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A. ASKING FOR THINGS How to ask for things - Canthave ..., please? - Could have ..., please? Example of dialog Dialog 1 Irfan : Can have some candies, please? Nita: Sure, here you are. Dialog 2 Tomy : Could! have some more potatoes please? Elly: Sorry, no more potatoes. Tomy : Thanks anyway. B. ASKING FOR HELP How to ask for help - Could you help me ...? = Would you help me? = