lai tac dong lén hé théng nguyén nhan va két qua 48 kiém soat valhoac cai tién qua trinh (2.1.1) hodc san pham (1.2.32) bao gm ca djch vy (1.2.33). 2.2 Khai nigém lién quan dén d6 bién d6ng 224 6 bién dong Sy khdc biét gia cdc gid tri cia mot dc trung (44). CHU THICH: B9 bién dong thutng duge biéu thi bang phurong sai ho&c 46 léch chudn. 222 ‘Dé bién déng vén cé cua qua trinh DG bién dng (2.2.1) trong mét qua trinh (2.1.1) khi qué trinh dugc thyc hign & trang thai kiém 26 also equally applicable to processes producing transactions, for example, those involving data, software, communications and movement of material. services or NOTE3 SPC invoWes both process control (2.1.6) and process improvement (2.1.7). 21.9 control plan document describing the system elements to. be applied to control variation (2.2.1) of characteristics (1.1.1) of processes (2.1.1), products (1.2.32) and services (1.2.33), ‘and to minimize deviation from their preferred values NOTE A document is a medium containing information {ISO 9000). It can be a combination of different types of media, for example, paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample (1.2.17) 2.4.10 process analysis study intended to give rise to action on a cause and effect system to control and/or improve a process (2.1.1) oF product (1.2.32) including service (1.2.33) 2.2 Variation-related concepts 224 variation difference between values of a characteristic (14.4) NOTE Variation is often expressed as a variance or standard deviation. 222 inherent process variation variation (2.2.1) in a process (2.1.1) when the process is operating in a state of statistical ‘soat théng ké (2.2.7). CHU THICH 1: Khi biéu thi theo 4 léch chuan thi sir dung chi s6 dudi “W’, (vi dy ay Sy hode 54), 68 chi ra tinh vin 06. Xem thém 2.7.1, cha thich 2. CHU THICH 2: 86 bién ding nay tuong ting voi “dd bién dong trong pham vi nhém con”, 223 6 bién dong toan phan cia qua trinh BQ bién dong (2.2.1) trong mét qua trinh (2.1.1) do cdc nguyén nhan dic biét (2.2.4) va nguyén han ngdu nhién (2.2.5) CHU THICH 4: Khi bidu thi theo 4 tach chun thi sir dyng chi s6 dudi (vi dy a, 5 hoae s ), 68 chi thi do bién dong toan phan. Xem thém 2.6.4, cthi thich 3. CHU THICH 2: Bd bién dong nay tuong Ung voi sy két hop gira “a bién dong trong pham vi nhém con” va "06 bién dong gia cac nhom con” 2.2.4 Nguyén nhan dic biét Nguén gay bién dong qué trinh khéng phai la bién d6ng vén cé cila qua trinh (2.2.2). CHU THIGH 1: B6i khi “nguyén nhan dec bist” due higu déng nghia voi “nguyén nhan 4n dinh”. Tuy nhién, van €6 sy khéc bigt. Nguyén nhan dac bigt chi €6 thé &n dinh khi n6 durge xée dinh oy thé. CHU THICH 2: Trudng hop dc bigt phat sinh do inhiing tinh huéng cy thé Khéng phai khi ndo cling €6, Nhu vay, trong mét qua trinh (2.1.1) © nhting nguyén nhan dc bigt, mire 4 bién dng (2.2.1) doi hi khong thé dy doan dugc. 2.2.5 Nguyén nhan ngdu nhién Nguyén nhan théng thong Nguyén nhan tinh c& Nun gay bién d6ng (2.2.1) vén 6 trong mot qué trink (2.1.1) qua thai gian. CHU THICH 1: Trong mét qué trinh chi chiu bién dong TCVN 8244-2:2010 control (2.2.7) NOTE 1 When it is expressed in terms of standard deviation, the subscript “Wis applied, (2.9. dy. Sy. OF Sy ) indicating inherent, See also 2.7.1, Note 2. NOTE 2 This variation corresponds with “within- subgroup variation”. 223 total process variation variation (2.2.1) in a process (2.1.1) due to both special causes (2.2.4) and random causes (2.2.5) NOTE 1 When it is expressed in terms of standard deviation, the subscript *t’ is applied (e.g. q, S, or si). indicating total. See also 2.6.1, Note 3. NOTE2 This variation corresponds with the ‘combination of the “within-subgroup variation’ and the “between-subgroup variation”. 224 special cause source of process variation other than inherent process variation (2.2.2) NOTE 1 Sometimes ‘special cause” is taken to be synonymous with “assignable cause”. However, 2 distinction is recognized. A special cause is assignable only when it is specifically identified. NOTE 2 A special cause arises because of specific circumstances that are not always present. As such, in @ process (2.1.1) subject to special causes, the ‘magnitude of the variation (2.2.1) from time to time is unpredictable, 225 random cause common cause chance cause source of process variation (2.2.1) that is inherent in a process (2.1.1) over time 27 TCVN 8244-2:2010 do nguyén nhan ngdu nhién, thi cé thd dy don duge 9 bién déng trong pham vi gidi han thing ké duge thidt tap. CHU THICH 2: Vige lam giém nhong nguyén nhan nay giup eal tién qua trinh (2.1.7). Tuy nhién, moc do han biét, gidm thidu va logi thir nguyén nhan can dug phan tich chi phiflgi ich v8 tinh kha thi Ky thuat cefing nhur tinh kinh té 2.2.6 Nhém con hop Iy Nhém con, trong 66 46 bién déng (2.2.1) duce gid dinh la chi do cae nguyén nhén ng&u nhién (2.25). CHU THICH 1: Nhém con la mot tap hop do lieu dy tir mot qua trinh (2.1.1) sao cho dm bao tinh tong dng cao nhdt ca do ligu trong mBi nhém con va tinh khae bigt Ion nhét ca dir ligu gia c&c nhém con khae nhau, Nhém con cang I6n thi biéu dé kiém soat (2.3.1) céng nhay v6i céc thay di cla mire qué trinh (2.4.13). Ly turdng 18 mdi phép do (3.2.1) trong mot 1nhém con dc lap v6 nhau. CHU THICH 2: Phuong phép phé bign nhét & nhgn urge nhém con hgp ly 1d thanh tap nhém tai mot thoi diém. DO ligu ldy tir cdc khoding thé gian khdc nhau khi 46 88 durge xép vao céc nhém con khée nhau. Mot vi du la cir m8 gid thye hign cée phép do trén nam bo phan lidn nhau tir mot may cy thd. Khi 46, théng ké mau (1.2.18) ti cdc nhém con o6 th8 dugc vé trén bidu 4d kiém soat theo trat ty thai gian, Didu nay tao thuan Ioi cho viéc phat hign bién dng lién quan dén thdi gian. 227 Qué trinh dn dink Qué trinh & trang thai kiém soat théng ké. qua trinh (2.1.1) chi chiu hing nguyén nhan ngdu nhién (2.2.5). CHU THICH 1: Mét qua trinh én dinh thudng duge coi nhur cdc mau (1.2.17) ldy ti qua trinh tai moi thoi diém 1a mu ng&u nhién don gin (1.2.24) ty tir 28 NOTE 1 In a process subject only to random cause variation, the variation is predictable within statistically established limits. NOTE2 The reduction of these causes gives rise to process improvement (2.1.7). However, the extent of their identification, removal is the subject of cost/benefit analysis. in terms of technical tractability and economics. reduction and 226 rational subgroup subgroup, within which variation (2.2.1) is presumed due only to random causes (2.2.5) NOTE 1 A subgroup is a set of data taken from @ process (2.1.1) in such a way as to ensure the ‘greatest similarity among the data in each subgroup andthe greatest difference between the data in different subgroups. The larger the subgroup, the more sensitive is the control chart (2.3.1) to shifts level (2.4.13). Ideally, ‘measurement (3.2.1) in a subgroup is independent of each other. in process each NOTE2 The most common method to obtain a rational subgroup is to form it at a point of time. Data from different time periods would then be in different subgroups. An example would be to take measurements on five consecutive parts from a particular machine every hour. The sample statistics. (1.2.18) from the subgroups can then be plotted on a control chart in time order, This facilitates the detection of time-related variation. 227 stable process process in a state of statistical control process (2.1.1) subject only to random causes (2.2.5) NOTE1 A stable process will generally behave as though the samples (1.2.17) from the process at any time are simple random samples (1.2.24) from cing téng thé (1.2.1) CHU THICH 2: Phat biéu nay khong co nghia la do bién dng ngdu nhién in hay nhd, ndm trong hay ngoai quy dinh (3.1.1), ma dung hon la 6 thé dy doan duge 6 bién dng (2.2.1) bang cach si dung ccéc ky thuat théng ké. CHU THICH 3: Nang lye qua trinh (2.7.1) cia mét qua trinh én dinh thudng duge cai thign bang nhing thay bi co ban lam glam hogc logi trix mot s6 nguyén nhan ngu nhién vashoac diéu chinh trung binh v8 gid tri vutien CHU THICH 4: Trong mét sé qua trinh, trung binh cia mot ac trung ob thé cb dO trdi hose 6 lech cchudn tang len, vi dy, do dyng cy bj men ho%e ndng 4% chdt héa tan trong dung dich gidm xuéng. Xu huéng thay 48i tang gia tr trung binh hoge d6 ech chudn cia qua trinh nhu vay éuge coi la do hé théng cchie khOng phai nguyén nhan ngdu nhién. Khi d6, cic két qu khong phai la ca m&u_ngdu nhién tir cling mot tng thé. 22.8 Chuan myc mat kiém soat Tap hop cac quy tdc quyét dinh d6i véi viée nhan biét sy cb mat cia cc nguyén nhan dic biét (22.4). CHU THICH: Cac quy tc quyét dinh c6 thé bao gom nguyén tdc lién quan dén cdc diém nam ngoai gidi han kiém soat (2.4.2), thdi gian hoat dong, xu huéng, chu ky, tinh tudn hodn, sy tép trung cia cic diém gin durdng tm hokc giéi han kiém soat, sy phan tan bat thuéng cla cdc diém trong giéi han kiém soat (8 phan tan I6n hoge mhé) va quan he gitva cdc gid tr trong pham vi cde nhém con. 2.2.9 ‘6 dai trung binh ciia loat mau ARL gid tri mong muén vé sé mau (1.2.17) vé trén bidu a kiém soat (2.3.1) dén va bao gdm ca diém dan dén quyét dinh ring co TCVN 8244-2:2010 the same population (1.2.1) NOTE2 This state does not imply that the random variation is large or small, outside of specification (3.1.1), but rather that the variation (2.2.1) is predictable using statistical techniques. within or NOTE3 The process capability (2.7.1) of a stable process is usually improved by fundamental changes that reduce or remove some of the random ‘causes present and/or adjusting the mean towards the preferred value. NOTE 4 Insome processes, the mean of a characteristic can have a drift or the standard deviation can increase due, for example, to wear-out of tools or depletion of concentration in a solution. A. progressive change in the mean or standard deviation of such a process is considered due to systematic and not random causes. The results, then, are not simple random samples from the same population. 228 out-of-control criteria set of decision rules for identifying the presence of special causes (2.2.4) NOTE Decision rules may include those relating to points outside of control limits (2.4.2), runs, trends, cycles, periodicity, concentration of points near the centre line of control limits, unusual spread of points within control limits (large or small dispersion) and relationships among values within subgroups. 2.29 average run length ARL expected value of the number ‘of samples (1.2.17) plotted on a control chart (2.3.1) up to and including the point that gives rise 29 TCVN 8244-2:2010 nguyén nhan dic bigt (2.2.4) CHU THICH 1: Néu khong 6 nguyén nhén dc biét thi gid tri ARL I tung la bang v6 cing, trong trxdng hop 6, quyét dinh ding la khong bao gi¢’ dat dugc. Myc tidu thyc té 1a lam cho ARL Ién khi khong 6 nguyén nhan dae bigt nao, CHU THICH 2: Nguge lai, Khi co nguyén nhan aac bigt thi gid tri ARL I tung la 1, trong truéng hop 46, quyét dinh duge dua ra khi ldy mau tiép theo. CHU THICH 3: Nhu vay, viée chen ARL Id mot sy théa higp gira cdc yéu cdu trai nguoc nhau a6. CHU THICH 4: Vigc dua ra hanh déng thich hop 46i ‘voi nguyen nhan dc biét trong khi né khéng tdn tai ‘6 din dén vigc kiém soat qua mic. CHU THICH 5: Vige khéng dua ra thanh dong thich hop khi c6 nguyén nhan dic bigt s8 d&n dén vige kidm soat kém. 2.3 Bidu dé lién quan én kiém soat 234 Bidu 4d kiém soat Biéu dé trén 46 46 do théng ké ndo 46 cla mét lot miu (1.2.17) duge vé theo mot trat ty cy thé a Iai qua trinh (2.1.1) theo do do 46 déng thoi kiém sod va lam gidm 49 bién dng (2.2.1). CHU THICH 1: Trét ty cy thé thudng dya theo thi gian hoe ther ty mau. CHU THICH 2: Bibu dd kidm sodt duge dp dung higu qué nhdt khi 46 do [a bién qua trinh twang quan voi 4¥e trumg (1.1.1) co ban ca sin phdm hofe dich vu. 23.2 Biéu dé kiém soat Shewhart Biéu dd kiém soat (2.3.1) voi gidi han kiém soat (2.4.5) Shewhart cha yéu nh&m phan biét gia 46 bién déng (2.2.1) cla d6 do vé trén bidu dd do cdc nguyén nhan ngdu nhién (2.2.5) voi d bién dong do cdc nguyén nhan diac biét (2.2.4). 30 to a decision that a special cause (2.2.4) is, present NOTE 1 If no special cause is present, the ideal value of the ARLis infinity, in which case the decision is, rightly, never taken. A practical objective is to make the ARL large when no special cause is present. NOTE2 Conversely, when a special cause present, the ideal value of the ARL is 1, in which case the decision is made when the next sample is taken. NOTE3 The choice of ARL is thus a ‘compromise between these conflicting requirements. NOTE 4 Taking action appropriate for a special cause when it is not present gives rise to over- control. NOTES Not taking appropriate action when a special cause is present gives rise to under-control. 234 control chart chart on which some statistical measure of a series of samples (1.2.17) is plotted in a particular order to steer the process (2.1.1) with respect to that ‘measure and to control and reduce variation (2.2.1) NOTE 1 The particular order is usually based on time or sample number order. NOTE 2 The control chart operates most effectively when the measure is a process variable which is correlated with an ultimate product or service characteristic (1.1.1). 232 Shewhart control chart control chart (2.3.1) with Shewhart control limits (2.45) intended primarily to distinguish between the variation (2.2.1) in the plotted measure due to random causes (2.2.5) and that due to special causes (2.2.4) 23.3 Bidu dd kiém sodt chap nhan Biéu dé kiém soat (2.3.1) chi yéu nhdm danh gia 66 do duge vé 66 thé théa man dung sai quy dinh (3.1.6) hay khong. 234 Biéu 46 kiém soat diéu chinh qua trinh Biéu dé kiém soat (2.3.1) sir dung m6 hinh dy doan qua trinh (2.1.1) 48 ude lugng va vé dién bién tvong lai ciia qua trinh néu khéng 06 thay dai nao, déng thoi dinh lugng thay ddi can thyc hién dé duy tri dé lech qua trinh trong pham vi gii han chap nhan. 23.5 Bidu dé kiém sot tng tich lay Bidu a6 CUSUM Biéu dé kiém soat (2.3.1) trong dé ting tich ly 46 léch cla cac gia tri mu lién tiép so voi gid tri quy chiéu duge vé thanh 4é thi dé tim ra nhing thay bi vé mic cia dO do dude vé. CHU THICH 1: Tung 46 cla méi diém 48 thi thé hién ting dai sé cia tung d6 true dé va a6 lech gan nhdt 0 v6i méc quy chiéu, dich hoge gid tri kiém sot. CHU THICH 2: Co thé c6 duge sy phan biét 16 nhat cde thay ddi v8 mirc khi gid tri quy chiéu bang gia tri ‘rung binh téng CHU THICH 3: Bibu dd nay 06 thé ding trong kiém ‘sot, chan doan hoge dy doan, CHU THICH 4: Khi si dung trong kim soét, 06 thé thé hign dusi dang biéu dd bang mang (vi dy mang V) chang lén dé thi, Tin higu xudt hign khi dudng biéu 8 giao hose tiép xtc ranh gidi eta mang. 236 Biéu 48 kiém soat dinh lugng Bidu 48 kiém soat Shewhart (2.3.2) trong 66 sé do duge vé trén 4 thi thé hién dif ligu theo thang TCVN 8244-2:2010 23.3 acceptance control chart control chart (2.3.1) intended primarily to evaluate whether or not the plotted measure can be expected to satisty specified tolerances (3.1.6) 234 process adjustment control chart control chart (2.3.1) which uses a prediction model of the process (2.1.1) to estimate and plot the future course of the process if no change is made, and to quantify the change to be made to keep the process deviations within acceptable limits 23.5 cumulative sum control chart CUSUM chart control chart (2.3.1) where the cumulative sum of deviations of successive sample values from a reference value is plotted to detect shifts in the level of the measure plotted NOTE1 The ordinate of each plotted point represents the algebraic sum of the previous ordinate and the most recent deviation from the reference, target or control value. NOTE 2 The best discrimination of changes in level is achieved when the reference value is equal to the overall average value. NOTE 3 The chart can be used in control, diagnostic or predictive mode. NOTE 4 When used in control mode, it can be interpreted graphically by a mask (e.g. V-mask) superimposed on the graph. A signal occurs if the path of the CUSUM intersects or touches the boundary of the mask. 23.6 variables control chart Shewhart control chart (2.3.2) in which the measure plotted represents data on a continuous 31 TCVN 8244-2:2010 do lién tuc (1.1.4). 23.7 Bidu dd kiém soat dinh tinh Biéu dd kiém soat Shewhart (2.3.2) trong do sé do duge vé trén dé thi thé hign do ligu sé Gém hoc dG ligu phan loai, 23.8 Bidu dd ¢ Biéu dd kiém soat sé dém Biéu 4d kiém soat dinh tinh (2.3.7) 661 voi s6 lugng cae sy cb méi trong 6 co hdi xy ra la oO inh. CHU THICH: Cac sy 06 mi thude mot loai cu thé, vi dy s6 ngudi vang mét va s6 d&n dau doanh thu, tg0 thanh s6 dém. Trong finh wwe chét lugng, cdc sy cd ‘moi thudng thé hign bang sy khong phi hop va oo hoi o6 dinh lien quan dén mu (1.2.17) 66 oo mBu khong di hoge Itrgng vat ligu 08 dinh. Cac vi dy fa “cée vét nat trén m&i 100 mét vubng xay dung” va “18: trong mBi 100 héa don’. 2.3.9 Bidu ddu Biéu dé kiém soat s6 dém trén don vj Biéu dd kiém soat dinh tinh (2.3.7) d6i voi sé lugng cdc sy bién cb méi trén don vi (1.2.14) trong 46 co hoi la bién sb. CHU THICH: Céc sy 6 mai thuge mét log cy thé, vi dy 86 ngudi vang mat va s6 d&n du doanh thu, tg0 thanh s6 dém. Trong linh vyc chat lugng, cdc sy cb ‘moi thydng thé hign bang sy khéng phir hp va oo hgi 6 inh lién quan dén mau (1.2.17) 06 o& mau khong d8i hoc lugng vat ligu c6 dinh, 2.3.10 43 np Biéu dé kiém soat sé don vj phan logi 1u dé kiém soat dinh tinh (2.3.7) déi voi sé don vj (1.2.14) ciia mot loai nhdt dinh trong 46 ¢& mAu(1.2.26) khong ddi. 32 scale (1.1.4) 237 attribute control chart Shewhart control chart (2.3.2) in which the measure plotted represents countable or categorized data 238 chart count control chart attribute contro! chart (2.3.7) for the number of incidences where the opportunity for occurrence is fixed NOTE Incidences of a particular type, for example number of absentees and number of sales leads, form the count. In the quality field, incidences are ‘often expressed as nonconformities and the fixed ‘opportunity relates to samples (1.2.17) of constant size or fixed amounts of material. Examples are “flaws in each 100 square metres of fabric” and “errors in each 100 invoices’. 239 u chart count per unit control chart attribute control chart (2.3.7) for the number of incidences per unit (1.2.14) where the opportunity is variable NOTE Incidences of a particular type, for example number of absentees and number of sales leads, form the count. In the quality field, incidences are often expressed as nonconformities and the variable opportunity relates to subgroups of variable size or variable amounts of material 23.40 np chart number of categorized units control chart attribute control chart (2.3.7) for number of units (1.2.14) of a given classification where the sample size (1.2.26) is constant CHU THICH: Trong inh vye chat lugng, vige phan loai thuéng éuge ldy dudi dang “don vi khéng pha hp" (1.2.18), 23.41 Bidu 43 p Bidu dé kiém soat ty 16 hoac phan tram don vi theo toa Biéu dd kiém soat djnh tinh (2.3.7) d6i voi sé don vj (1.2.14) cia mét loai nhdt dinh tren téng s6 don vj trong mdu (1.2.17) bidu thi bang mot ty 16 hod phan tram. CHU THICH 1 Trong finh vue chét Iugng, vige phan Jogi thuéng dug ldy duéi dang “don vi khéng pha hgp" (1.2.15). CHU THICH 2: Bidu dd “p" duge sir dung Bac biét khi ¢& mau (1.2.26) [a bién sé. CHU THICH 3: 89 do vé dé thi cb thé duge bidu dién theo ty 1 ho&c phan tram. 23.12 Bidu dé kiém soat Xbar Biéu ad kiém soat trung binh Biéu dd kiém soat dinh lwgng (2.3.6) dung cho danh gia mire qué trinh (2.4.13) theo trung binh hom con. 23.13 Bibu 4d kiém soat trung vi Biéu ad kiém soat dinh luryng (2.3.6) ding cho anh gid mire qué trinh (2.4.13) theo trung vi ‘nhém con. 2.3.14 Bigu dd kiém soat trung binh trgt Biéu dd kiém soat (2.3.1) ding cho danh gia mir qua trinh (2.4.13) theo trung binh cng ciia méi n quan trac lién tiép. CHU THICH 1: Bidu 6 nay dgc bigt hou ich Khi chi 166 mt quan tr trén mot nhém con. Cac vi dy la de trung (1.1.1) qua trinh nhu nhigt 46, ap sudt va thoi TCVN 8244-2:2010 NOTE In the quality field, the classification usually takes the form of “nonconforming units” (1.2.15). 23.11 pchart proportion or percent categorized units control chart attribute control chart (2.3.7) for the number of units (1.2.14) of a given classification per total number of units in the sample (1.2.17) expressed either as a proportion or percent NOTE 1 In the quality field, the classification usually takes the form of “nonconforming units* (1.2.15). NOTE 2 The “p" chart is applied particularly when the sample size (1.2.26) is variable. NOTE 3 The plotted measure can be expressed as a proportion or as a percentage. 2.3.42 Xbar control chart average control chart variables control chart (2.3.6) for evaluating the process level (2.4.13) in terms of subgroup averages 2.3.13 median control chart variables control chart (2.3.6) for evaluating the process level (2.4.13) in terms of subgroup medians 2.3.44 moving average control chart control chart (2.3.1) for evaluating the process level (2.4.13) in terms of the arithmetic average of each successive n observations NOTE 1 This chart is particularly useful when only ‘one observation per subgroup is available. Examples are process characteristics (1.1.1) suchas 33 sian CHU THICH 2: Quan trac hign théi thay thé quan trac 0 nhat trong s6 n + 1 quan trée gn nhat. CHU THICH 3: Bidu 48 nay o6 mot nhuge diém cia higu qua khéng ldy trong sé trai theo n diém, 2.3.15 Bidu dé kiém soat ca thé Biéu dd kiém soat X Biéu 48 kiém soat dinh lugng (2.3.6) ding cho anh gia mire qua trinh (2.4.13) theo cée quan tre riéng 18 trong mau (1.2.17). CHU THICH 1: Bigu ad nay thurdng di kém bidu ad 8 rOng trot, thang voi n = 2. CHU THICH 2: Dang bidu dé nay danh mét wu diém vé tung binh v2 gidm thidu d6 bién déng (2.2.1) gu nhién va gid thiét ota dinh ly gidi han trung tam cca phan b6 chudn. 23.16 Biéu dé kiém soat EWMA Biéu 43 kiém soat trung binh trot cé trong sé ma Biéu dé kiém soat (2.3.1) ding cho danh gia mirc. qué trinh (2.4.13) theo trung binh trugt duge lam tron theo ham mo. 2.3.47 Bidu 4d kiém soat xu huéng Biéu 44 kiém soat (2.3.1) diing cho d4nh gia mirc qua trinh (2.4.13) theo d6 lgch cia trung nhom con so vei thay di mong mudn v8 mic qué trinh CHU THICH 1: Xu huéng 6 thé duge xdc dinh bang thye nghiém hoge phuong phap hdi quy. CHU THICH 2: Xu huéng [a chidu hudg di fén hoac i xuéng, sau khi loai tar 4} bién dng (2.2.1) ngdu nhién va higu Ung tu&n hoan, khi cdc gid tri quan tréc (3.2.8) duge vé theo trét ty thoi gian cla céc quan trac, temperature, pressure and time, NOTE 2 The current observation replaces the oldest of the latest » + 1 observations. NOTE3 It has the disadvantage ofan unweighted carry-over effect lasting n points, 23.15 individuals control chart X control chart variables control chart (2.3.6) for evaluating the process level (2.4.13) in terms of the individual observations in the sample (1.2.17) NOTE 1 This chart is usually accompanied by a moving range char, frequently, with n = 2. NOTE2 It sacrifices the advantages of averaging in terms of minimizing random variation (2.2.1) and the normal distribution central assumptions, limit theorem 23.46 EWMA control chart exponentially weighted moving average control chart control chart (2.3.1) process level (2.4.13) in terms of an exponentially smoothed moving average for evaluating the 23.17 trend control chart control chart (2.3.1) for evaluating the process level (2.4.13) with respect to the deviation of the sub-group averages from an expected change in the process level NOTE 1 The trend may be determined empirically or by regression techniques. NOTE2 A trend is an upward or downward tendency, after exclusion of the random variation (2.2.1) and cyclical effects, when observed values (3.2.8) are plotted in the time order of the ‘observations. 23.18 Biéu dd kiém soat 46 rong Biéu 48 kiém soat dinh lung (2.3.6) dung cho danh gia 46 bién dng (2.2.1) theo 49 réng nhém ‘con. 23.19 Biéu dds Bidu dd kiém soat d6 Iéch chudn Biéu dé kiém soat dinh luyng (2.3.6) ding cho anh gid 46 bién dng (2.2.1) theo 49 lech chudn inhém con. 2.3.20 Biéu 4é kiém soat 46 rng trugt Biéu dd kiém soat dinh lrgng (2.3.6) dung cho danh gia d@ bién déng (2.2.1) theo 46 rong cia méi n quan trac lién tiép. CHU THICH: Quan trac hign thoi thay thé quan tréc cG nhét trong sé n + 1 quan tréc gan nhét. 23.21 Biéu dd kiém soat da bién Biéu 43 kiém soat (2.3.1) vé dap tng ciia hai hay nhiéu bién twong quan két hop thanh mét théng ké mu (1.2.18) duy nhdt 46i voi méi nhm con. 2.3.22 Bidu dd kiém soit nhidu dic treng Bidu dd kiém soat dinh tinh (2.3.7) dya tren nhidu hon mot de trung (1.1.1). 2.3.23 Biéu 46 kiém soat khuyét tat Biéu 48 diém chdt lugng Biéu dd kiém soat nhiéu dic trung (2.3.22) trong 46 cc trong $6 khac nhau duge chia cho cdc bién 6 tuy theo y nghia ca ching. 2.3.24 Sidu chinh qua trinh TCVN 8244-2:2010 2.3.18 Rehart range control chart variables control chart (2.3.6) for evaluating variation (2.2.1) in terms of subgroup ranges 23.49 chart standard deviation control chart variables contro! chart (2.3.6) for evaluating variation (2.2.1) in terms of subgroup standard deviations 23.20 moving range control chart variables control chart (2.3.6) for evaluating variation (2.2.1) in terms of the range of each successive n observations NOTE The current observation replaces the oldest of the latest n + 1 observations. 23.21 muttivariate control chart control chart (2.3.1) in terms of the responses of two or more mutually correlated variates combined as. single sample statistic (1.2.18) for each sub- group 2.3.22 multiple characteristic control chart attribute control chart (2.3.7) based on more than one characteristic (1.1.1) control chart quality score chart multiple charact ic control chart (2.3.22) where different weights are apportioned to events depending on their perceived significance 2.3.24 process adjustment 35 Hanh dong lam gidm d9 Iéch so véi dich & dic trung (1.1.1) dau ra nho kiém soat phia trvéc (2.3.25) vaihoac kiém soat phia sau (2.3.26). CHU THICH: Vige theo déi tién hanh xéc dinh xem qué trinh (2.2.1) va ban than he théng diéu chinh qua trinh o6 & trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7) hay khong. 2.3.25 Kiém soat phia truéc ‘Dua ra nhéng thay déi bi thich hop cho bién kiém soat (2.3.27) khac bang phép do (3.2.1) nhing bién dong ciia bién dau vao. 2.3.26 Kiém soat phia sau ‘Dua ra nhding thay di ba thich hop cho bién kiém soat (2.3.27) khac bang cach sir dung dé lech so v6i dich hoac tin higu sai s6 cla chinh dae trung (1.1.1) dura 2.3.27 Bién kiém soat Bién s6 trong qué trinh (2.1.1) thay adi theo tin higu téc dOng lam thay dBi gid tri cia dau ra qua tinh, 2.3.28 Ty tuong quan Méi tong quan néi tai gira cdc thanh phan cia chudi quan tréc theo trat ty the’ gian. 2.4 Thanh phan cia bidu 48 kiém soat 244 Duong tam udng nam trén bidu 48 kim soat (2.3.1) din mye dich dy kién hoge trung binh truéc 46 cia théng ké (1.2.18) mu duge vé. CHU THICH: Butng tam cé thé 6 hai dang: a) duéng tam “lam chuan’ o6 gid tri duge quy dinh truge; by dudng tam “khéng lam chudn’ ob gid ty 18 trung 36 action to reduce the deviation from the target in the output characteristic (1.1.1) by feed-forward control (2.3.25) and/or feedback control (2.3.26) NOTE the process (2.2.1) and the system of process adjustment itself are, or are not, in a state of statistical control (2.2.7). ‘Ongoing monitoring determines whether 2.3.25 feed-forward control making appropriate compensatory changes in some other contro! variable (2.3.27) by measurement (3.2.1) of fluctuations in an input variable 23.26 feedback control making appropriate compensatory changes in the control variable (2.3.27) by using the deviation from target or error signal of the output characteristic (1.1.1) itself 2327 control variable variable in the process (2.1.1) that is varied as a function of the actuating signal so as to change the value of the process output 2.3.28 autocorrelation internal correlation between members of series of observations ordered in time 2.4 Control chart components 244 centre line line on a control chart (2.3.1) representing the intended aim or historical mean of the sample statistic (1.2.18) plotted NOTE — The centre line may take one of two forms: a) “standard given” centre line, the value of which is pre- specified; b) “no standard given" centre line, the value of binh truse 46. 242 Gi6i han kiém soat Dudng nam trén biéu dd kim soat ding dé dénh gia 46 dn dinh cia qua trinh (2.1.1). CHU THICH 1: Budng diéu chinh duge vé trén bidu 46 kiém soat (2.3.1) 48 biéu dién gigi han didu cchinh, CHU THICH 2: Gidi han kiém soat da ra ranh gidi théng ké 461 voi 46 lech khéi duréng tam (2.4.1) cla 68 thi théng ké trén biéu dé kiém soat Shewhart (2.3.2) chi do céc nguyén nhan ngdu nhién (2.2.5). CHU THICH 3: Gidi han kiém soat dya trén di ligu thye v8 qua trinh va khong ném trén giéi han quy inh (3.1.3), ngoai tiv bidu dd kiém soat chdp nhgn (23.3). CHU THICH 4; Ngoai cdc diém n&m ngoai giéi han kiém soat, chudn myc “ngoai tim kiém soat” c6 thé bao gdm 46 dai logt mau, xu huang, chu ky, tinh tuan hoan va cc dang bat thudng trong pham vi gidi dibu chinh. 24.3 Gi6i han cdnh bao Gidi han kiém soat (2.4.2) ma khi qua trinh (2.1.1) dang dugc kiém soat théng ké, théng ké duge xét nam trong pham vi gidi han nay voi x4c ‘sudt cao. CHU THICH 1: Buéng canh bao duge vé trén bidu 8 kiém sost (2.3.1) 68 biBu di8n gidi han cdnh bao CHU THICH 2: Khi gid tri cla théng ké duge vé ném rngoai gidi han cénh béo nhung van n’m trong giéi han hoat dong (2.4.4), thi cdn tang cudng theo doi ‘qué trinh theo cac quy tac quy dinh trrec, 244 Gi6i han hanh dong Giéi han kiém soat (2.4.2) khi qué trinh (2.1.1) dugc kiém soat théng ké thi théng ké dugc xét nam trong gidi han nay véi xéc suat rét cao. TCVN 8244-2:2010 Which is the historical average. 242 control limit line on a control chart used for judging the stability of a process (2.1.1) NOTE 1 Control lines are drawn on a control chart (2.3.1) to represent control limits NOTE 2 Control limits provide statistically determined boundaries for the deviations from the centre line (2.4.1) of the statistic plotted on a Shewhart control chart (2.3.2) due to random ‘causes (2.2.5) alone. NOTE 3. Control limits are based on actual process data and, with the exception of the acceptance control chart (2.3.3), not on specification limits 3.1.3) NOTE 4 Other than points outside of control limits, “out-of-control” ariteria can include runs, trends, cycles, periodicity and unusual pattems within the control limits. 243 warning limits control limits (2.4.2) between which the statistic under consideration lies with a high probability when the process (2.1.1) is under statistical control NOTE 1 Waming lines are drawn on a control chart (2.3.1) to represent waming limits. NOTE 2 When the value of the statistic plotted lies outside a warning limit, but within the ac it (2.4.4), increased supervision of the process, to pre-specified rules, is generally required, 244 action limits control limits (2.4.2) between which the statistic under consideration lies with a very high probability when the process (2.1.1) is under statistical 37 TCVN 8244-2: 1010 CHU THICH 1: Dudng hoat dong duge vé trén bidu 8 kiém soat (2.3.1) 48 bidu din gidi han hoat déng, CHU THICH 2: Khi 46 do duge vé nam ngoai gidi han hoat dong thi thyc hién hanh dng khéc phyc (3.1.18) 66% vi qua trinh, 245 Giéi han kiém soat Shewhart Giéi han kiém soét (2.4.2), dya trén bang ching thyc nghigm va cdc xem xét vé kinh t6, dat gan dudng tam (2.4.1) & khoang cach d6 lech chudn + 2 (trong dé 2 la mét hé 86) cia théng ké duge xét va dung 48 danh gi trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7) hay khong. ic qua trinh (2.1.1) dang CHU THICH: Thong thutng, theo Shewhart, cdc gi6i han kiém soat nay cdn dua theo tinh chudin va léy = 306i voi gi6i han hanh dong (2.4.4), = = 2 di voi 16% han canh bio (2.4.3) 246 Giéi han kiém soat xac sudt Giéi han kiém soat (2.4.2) cling voi during tam (2.4.1) xac dinh khoang khi qua trinh (2.1.1) & trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7) thi théng ké. duge xét n&m trong gidi han nay voi xdc sudt dat true rit cao. CHU THICH: Vigc rit ra gidi han kiém sodt xac sudt tien quan é6n vige xée dinh truée phan b6 (2.5.1) co bban cita théng ké. 247 Gidi han kiém soat chdp nhan ACL, GiGi han kiém soat (2.4.2), déi voi biéu dd kiém soat chp nh§n (2.3.3), cho phép c6 sy thay di nat dinh vé mire qué trinh (2.4.13) dya trén cac yeu cu quy dinh, v6i didu kign tinh bién dong coa nhém con chi la do céc nguyén nhan ngdu nhién (2.2.5) duge kiém soat théng ké. 38 control NOTE 1 Action lines are drawn on a control chart (2.3.1) to represent action limits. NOTE 2When the measure plotted lies beyond an action limit, appropriate corrective action (3.1.15) is taken on the process. 245 ‘Shewhart control limits control limits (2.4.2), based on empirical evidence and economic considerations, placed about the centre line (2.4.1) at a distance of +2 standard deviations (where z is a numerical factor) of the statistic under consideration and used to evaluate whether, or not, the process (2.1.1) is ina state of statistical control (2.2.7) NOTE [tis customary, as proposed by Shewhart, to base these control limits on normality, and to take = = 3 for action limits (2.4.4) and z = 2 for warning limits (2.4.3). 246 probabilistic control control limits (2.4.2) which together with the centre line (2.4.1) define an it which the statistic under consideration will lie with a very high pre-set probability when the process (2.1.1) is in a state of statistical control (2.2.7) interval NOTE The of probabilistic control limits involves prior determination of the underlying distribution (2.5.1) of the statistic. derivation 247 acceptance control limits ACL control limits (2.4.2), for an acceptance control chart (2.3.3), which permit some assignable shift in (2.4.13) based on specified requirements, provided subgroup variability is subject to only random causes (2.2.5) under process level statistical control 24.8 Gidi han kiém soat trén uct Yo Gi6i han kiém soat (2.4.2) xac dinh bién gi kiém soattrén. 2.4.9 Gidi han kiém soat duci LeL Le Gidi han kiém soat (2.4.2) x4c dinh bién gidi kiém soat dui. 2.4.10 Vang khéng phan dinh Mire qué trinh (2.4.13) nam gitra APL (2.4.14) va RPL (2.4.15). 24.11 Viing chdp nhén qué trinh ‘Vang quanh dong tém (2.4.1) bao gdm cae mirc qué trinh (2.4.13) dai dién cho céc qua trinh (2.1.1) mong muén duge chép nhén. 24.12 Viing loai bé qua trinh ving mise qué trinh (2.4.13) nm trén ho&e nm goaii (cdc) RPL (2.4.15) bao gdm cac mire qua trinh (2.4.13) dai dign cho cc qua trinh (2.1.1) cn loai bd. 2.4.13 Mire qua trinh Gié tri cia théng ké mau (1.2.18) duge vé & thoi diém cho truoe. 24.44 Marc qua trinh ch4p nhan APL Mire qua trinh (2.4.13) tao thanh dudng bién ngoai cia ving chdp nhn qua trinh (2.4.11). TCVN 8244-2:2010 2.48 upper control limit uct Yo. control limit (2.4.2) that defines the upper control boundary 249 lower control limit Let be control limit (2.4.2) that defines the lower control boundary 24.10 indifference zone process levels (2.4.13) located between the APL (2.4.14) and RPL (2.4.15) 2.4.44 zone of acceptable processes zone around the centre line (2.4.1) which includes those process (2.4.13) representing processes (2.1.1) that itis desired to accept levels 2AA2 zone of rejectable processes zone of process levels (2.4.13) located on or outside the RPL(s) (2.4.15) which include those process levels (2.4.13) representing processes (2.1.1) that itis desired to reject 2443 process level value of the sample statistic (1.2.18) plotted at a given point of time 2.4.44 acceptable process level APL process level ‘outer boundary of processes (2.4.11) (2.4.13) which forms the the zone of acceptable 39 24.15 Mirc qua trinh loai bd RPL Mize qua trinh (2.4.13) tao thanh dung bién trong cia ving loai bé qué trinh (2.4.12), 2.5 Thugt ngt co ban lién quan dén higu nang va ning lye cla qué trinh 254 Phan bé Thong tin v8 phan bé xéc suat cha de trung (1.1.1). CHU THICH 1: Phan bé cla dac trung c6 thé duge dai dign, vi dy, bang vi tri cdc gia ti ca dc trung 46 va thé hign dang thu do hoc digm duéi dang 48 thi diém hode bigu d3 phan bé. Cac dang nay cung cp tit c& cdc théng tin tr s6 v8 dac trang ngoal trir tho ty day chira dr lieu, CHU THICH 2: Phan bé cla dac trung phy thude vao céc didu kign chi dao. Do do, néu mun o6 théng tin 06 ¥ nghia vé phan bé ciia dic trung thi cn quy dinh Gibu kign thu thép do igu. CHU THICH 3: Didu quan trong la cAn biét vé lop phan bé (2.5.2), vi dy, chudn hay loga chudn, tude khi dy doan hay uéc lugng kha nang, tinh n&ng qué trinh va cdc chi sé hoe ty 1é khong phi hop. 25.2 Lép phan bé Hg phan bé (2.5.1) cy thé ma mdi thanh phan cia 1n6 06 cing cac tinh cht durgc quy dinh cho ho dé. Vi DY 1: Phan bé chudn hai tham sb, dang chuéng 61 xieng 06 cdc tham s6 trung binh va 6 Ich chudn. Vi DY 2: Phan bé Weibull ba tham sé 6 cdc tham sé inh vi, dinh dang va thang do (1.1.3). 40 2.4.45 rojectable process level RPL process level (2.4.13) which forms the inner boundary of the zone of rejectable processes (2.4.12) 2.5 Fundamental terms related to process performance and process capability 254 bution probabilistic behaviour of a characteristic (1.1.1) information on the NOTE 1 The distribution of a characteristic can be represented, for example, by ranking of the values of the characteristic and showing the resulting pattern of measures or scores in the form of a tally chart ‘or histogram. Such a pattem provides all of the numerical value information on the characteristic ‘except for the serial order in which the data arises. NOTE 2 The distribution of a characteristic is dependent on prevailing conditions. Thus, if meaningful information about the distribution of a characteristic is desired, the conditions under which the data is collected should be specified. NOTE 3 It is important to know the class of distribution (2.5.2), for instance, normal or log- normal, before predicting or estimating process capability and performance measures and indices or fraction nonconforming. 252 class of distributions particular family of distributions (2.5.1) each member of which has the same common attributes by which the family is fully specified EXAMPLE 1 The two-parameter, symmetrical bell- shaped, normal distribution with parameters mean and standard deviation. EXAMPLE 2 The three-parameter Weibull distribution Vi DU 3: Phan bé lién tye mot mét. CHU THICH: Lép phan bé thuréng duoc quy dinh day i thong qua gia tri cla cc tham sé thich hop. 253 Mé hinh phan bé Phan bé (2.5.1) hoc lop phan bé (2.5.2) quy din. Vi DY 1: M6 hinh d6i v6i phan bé cia dc trumg (1.1.1) sn pham, duréng kinh bu ldng, o6 thé la phan 1b6 chun c6 trung binh 15 mm va d0 lech chun 0,05 mm. 0 day md hinh duge quy dinh dy di Vi DY 2: MO hinh d6i v6i duéng kinh bu long nhur trong vi dy 1 06 thé la I6p phan bé chun ma khéng can 06 géng quy dinh mot phan bé cy thé. O day mo hhinh may la kbp phn bé chun, 254 TY Ié khéng phi hop trén Py Ty I@ phan bé (2.6.1) cia mot dic trung (1.1.1) cao hon giéi han quy dinh trén (3.1.4), U. VIDY: Trong phan bé chudn, véi trung binh, 41, va. 4 lech chudn, 4) trong d6 Py 187 18 khong pho hop trén; @ la ham phan bé cua phan bé chudn chudn hoa (xem TCVN 8244-1), U 1a gi6i han quy dinh tren. pu =1- CHU THICH 1: Bang (hoc ham trong b6 churong trinh may tinh théng ké) phan b6 chudn chudn héa 06 sn cung cdp ty 18 ddu ra cia qué trinh dy kién vugt ra ngoai mét gia tri quan tam cy thé, nhy giéi han quy inh (3.1.3), vé 46 lech chudn so v6i trung binh qua trinh. Biéu nay tranh duge doi héi thye hién ham phan TCVN 8244-2:2010 with parameters location, shape and scale (1.1.3) EXAMPLE 3. The unimodal continuous distributions. NOTE The class of distributions can often be fully specified through the values of appropriate parameters 25.3 distribution model specified distribution (2.5.1) or class of, distributions (2.5.2) EXAMPLE 1 A model for the distribution of a product characteristic (1.1.1), the diameter of a bolt, might be the normal distribution with mean 15 mm. and standard deviation 0,05 mm, Here the model is a fully specified one. EXAMPLE 2 A model for the diameter of bolts as in Example 1 could be the class of normal distributions without attempting to specify a particular distribution. Here the model is the class of normal distributions. 25.4 upper fraction nonconforming Py fraction of the distribution (2.5.1) of a characteristic (1.1.1) that is greater than the upper specification limit (3.1.4), U EXAMPLE In a normal distribution with mean, 1, and standard deviation, o: u-w)_ (u-u pu =1- = where Dy is the upper fraction nonconforming: ® is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution (see ISO 3534-1); U_ is the upper specification limit. NOTE 1 Tables (or functions in statistical computer packages) of the standard normal distribution are readily available which give the proportion of process output expected beyond a particular value of interest, such as a specification limit (3.1.3), in terms of at TCVN 8244-2:2010 bd théng ké cho trong vi dy. CHU THICH 2: Ham sé lién quan dén phan bé ly ‘thuyét. Trong thyc té, vi phan bé thyc nghiém, céc tham s6 dugc thay bang ude lveng cita ching 255 Ty 1g khéng phi hop dud A Ty I8 phan bé (2.5.1) clia mot dge trung (1.1.1) thép hon giéi han quy dinh duréi (3.1.5), L VIDU: Trong phan bé chudn, voi trung binh, 44, va do lech chudn, o: Le *) trong 46 Py, 1&7 16 khong phi hop du6i; @ 18 ham phan bé ata phan bé chudn chudn hoa; la gi6i han qui dinh dui pL CHU THICH 1: Bang (ho&c ham trong bé churong trinh iméy tinh théng k8) phan b6 chun chudn héa ob sn cung cp ty 18 du ra cla qua trinh dy kién vuot ra ngoai mot gia tri quan tém cy thé. nhu giéi han quy dinh (3.1.3), vé 46 léch chuan so vai trung binh qué: tinh, Bidu nay trinh dure d6i hai thye hign ham phan 6 théng ké cho trong vi dy. CHU THICH 2: Ham sé lién quan dén phan bé Iy thuyét. Trong thyc t6, voi phn bé thyc nghigm, cac tham sb dugc thay bang uéc long cila ching 256 Ty I@ khéng phi hop toan phan m Téng ty 16 khéng phi hyp trén (2.5.4) va ty 16 khéng phi hep dui (2.5.5). 42 standard deviations away from the process mean. This obviates the need to work out the statistical distribution function given in the example, NOTE 2 The function relates to a theoretical distribution. In practice, with empirical distributions, the parameters are replaced by their estimates. 255 lower fraction nonconforming Pe fraction of the distribution (2.5.1) of a characteristic (1.1.1) that is. less than the lower specification limit (3.1.5), L EXAMPLE and standard deviation, o: (2) PL =o — where 1, is the lower fraction nonconforming; ® is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution; In a normal distribution with mean, 44, Lis the lower specification limit. NOTE 1 Tables (or functions in statistical computer packages) of the standard normal distribution are readily available which give the proportion of process output expected beyond a particular value of interest, such as a specification limit (3.1.3), in terms of standard deviations away from the process mean. This obviates the need to work out the statistical distribution function given in the example. NOTE 2 The function relates to a theoretical Gistribution. In practice, with empirical distributions, the parameters are replaced by their estimates. 25.6 total fraction nonconforming rm sum of upper fraction nonconforming (2.5.4) and lower fraction nonconforming (2.5.5) EXAMPLE In a normal distribution with mean, 14 VI DY: Trong phan bé chudn, véi trung binh, 4, va 6 ch chudin, o: weft) 6 ° trong a6 1p, F817 18 khong pha hop toan phan; @ 1a ham phan b6 cia phan b6 chudn chudn hoa; La gi6i han qui ginh du6i U la gi6i nan qui dinh tren. ‘CHU THICH 1; Bang (hoac ham trong b6 chuong trinh may tinh théng k8) phan bb chudn chudn hoa 06 sn ‘cung cép ty 18 dau ra cla qué trinh dy kién vugt ra goa mOt gid tri quan tém cy thd, nhy giéi han quy Ginh (3.1.3), v8 d0 Iéch chudn so v6i trung binh qué trinh, Bidu nay tranh duge doi héi thy hi¢n ham phan 'b6 théng ké cho trong vi dy. CHU THICH 2: Ham s6 lin quan één phan b6 ly thuyét. Trong thyc 18, voi phan b6 thyre nghigm, cdc tham s6 duge thay bing woe lugng cila ching. 25.7 Khoang quy chiéu Khong giéi han béi phan vi phan bé 99,865 %, Xoa65%. Va phan vi phan 06 0,135 % , Xo.135% CHU THICH 1: Cé thé bibu thi khong nay bang (Nooees % va dO dai cla khodng 18 Xpo,s65 % ~ Noss % CHU THICH 2: Thuat ngi ndy chi duge siz dung nh mot co so tuy ¥ chir khéng phai chudn héa dé xdc dinh chi s6 higu ning qué trinh (2.6.2) va chi sé hd ning qué trinh (2.7.2). CHU THICH 3: B6i v6i phan bé chudn (2.5.1), 66 dai ‘ota khoang quy chiéu 06 thé bibu thj theo su d6 léch chudn, 6ohoac 65, khi ude lugng tir mau. CHU THICH 4; Béi voi phan b6 khong chudn, 66 dai ca khoang quy chidu c6 thé 6c lugng bang c4c bbang tinh xac sudt thich hyp (vi dy loga chudn) hoge tw 6 nhon mau va d6 bat abi xting mau six dung cée TCVN 8244-2:2010 and standard deviation, o: AS) be + o where 1, isthe total fraction nonconforming; ® is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution; L__ isthe lower specification limit; U_ isthe upper specification limit. NOTE 1 Tables (or functions in statistical computer packages) of the standard normal distribution are readily available which give the proportion of process output expected beyond a particular value of interest, such as a specification limit (3.1.3), in terms of standard deviations away from the process mean. This obviates the need to work out the statistical distribution function given in the example. NOTE 2 The function relates to a theoretical distribution. In practice, with empirical distributions, the parameters are replaced by their estimates, 25.7 reference interval interval bounded by the 99,865 % distribution quantile, Xea.ee5 x, and the 0,135 % distribution quantile, Xo.135% NOTE 1 The interval canbe expressed by (esses Xaxasx) and the length of the interval is Xossess — Kars NOTE2 This term is used only as an arbitrary, but standardized, basis for defining the process performance index (2.6.2) and process capability index (2.7.2). NOTE3 For a nomal distribution (2.5.1), the length of the reference interval can be expressed in terms of six standard deviations, 60, or 65, when estimated from a sample. NOTE 4 For a non-nomal distribution, the length of 43 TCVN 8244-2:2010 phuong phép néu trong ISO/TR 12783. CHU THICH 5: Phan vi hay ty I¢ chi thi vige chia phan bé thanh cae don vj (1.2.14) ho8e phan bing hau, vi du phan vi phan tram. Phén vi duge dinh nnghia trong TCVN 8244-1. 258 Khoang quy chiéu duvéi Khodng gi6i han béi phan vi phan bé 0 %, Xso% ‘va phan vi phan bé 0,135 %, Xo.r35% CHU THICH 4: Co thé biéu thi khoang nay bang (Xo sor Xa x) V8 0 dai Khodng 18 Xs0% — Xosa5%- CHU THICH 2: Thuat ng& nay chi duge sir dung nh mot oo s¥ tuy y chir khong phai chudn hoa dé xdc Ginh chi s6 du6i higu nang qua trinh (2.6.3) va chi 6 du6i kha nang qué trinh (2.7.3). CHU THICH 3: 861 véi phan bé (2.5.1) chudn, a> ai cla khong quy chiéu dui co thé bigu thi theo 6 lech chudn la Sorhoge ube lugng 35 va Xo», bidu thi cc trung binh va trung vi. CHU THICH 4: Béi véi phan bé khong chudn, phan vi phan bé 50 %, Xo, gif trung vi, cBn phan vi phan bé 0,135 %, Xo1354 06 thé duoc use Iugng nho cac bang tinh xac sudt thich hgp (vi dy ldga chudn) hoc hode tir 46 nhon mAu va do bat d6i xing mau sir ddyng cc phuong phap néu trong ISO/TR 12783. 259 Khoang quy chiéu tren Khoang giéi han béi phan vi phan b6 99,865 %, Xao.365 %, VA phn vi phan bé 60 %, Xs0.% CHU THICH 1: C6 thé biéu thi khoang nay bang leases. Xsow) v8.06 dai Khoding 12 Xon05 ~ Xo CHU THICH 2: Thuat ngi nay chi Gupe sir dung nhur m@t co sé tuy ¥ chi khéng phai chudn hoa a8 xd Ginh chi 36 trén higu nding qué trinh (2.6.4) va chi the reference interval can be estimated by means of appropriate probability papers (e.g. log-normal) or from the sample kurtosis and sample skewness using the methods described in ISO/TR 12783. NOTES A quantile or fractile indicates a division of 2 distribution into equal units (1.2.14) or fractions, e.g. percentiles, Quantile is defined in ISO 3534-1. 2.5.8 lower reference interval interval bounded by the 50 % distribution quantile, sox and the 0,135 % distribution quantile, Xo.138 % NOTE 1 The interval can be expressed by (Xso %, _Xa.a8 4) and the length of the interval is Xo — Xo.195 NOTE2 This term is used only as an arbitrary, but standardized, basis for defining the lower process performance index (2.6.3) and lower process capability index (2.7.3). NOTES For a normal distribution (2.5.1), the length of the lower reference interval can be expressed in terms of standard deviations as 3c, or an estimated 35, and Xo fepresents both the mean and the median. NOTE 4 For a non-normal distribution, the 50 % distribution quantile, Xs0 x, namely the median, and the 0,135 % distribution quantile, Xors x can be estimated by means of appropriate probability papers (eg. log-normal) or from the sample kurtosis and sample skewness using the methods described in ISO/TR 12783. 259 upper reference interval interval bounded by the 99,865 % distribution quantile, Xoesx.and the 50 % distribution quantile, Xso% NOTE 1 The interval can be expressed by ( x Xzox) and the length of the interval is Xenees%~ Xa: NOTE 2 This term is used only as an arbitrary, 86 trén kha nding qua trinh (2.7.4). CHU THICH 3: B6i voi phan bé (2.5.1) chudn, do dai cia khoding quy chiéu dudi cé thé biéu thj theo 46 lech chudn la 3ehode we lugng 35 va Xso 5 bidu th cc trung binh va trung vi. CHU THICH 4: 6% véi phan b6 khong chudn, phan vj phan bé 50 %, sox, Qoi [a trung vi, cén phan vi phan b6 99,865 %, Xeoses 4 c6 thé dugc Use Iugng nhdy ‘cc bang tinh xéc sudt thich hp (vi du loga chun) ho&c hoac ter 6> nhon mau va 4} bat adi xung mau ‘sir dung cc phurong phap néu trong ISO/TR 12783. 2.6 Higu nang qua trinh
26.4 Higu nang qué trinh Thue do théng ké két qua cilia mét dac trung (1.4.4) tir mot qué trinh (2.1.1) chua dug ching 6 a trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7). CHU THICH 1: Két qua la mot phan bé (2.5.1) can xc dinh v8 lép (2.5.2) va cdc tham sb kem theo cia n6. CHU THICH 2: Can cha ¥ khi sir dung thuée do nay vi n6 06 thé chira thanh phan bién dong do cdc CHU THICH 3: Béi voi phan bé chudn mé ta theo 4} lech chudn, 5, chi dénh gia tir mot mau (1.2.17) 66 co mau N, léch chun duge bidu thj bang: Ky higu 5; tinh dén 4 bién dong (2.2.1) do cde TCVN 8244-2:2010 but standardized, basis for defining the upper process performanceindex (2.6.4) and upper process capability index (2.7.4). NOTE 3 For a normal distribution (2.5.1), the length of the upper reference interval can be expressed in terms of standard deviations as 30, or an estimated 35, and Xo % represents both the mean and the ‘median. NOTE 4 For a non-normal distribution, the 50 % distribution quantile, Xs», namely the median, and the 99,865 % distribution quantile, Xosaes x. can be estimated by means of appropriate probability papers (e.g. log-normal) or from the sample kurtosis and sample skewness using the methods described in ISOITR 12783. 2.6 Process performance 26.4 process performance statistical measure of the outcome of a characteristic (1.1.1) from a process (2.1.1) which may not have been demonstrated to be in a state of statistical control (2.2.7) NOTE 1 The outcome is a distribution (2.5.1) the class (2.5.2) of which needs determination and its parameters assessed. NOTE 2 Care should be exercised in using this ‘measure as it may contain a component of variability due to special causes (2.2.4), the value of which is not predictable. NOTE 3. For a normal distribution described in terms of the standard deviation, S,, assessed from only one sample (1.2.17) of size N, the process standard deviation is expressed thus: This descriptor, Si, takes into account the variation 45 TCVN 8244-2:2010 nguyén nhan ngdu nhién (thong thong) (2.25) cing véi cdc nguyén nhan dc bigt ob thé ob. O day 5S, duge ding thay cho «, vi dO lech chudn la thude: do mé ta théng ké, Co mu W’c6 thé hinh thanh ty & inhém con, mdi nhém ©6 cf n. CHU THICH 4: B41 véi phan bé chudn, cé thé danh gia higu nang qua trinh tir bigu thi: hhigu nang qua trinh = X,+( 251) va, “” phy thude vao yeu cdu higu nang phan tigu cy thé, Thurting *2"léy gid tr 3, 4 hoae 5. Néu higu nang qua trinh tring v6i cde yeu cu qui inh thi gia tr bang 3 chi ra kha ning 2 700 phan trigu ném ngoai uy dinh (3.1.1). Tuong ty, = bang 4 chi ra kha nang 64 phdn trigu va z bang 5 chi ra 0,6 phan trigu nim goal quy dinh, CHU THICH 5: éi voi phan bé khéng chudn, co thé anh gia higu n&ng qua trinh bang cach si dung, vi dy, cc bang tinh xdc sudt thich hyp hode tir eée tham s6 cla phan bé phi hyp véi dor ligu. Bibu thire 66) voi higu nang qua trinh o6 dang higu nang qua trinh = %,°* Ky higu 72 18 cach th8 hign chun trong thyre han 8 biéu dién dung sai quy dinh (3.1.6) v8 gid tri danh nghia hoa wu tién d6i v6i mot dc trung khi gid tri wu tign khong cach du gidi han & hai phia . Ky higu tzong dong cho truxéng hop gi6i han d6i xaing, v8 hai phia so véi gid tri uu tién Id + Céch ky higu nay cho phép so sénh tryc tiép kich of higu ning cia ac trung voi cac yéu cau quy dinh vé vj tri cing nhu 6 phan tn cia né. 2.6.2 Chi sé higu nang qua trinh > 46 (2.2.1) due to random (common) causes (2.2.5) together with any special causes that may be present. S. is used here instead of o, as the standard deviation is a statistical descriptive measure. The sample size NV can be made up of k subgroups, each of size n, NOTE4 For a normal distribution, process performance can be assessed from the expression: process performance = X,+(75;) and, °:" is dependent on the particular parts. per million performance requirement. Typically 2’ takes the value of 3, 4 or 5. If the process performance coincides with the specified requirements, a = value of 3 indicates an expected 2 700 parts per milion outside of specification (3.1.1). Similarly, a z of 4 indicates an expected 64 parts per milion and az of 5 an expected 0,6 parts per million outside of specification. NOTES For a non-normal distribution, process performance can be assessed using, for example, an appropriate probability paper or from the parameters of the distribution fitted to the data, The expression for process performance takes the form: Process performance = X,"* The notation, **, is in the same style as standard drawing office practice for expressing specified tolerances (3.1.6) about a nominal, or preferred, value for a characteristic when the preferred value is. not equidistant from each limit. The equivalent notation for limits symmetrical about the preferred value is +. This enables a direct comparison to be made between the dimensional performance of a characteristic and its specified requirements in terms of both location and dispersion. 26.2 process performance index fo Chi sé mé t& higu nang qua trinh (2.6.1) theo dung sai quy dinh (3.1.6) CHU THICH 1: Chi sé higu nang qua trinh thong ‘6uge bibu thi bang gid tri cia dung sai quy dinh chia cho 4 do chiéu dai cla khoang quy chiéu (2.5.7), ta a U-L ” Kenaee — Xora CHU THICH 2: B6i voi phan bé (2.5.1) chudn, 4 dai khodng quy chiéu biing 65, (xem 2.6.1, chu thich 3). CHU THICH 3: 61 voi phan bé khong chudn, o6 thé dc Iugng 6 dai khoang quy chiéu, vi dy, bing céch sir dung phutong php m6 ta trong ISO/TR 12783. 26.3 Chi sé higu nang qua trinh dudi Pox Chi s6 mé td higu nding qué trinh (2.6.1) theo giéi han quy dinh duréi (3.1.5), £ CHU THICH 4: Chi sé higu nang qué trinh dudi thuéng dugc biéu thi bang higu $6 gifra phan vi phan 6 50%, Xin x, va gi6i han quy dinh dui (3.1.5) chia cho 69 do 46 dai ctia khoang quy chidu dudi (2.58), 1a Xson-L Font. ‘cor ~ X0135% CHU THICH 2: 61 véi phan bb chudn 46i xing, 46 dai cla khodng quy chiéu dudi bang 35, (xem 2.6.1, ‘chi thich 3) va Xo 4 thé hign ca trung binh va trung vi CHU THICH 3: 61 voi phan bé khong chudn, c6 thd uéc long 46 dai cia khodng quy chiéu dudi bing cach sir dyng phyong phap m6 té trong ISO/TR 12783 con Xeos thé hign trung vi. 264 Chi s6 higu nang qué trinh trén TCVN 8244-2:2010 index describing process performance (2.6.1) in relation to specified tolerance (3.1.6) NOTE 1 Frequently, the process performance index is expressed as the value of the specified tolerance divided by a measure of the length of the reference interval (2.5.7), namely as: u-k Ret X eases ~ Xors% NOTE 2 For anormal distribution (2.5.1), the length of the reference interval is equal to 65, (see 2.6.1, Note 3). NOTE3 For a non-normal distribution, the length of the reference interval can be estimated using, for example, the method described in ISO/TR 12783. 263 lower process performance index Powe index describing process performance (2.6.1) in relation to the lower specification limit (3.1.5), L NOTE1 Frequently, the lower process performance index is expressed by the difference between the 50% distribution quantile, Xz 4, and lower specification limit (3.1.5) divided by a measure of the length of the lower reference interval (2.5.8), namely as: Xsow-L Fo = Bt Xeon — Xo.05% NOTE2 For the symmetrical normal distribution, the length of the lower reference interval is equal to 35; (see 2.6.1, Note 3) and Xso represents both the ‘mean and the median, NOTE 3. For a non-normal distribution, the length of the lower reference interval can be estimated using the method described in ISO/TR 12783 and Xe» represents the median, 264 upper process performance index 47 TCVN 8244-2:2010 Pout Chi sé mé ta higu nang qua trinh (2.6.1) theo gigi han quy dinh trén (3.1.4), U. CHU THICH 1: Chi sé higu nang qua trinh trén thudng duge biéu thi bang higu $6 gira gidi han quy inh tren va phan vi phan bé 50%, X20, chia cho 4 40.06 dai cia khoang quy chiéu trén (2.5.9), la: U-Xso% Px = Xeosesn —Xs0% CHU THICH 2: B6i véi phan bé chudn a6i xeng, 66 dai ca khoding quy chiéu trén bing 35, (xem 2.6.1, cha thich 3) va so thé hign cA trung binh va trung vi. CHU THICH 3: 864 voi phan bé khong chudin, c6 thé wae lurgng 4} dai cla khoang quy chiéu trén bang cach sir dung phuong phap mé ta trong ISO/TR 12783 cdn X50 thé hign trung vi 26.5 Chi sé higu nang qua trinh t6i thiéu Pok Gia tr nhé hon cia chi s6 higu nang qua trinh trén (2.6.4) va chi 56 higu nang qua trinh du6i (26.3). 26.6 Ty s6 higu nang qué trinh 86 nghich dao cia chi sé higu nang qué trinh (26.2). CHU THICH: Ty sé hiéu nding qua trinh thudng due bidu thi bang phan tram. 2.7 Nang lyre qué trinh 274 Nang Iye qué trinh Use lugng théng ké két qué cia mét dac trng (1.1.1) tir qua trinh (2.1.1) 3 duge chimg t & trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7) vamd 48 Pox index describing process performance (2.6.1) in relation to the upper specification limit (3.1.4), u NOTE 1 Frequently, the upper process. performance index is expressed as the difference between the upper specification limit and the 50% distribution quantile, Xo, divided by a measure of the length of the upper reference interval (2.5.9), namely as: U-Xs0% Ray =U Xmen Xsope5% — Xs0% NOTE 2 For a normal distribution, the length of the upper reference interval is equal to 35, (see 2.6.1, Note 3) and Xs0 represents both the mean and the median. NOTE 3 For a non-normal distribution, the length of the upper reference interval can be estimated using the method described in ISO/TR 12783 and Xso fepresents the median. 265 minimum process performance index Pok smaller of upper process performance index (2.6.4) and lower process performance index (2.6.3) 2.6.6 process performance ratio reciprocal of process performance index (2.6.2) NOTE Process performance ratio is often expressed asa percentage. 2.7 Process capability 274 process capability statistical estimate of the outcome of a characteristic (1.1.1) from a process (2.1.1) which has been demonstrated to be in a state of 18 vé kha nang cia qua trinh trong vige nhén biét mét dac trung dap tng cdc yéu cau déi voi dac trung 46. CHU THICH 1: Két qué la mét phan bé (2.5.1) can xc dinh vé lop (2.5.2) va cdc tham sé danh gid cla 6. CHU THICH 2: B6i voi phan bé chudn, c6 thé ude lugng 46 léch chun téng thé cla qua trinh, oi, bang ‘each str dung cing thite tinh 5; (xem 2.6.1, chi thich 3) Hoa, trong nhéng truéng hyp nhdt dinh, 66 Ich chudin, S» chi thé hign 48 bién déng (2.2.1) trong pham vi nhém con, c6 thé thay cho S; nhur mot ham wc lugng. 5. = nose = noae d meu m ES; trong 46 B 12 46 rong trung binh tinh tir tap hop gdm m a> rng nhém con; 5; 1a 46 lech chudn mau quan trdc eta nhém con ther & ‘m la 86 nhom con ob cing & mu 1; dz , c4 la cdc hang s6 diva trén o& nhém con, 1» (xem ISO 8258) Gia tr cia cdc Uéc lugng 5, va Sy hoi ty dbi voi mot {qua trinh trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké. Do vay, vige so sénh hai gid tri nay dura ra chi s6 v8 46 én inh cia qua trinh, 88 voi qué trinh khong duce kiém soat vé trung binh khéng déi, hoge, 44i véi qué trinh ma trung binh chiu thay di hé théng (xem 2.2.7, cha thich 4), gia tri cla S, 6 kha nang ube lung thép dang ké 46 Ich chun qué trinh, Do dé, Sy cn duge sir dung voi sy chi ¥ dac biét. Oi khi, usc lugng 5, duge wu tién hon Sy vind ob cc tinh chat théng ké dé tim hon (vi dy dé dang tinh toan gi6i han tin cay), CHU THICH 3: B6i voi phan bé chudn, c6 thé danh gid nang lye qua trinh tr bibu thisc: TCVN 8244-2:2010 Statistical control (2.2.7) and which describes that process's ability to realize a characteristic that will fulfil the requirements for that characteristic. NOTE 1 The outcome is @ distribution (2.5.1), the lass (2.5.2) of which needs determination and its parameters estimated. NOTE2 For a normal distribution, the process overall standard deviation, «, can be estimated using the formula for 5, (see 2.6.1, Note 3). Alternatively, in certain circumstances, the standard deviation, Sq, which represents only within-subgroup variation (2.2.1), can replace 5, as an estimator. where Fis the average range calculated from a set of m subgroup ranges; Sis the observed sample standard deviation of the th subgroup; m is the number of subgroups of the same size, n; de.c4 are constants based on subgroup size, 1 (see ISO 8258). The value of the estimators 5; and S, converge for a process in a state of statistical control. So, a comparison of the two gives an indication of the degree of stability of the process. control process about a constant mean, of, for a process that is subject to systematic change in the mean (see 2.2.7, Note 4), the value of Sy is likely to significantly underestimate the process standard deviation. For an out-of- Hence S, should be used with extreme caution. Sometimes, too, the estimator Sis preferred to Sy because it has more tractable statistical properties (e.g. facilitating the calculation of confidence limits). NOTE 3 For a normal distribution, process capability can be assessed from the expression: 49 TCVN 8244-2:2010 ning lye qua trinh = ¥+(:5)) trong 46 xeLsx, in XX; 18 trung binh quan tre duge cla nhém con thir, Luu y 18 X cho két qua gi6ng nhu X; (xem 2.6.1, chi thich 3). ‘Vige chon gia tri "2" phy thude vao chudn nang Ic phan trigu oy thé duge sir dyng. °2 thuéng ly gid tr 3, 4 hoae 5. Néu nang lye qua trinh dap ting cdc yeu cdu quy dinh thi gia tri bing 3 chi ra kha ning 2 700 phan trigu nam ngoai quy dinh (3.1.1). Tuong ty, > bing 4 chi ra kha ndng 64 phdn trigu, con 2 bing 5 chi ra kha nang 0,6 phan trigu nd ngoai quy dinh. CHU THICH 4: Béi voi phan bé khong chudn, c6 thé anh gid nang lye qua trinh bang cach si dung, vi dy, cdc bang tinh xéc suét thich hyp hoge tir cae tham sé cda phan bé phi hyp voi dé ligu, Biéu thirc 461 v6i nang lye qua trinh 66 dang khéng d6i xing: Ky higu *f 1a cach thé hign chudn trong thyc hanh 48 bidu dién dung sai quy dinh (3.1.6) vd gid tr danh nghia hoe wu tién déi véi mot dac trung khi gid tri wu tién khéng cach ddu gibi han & hai phia . Ky higu tuong dizong cho truréng hop gidi han di xing v8 hai phia so v6i gid tri wu tidn Ia +. Céch ky higu indy cho phép so sénh tryc tiép kich of higu nding cia 8c trung véi cdc yéu cdu quy dinh vé vi tri cing nhur 66 phan tan ciza nd. CHU THICH 5: Khi sir dung S. = 2, cn phai higu 5 Png ude lugng nay: = tra: nén kém higu qua dan khi 08 nhém con ting; process capability= X2 (25) where — X= EEx; XX; is the observed mean of the ith subgroup. Note that x gives identical results to X; (see 2.6.1, Note 3). ‘The choice of the value of “:" depends on the particular parts per millon capability standard used. ‘Typically “2 takes the value of 3, 4 or 5. If the process, capability meets the specified requirements, az value of 3 indicates an expected 2 700 parts per milion outside of specification (3.1.1). Similarly a = of 4 indicates an expected 64 parts per million and az of S an expected 0,6 parts per million outside of specification. NOTE4 For a non-normal distribution, process capability can be assessed using, for example, an ‘appropriate probability paper or from the parameters of the distribution fitted to the data. The expression for process capability takes the asymmetric form: process capability = Xs The notation, “jis in the same style as standard drawing office practice for expressing specified tolerances (3.1.6) about a nominal, or preferred, value for a characteristic when the preferred value is not equidistant from each limit. The equivalent notation for limits symmetrical about the preferred value is +. This enables a direct comparison to be made between the dimensional performance of a characteristic and its specified requirements in terms of both location and dispersion. NOTES When s.-t is used, it needs to be 2 appreciated that this estimator: — becomes progressively less efficient as subgroup size increases; — rat nhay voi phan bé cla cc ca thé; = lam cho khé ude lugng gidi han tin cay. 272 Chi sé nang Ive qua trinh & Chi s6 mo td nang Ie qua trinh (2.7.1) theo dung sai quy dinh (3.1.6) CHU THICH 1: Chi s6 nang lye qué trinh thuong uge biéu thi bang gi tri dung sai quy dinh chia cho 4} do 66 dai Khoaing quy chiéu (2.5.7) d6i voi qua trinh trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7), ta u-L = Xopa0s% — Xo.358% CHU THICH 2: Béi véi phan bé chudn, khodng quy chiéu bang 65 (xem c&c chi thich & 2.7.1). CHU THICH 3: Béi vi phan bé khong chudn, co thé 6c lweng khoang quy chiéu bang cach sir dung phyong phdp néu trong ISO/TR 12783. 213 Chi sé nang lye qua trinh dui Sou Chi s6 m6 td ning lye qué trinh (2.7.1) theo giéi han quy dinh duréi (3.1.5), L CHU THICH 1: Chi sé nang lye qué trinh dudi thudng dugc biéu thi bing higu gitra phan vj phan bé 50 %, Xsom, va gidi han quy dinh dudi chia cho 46 do: 46 dai khoang quy chiéu dui (2.5.8) déi voi qua trinh trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7), la: Cg = et X soy — Xo.135% CHU THICH 2: D6i véi phan bé chudn, khodng quy chigu dudi bang 35 (xem céc cho thich & 2.7.1) va Xe, thé hign cd trung binh va trung vi. CHU THICH 3: 86% v6i phan bé khong chudn, ¢6 thé TCVN 8244-2:2010 — is very sensitive to the distribution of individuals; — makes it more difficutt to estimate confidence limits. 272 process capability index 7 index describing process capability (2.7.1) in relation to specified tolerance (3.1.6) NOTE 1 Frequently, the process capability index is expressed as the value of the specified tolerance divided by a measure of the length of the reference interval (2.5.7) for a process in a state of statistical control (2.2.7), namely as: Get X o9.a68 % ~ X0.135% NOTE 2 For a normal distribution, the reference interval is equal to 65 (see 2.7.1, Notes). NOTE3 For a non-normal distribution, the reference interval can be estimated using the method. described in ISO/TR 12783. 273 lower process capability index Cone index describing process capability (2.7.1) in relation to the lower specification limit (3.1.5), L NOTE 1 Frequently, the lower process capability index is expressed as the difference between the 50 % distribution quantile, X20, and lower specification limit divided by a measure of the length of the lower reference interval (2.5.8) for a process in a state of statistical control (2.2.7), namely as: Xu ot som — X0195% Cont, NOTE2 For a normal distribution, the reference interval is equal to 35 (see 2.7.1, Notes) and so represents both the mean and the median. lower NOTE 3 For a non-normal distribution, the 51 TCVN 8244-2:2010 wee lugng khodng quy chiéu dudi bang cach siz dyng phurong phép néu trong ISO/TR 12783 con Xo thé hién trung vi. 214 Chi sé nang lye qua trinh trén Coxwr Chi sé mé td nang Ic qua trinh (2.7.1) theo gidi han quy dinh trén (3.1.4), U. CHU THICH 1: Chi sé nang lye qué trinh tén thudng duge biéu thi bang hiéu gida gidi han quy inh trén va phan vi phan bd 50 %, Xso, chia cho do do 49 dai khoang quy chiéu trén (2.5.9) d6i voi qua trinh trong trang thai kiém soat théng ké (2.2.7), la U-L C= Xooaesy — Xonr58% CHU THICH 2: Béi voi phan bd chudn, khodng quy chiéu trén bang 35 (xem céc chi thich & 2.7.1) va Xo, thd hin ca trung binh va trung vj. CHU THICH 3: Béi v6i phan bé khéng chudn, c6 thé éc lugng khodng quy chiéu trén bang céch sir dyng phuong phap néu trong ISO/TR 12783 cdn Xso% thd hign trung vi. 275 Chi sé nang lye qua trinh t6i thiéu Cox Gi tri nhd hon cia chi sé nang lye qua trinh dui (2.7.4) va chi s6 nang Ive qua trinh tren (2.7.3). 276 Ty 86 nding lye qué trinh S6 nghich d8o cla chi sé nang Ive qué trinh (27.2). CHU THICH: Ty s6 nang Ive qué trinh thudng duge bidu thj bang phdn tram. lower reference interval can be estimated using the method described in ISO/TR 12783 and Xso represents the median. 214 upper process capability index Sonu index describing process capability (2.7.1) in relation to the upper specification limit (3.1.4), U NOTE 1 Frequently, the upper process capability index is expressed as the difference between the upper specification limit and the 50 % distribution quantile, Xoo, divided by a measure of the length of the upper reference interval (2.5.9) for a process in a state of statistical control (2.2.7), namely as: oe unk Xoops — Xo.5% NOTE2 For a normal distribution, the upper reference range is equal to 3S (see 2.7.1, Notes) ‘and X59 4 represents both the mean and the median. NOTE3 For a non-normal distribution, the upper reference interval can be estimated using the method described in ISO/TR 12783 and Xp q represents the median. 275 minimum process capability index pk smaller of upper process capability index (2.7.4) and lower process capability index (2.7.3) 276 process capability ratio reciprocal of process capability index (2.7.2) NOTE Process capability ratio is often expressed as a percentage. 227 Chi sé bién dng qua trinh a9 Thube do 4 bién dong (2.2.1) biéu thi theo gia tr dich (3.1.2). CHU THICH 1: Khi gid tri dich, T, khac khéng, chi s6 nay duge biéu thj bang: %) CHU THICH 2: Bac tinh cila chi sé nay 1a khi qui trinh (2.1.1) lech khdi gid tri dich ho&c khi 6 bién Ong qua trinh tang thi gia tri cla chi sé nay cing tng. Chi s6 cang gn “khdng” thi qué trinh cng gin V6i gid tr dich cia n6, CHU THICH 3: Chi sé nay rét hou ich trong nhong trudng hop gia tri dich duge wu tién nhung khéng 6 dung sai quy dinh (3.1.6) 68 danh gid ning lye twong déi, Nhng tinh huéng nhu vay bao gém trong didu chinh qué trinh théng ké (2.1.8) phi sin xudt -va dap tang ty thye nghiden thiét ké. 3 Quy dinh, gia tri két qua ther 3.1 Khai nigm lién quan dén quy dinh 344 Quy dinh Tai ligu trinh bay ede yéu cau. {ISO 9000:2008, 3.7.3] CHU THICH 1: Tai igu o6 thé 14 phuong tign bat ky chira thong tin, vi dy, ban gidy, dia may tinh hoae mau (1.2.17) cho. CHU THICH 2: Thugt ng nay thudng can them cc tinh ngi. Vi dy nu quy dinh cua sin phdm va quy inh cho qué tinh, quy dinh thir nghigm va quy dinh higu nang. CHU THICH 3: Trong ldy mau ch4p nhan (1.3.17), mét 1 (1.2.4) 06 thé duge chép nhan néu nd dap ng cac chudn myc chép nhan 16, nhung mot sb c& TCVN 8244-2:2010 277 process variation index m% ‘measure of variation (2.2.1) expressed in terms of the target value (3.1.2) NOTE 1 When the target value, T, is not equal to Zero, the index is expressed as: T = %) NOTE 2 A property of this index is that when either the process (2.1.1) drifts from its target, or the process variation increases, the value of the index will increase. The closer the index is to zero, the better the process is performing relative to its target. NOTE3 This index is useful in those situations where a target value is preferred but there is no specified tolerance (3.1.6) available to assess the relative capability. Such situations include those in non-production statistical process control (2.1.8) and responses from designed experiments. 3 Specifications, results values and test 3.1. Specification-related concepts 344 specification document stating requirements [ISO 9000:2008, 3.7.3] NOTE1 A document can be any medium containing information, for example, paper, computer disc or master sample (1.2.17). NOTE 2 Typically qualifiers are needed for this term. Examples are product specification and process. specification, test specification and performance specification. NOTE3 In acceptance sampling (1.3.17), 2 lot (1.2.4) may be accepted because it meets the lot 53 TCVN 8244-2:2010 thé (1.2.11) rigng 18 trong mu hoae 16 ¢6 thé khong 8p ting quy dinh ciia c& thé. CHU THICH 4: Trong chimmg myc cé thé, yeu cu cn duge thé hign bang $6, theo don vi (1.2.14) thich hop, cling v6i gidi han ca ching. Khi khéng thyc hign duge, cn cb inh nghia thidt Lap chudn myc cn ap dung cho vigc kiém tra va dua ra quyét dinh. Cac chudn myc 66 thé, vi dy, dudi dang mau chuan, mu chi hoac anh, Vig nay c6 thé minh hoa cai gi dugc wu tién, téi thiéu chdp nhan duge hay khéng chp nhan duge hod loai valho&c mirc 40 khong phi hop (3.1.11) khdng chp nhan durge. 34.2 Gia tri dich Gia tri danh nghia T Gia tri wu tién ho&c tham chiéu cia mot dc trung (1.1.1) duge néu trong quy dinh (3.1.1), 3.4.3 Gidi han quy dinh Gia tri gidi han quy dinh cho mét dic trung (1.1.4) 344 Gi6i han quy dinh trén uv Gidi_han quy dinh (3.1.3) xac dinh gia tr gidi han tren. 34.5 han quy dinh doi Gi duéi. han quy dinh (3.1.3) xc dinh gid tri gi6i han 346 Dung sai quy dinh Chénh léch gia gidi han quy dinh trén (3.1.4) va 16% han quy dinh dui (3.1.5). acceptance criteria, but some individual items (1.2.11) in the sample or lot may not satisfy the item specification. NOTE 4 As far as is practicable, it is desirable that the requirement be expressed numerically in terms of appropriate units (1.2.14), together with their limits. ‘When this is not done, an operational definition is required which establishes the criterion to be applied {for examination and decision making. The criterion can, for example, take the form of a reference specimen, master sample or photograph. This can illustrate what is preferred, minimum acceptable, and not acceptable, or, type and/or degree of nonconformity (3.1.11) which is unacceptable. 34.2 target value nominal value T preferred or reference value of a characteristic (1.1.1) stated in a specification (3.1.1) 34.3 ‘specification limit limiting value stated for a characteristic (1.1.1) 344 upper specification limit u specification limit upper limiting value (3.1.3) that defines the 315 lower specification limit L ‘specification limit (3.1.3) that defines the lower limiting value 31.6 specified tolerance difference between the upper specification limits (3.1.4) and lower specification limits (3.1.5) 347 Gidi han quy dinh mét phia Gidi han quy dinh (3.1.3) tai 46 chudn myc quyét dinh chi 4p dung cho mét gidi han. 348 Gi6i han quy dinh hai phia két hyp Giéi han quy dinh (3.1.3) tai do chudn myc quyét dinh durgc p dung chung cho ed gidi hen tren va gidi han dud. 3.1.9 Giéi han quy dinh hai phia riéng ro Giéi han quy dinh (3.1.3) tai dé chudn myc quyét inh duge 4p dung cho tung gidi han mot cach riéng ré. 3.4.10 Gi6i han quy dinh hai phia phirc hyp Gi6i han quy dinh (3.1.3) déng thoi 6 hai tap hyp chudn myc, mét tap hop 4p dyng chung cho cd hai gid tri gidi han cdn tap hop kia ap dung ring cho mot trong hai gid tri gi6i han. 34.14 Sy khéng phi hop ‘Sy khOng dap Gng mot yeu cau [TCVN 1SO 9000:2005, 3.6.2] CHU THICH: Xem chi thich cho Khuyét tt (3.1.12). 34.42 Khuyét t3t ‘Sy khéng dap tng yéu cau lién quan dén vig si ‘dung dy kién hoc quy dinh. CHU THICH 1: Vige phan bigt gia hai Khai nigm Khuyét tat va khéng pha hgp (3.1.11) Id diéu quan trong vi né c6 ¥ nghfa phép ly, 8c bit khi fién quan dén cdc vn dé v8 nghia vy phap ly cla san phdm. Do 46, cn dae bigt than trong khi sir dung thuat ngcr okhuyét tat CHU THICH 2: Muc éich sir dung dy kién do khach hang yéu cdu 06 thé bj Anh hudng do tinh cht cia TCVN 8244-2:2010 347 single specification limit specification limit (3.1.3) where the decision criteria is applied only to one limit 318 combined double specification limit specification it (3.13) where the decision criteria is applied collectively to the upper ‘and lower limits 319 separate double specification limit ‘specification limit (3.1.3) where the decision criteria is applied to each limit individually 3.4.40 complex double specification limit specification limit (3.1.3) with two simultaneous sets of criteria, one set applying to both the limiting values collectively and the other set to one of the limiting values individually 34.14 nonconformity non-fulfilment of a requirement {ISO 9000:2008, 3.6.2) NOTE See notes to defect (3.1.12). 3.4.12 defect non-fulflment of a requirement related to an intended or specified use NOTE 1 The distinction between the concepts defect and nonconformity (3.1.11) is important as it has legal connotations, particularly those associated with product liability issues. Consequently, the term “defect” should be used with extreme caution. NOTE 2 The intended use by the customer can be affected by the nature of the information, such ‘as operating or maintenance instructions, provided by 55 TCVN 8244-2:2010 thong tin, nhu huéng dn van hanh hoge bdo tri do khach hang dua ra. [TCVN ISO 9000:2008, 3.6.3] 3.4.13 Khéng hoan hao Sy khac biét cla dic trung (1.1.1) so véi mirc hoac trang thai (3.5.3) wu tién olta n6, 06 thé hac khéng duge xem fa ch4p nhan duge tiy theo cach hiéu vé nhu cau va mong muén cila khéich hang cu thé. CHU THICH 1: Viée dat dugc “sy hoan hao” d6i voi tung va moi dac trung c6 thé la khéng kha thi trong thé gidi thye. Didu nay éuge thira nhan trong viée dva ra dung sai quy dinh (3.1.8) di voi céc dic ‘rung dinh Iueng va sy phan loai cac gid tri d3c trung inh lwgng thanh cde cAp nhu “wu tién’, “ti thiéu ch&p nhan duge’. CHU THICH 2: Khdng hoan hao fa phan logi chung. MBi loai khéng hoan hao thudng éuge nhén biét bang mét t8n goi cy thd (vi du: xuréc nhe hode ban). 34.44 Hanh dong phéng ngira Hanh dong logi triv nguyén nhan cla sy khéng phi: hyp (3.1.11) tim an hoge tinh huéng khéng mong muén tiém &n khéo. CHU THICH 1: C6 thé 6 nhigu nguyén nhan di voi ‘mt sy khong phi hop tiém an, CHU THICH 2: Hanh dgng phong ngira duge thy hign a ngan ngira sy xudt hign trong khi hanh dong khde phye (3.1.15) duge thyc hign 48 ngan ngva su tai dign. (ISO 9000:2006, 3.6.4] 34.15 Hanh dong khdc phyc Hanh dong logi tiv nguyén nhén cia sy khéng phir hep (3.1.11) hodc tinh hudng khéng mong muén duge phat hién, CHU THICH 1: Co thé cd nhiéu nguyén nhan gay ra 56 the customer. {ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.3] 3.4.13 imperfection departure of a characteristic (1.1.1) from its preferred level or state (3.5.3) which may, or may not, be considered acceptable depending on an interpretation of particular customer needs and expectations NOTE 1 Achieving “perfection” for each and every characteristic can be impracticable in the real world. This is recognized in the quoting of specified tolerances (3.1.6) for quantitative characteristics and a classification of values of qualitative characteristics into classes such as ‘preferred’, “minimum acceptable NOTE 2 Imperfection is a general classification Each imperfection type is usually identified by its specific name (e.g. minor scratch or blemish), 3444 preventive action action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity (3.1.11) or other undesirable potential situation NOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for potential nonconformity. NOTE 2 Preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence whereas corrective action (3.1.15) is taken to prevent recurrence. {ISO 9000:2008, 3.6.4) 34.15 corrective action action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity (3.1.11) or other undesirable situation NOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for sy khéng phi hgp. CHU THICH 2; Hanh ééng khéc phyc dugc thuc hien nhdm ngan nga sy tai dién trong khi hanh dong phéng ngira (3.1.14) dugc thuc hién nhim ngan ngiva sy xudt hign CHU THICH 3: C6 sy khéc biét gida kh&e phuc (8.1.16) va hanh dong khc phyc. [ISO 9000:2008, 3.6.5} 3.4.16 Khac phy Hanh dong duge thye hign dé loai bd sy khéng phi hgp (3.1.11) duoc phat hign. CHU THICH 1: Vigc khdc phye o6 thé duge thye hién cing voi hanh dong khdc phye (3.1.15). CHU THICH 2: Khdc phyc 6 thé 1a, vi dy, lam Iai hod ha ofp. [ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.6] 3.2 Xac dinh dac trung va dai lvgng 324 Phép do Tap hop céc hoat déng nh’im muc tiéu xéc dinh gia {rj cia mét dai long. [VIM:1993, 2.1] CHU THICH 1: Trong dinh nghia nay, dai lung 66 thé 1a “dai lugng co ban” nhur khéi lurgng, 46 dai, thoi gian, hoac “dai lugng dan xuat” nhu van téc (46 dai chia cho thai gian). CHU THICH 2: Phép do duge gidi han & viée xae Ginh cc dai lugng trong khi phép thir (3.2.3) dug dung theo nghia rong hon trong vige xac dinh céc ac trung (1.1.1) bang phép do hod phuong tién khac nhu dinh lugng, phan logi hoc phat hién siy ob mat hoae ving mat cla mot dac trung. 3.2.2 Dai lugng do Lurgng cy thé ld déi tuong cia phép do (3.2.1). TCVN 8244-2:2010 ‘a nonconformity. NOTE 2 Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action (3.1.14) is taken to prevent occurrence. NOTE 3 There is @ distinction between correction (3.1.16) and corrective action. [ISO 9000:2008, 3.6.5} 34.16 correction action taken to eliminate a detected nonconformity (3.1.11) NOTE 1 A correction can be made in conjunction with corrective action (3.1.15). NOTE 2 A correction can be, for example, rework or regrade, [ISO 9000:2008, 3.6.6] 3.2 Determination of characteristics and quantities 3.24 ‘measurement set of operations having the object of determining a value of a quantity [VIM:1993, 2.1] NOTE 1 In this definition, a quantity can be either a “base quantity” such as mass, length, time, or a “derived quantity” such as velocity (length divided by time). NOTE 2 Measurement is restricted to the determination of quantities whereas test (3.2.3) is used in a broader sense in the determination of characteristics (1.1.1) by measurement or other means such as quantifying, classifying or detecting the presence or absence of a characteristic. 3.22 measurand particular quantity subject to measurement (3.2.1) 87 TCVN 8244-2:2010 ITCVN 6165, 2.6] 3.2.3 Phép thir Hoat dong ky thuat bao gém viée xe dinh mét hoae nhiéu d%e treng (1.1.1) cia mot san pham (1.2.32), qué trinh (2.1.1) hoge dich vy (1.2.33) ccho truéc theo mot quy trinh quy dinh. CHU THICH 1: Phép do (3.2.1) duge gidi han & vige xac inh céc dai luong trong khi phép thir Guge ding theo nghia réng hon trong viée xéc dinh cdc dc trung bang phép do hoa phuong tign khdc nhu dinh lugng, phan loai hoac phat hién sw cé mat hode ving mat cia mot dc trung, CHU THICH 2: Giai thich vé thuat nga “dai lueng” duge néu trong ché thich 1 ca 3.2.1. 3.24 Bac trung thir Bac trung (1.1.1) cn duge thir (3.2.3). 3.25 Gia tr) thye Gia tri dao trung cho mot dai lvgng hoge dic trung dinh lwgng (1.1.1) duge xc dinh hoan toan trong didu kién ma dai leng hode dae trung dinh long 46 dye xem xét. CHU THICH 1: Gia tri thye té cia mot dai lweng hoe 6c trung dinh lugng 1a khai nigm ly thuyét va ‘n6i chung, khéng thé biét chinh xée. CHU THICH 2: Giai thich va thudt ngi “dai luong? Suge néu trong chi thich 1 cba 3.2.1. 3.2.6 Gia tri thye quy wee Gia tr] cia mot dai luyng hoac dae trueng (1.1.1) Ginh lwgng 06 thé thay cho gié tri thyc (3.2.5) nhdim mot myc dich cho tre. Vi DY: Trong mét t8 chise, gia ty An inh cho mot chudin quy chibu 06 thé duge Idy lam gid ti thyc quy wdc cla dai lwgng hode dc trung inh Iveng nhan 58 [Mim:1993, 26) 3.23 test technical operation that consists of the determination of one or more characteristics (1.1.1) of a given product (1.2.32), process (2.1.1) or service (1.2.33) according to a specified procedure NOTE 1 Measurement (3.2.1) is restricted to the determination of quantities whereas test is used in @ broader sense in the determination of characteristics by measurement or other means such ‘as quantifying, classifying or detecting the presence (or absence of one or more particular characteristics. NOTE 2 For an explanation of the term “quantiy’, refer to Note 1 of 3.2.1 324 test characteristic characteristic (1.1.1) subject to test (3.2.3) 3.25 true value value which characterizes a quantity or quantitative characteristic (1.1.1) perfectly defined in the conditions which exist when that quantity or quantitative characteristic is considered NOTE 1 The true velue of a quantity or quantitative characteristic is a theoretical concept ‘and, in general, cannot be known exactly. NOTE 2. For an explanation of the term “quantity”, tefer to Note 1 0f 3.2.1. 3.26 conventional true value value of a quantity or quantitative characteristic (1.1.1) which, for a given purpose, may be substituted for a true value (3.2.5) EXAMPLE — Within an organization, the value assigned 10 a reference standard can be taken as the conventional true value of the quantity or quantitative biét bdi chudn 46. CHU THICH 1: Néi chung, gid tr thye quy uéc duoc coi la di gan voi gia tri thy déi voi sy khdc biet khéng dang ké voi myc dich cho truec. CHU THICH 2: Gidi thich v8 thuat ngt “éai lweng™ ugc nau trong chi thich 1 cla 3.2.1. 3.2.7 Gia tr] quy chiéu urge ch4p nn Gia tri dung lam quy chiéu theo théa thuan dé so sanh. CHU THICH: Gia tri quy chiéu due chdp nhan nhan due tr: a) gid tri ly thuyét hodc dug thiét lap, dya trén cac nguyen Iy khoa hoc: b) gié tt] duegc &n dinh ho’c ching nhan, dya tren Iighién iru thye nghigm cla t8 chirc quéc gia hoac quéc té nao 66; ©) gid tri thda thuan hog duge chimg nhan, diva tren nghién céu thyc nghigm phdi hyp duvi sy bao tre eta mot nhém nha khoa hoc hode kj thuat;

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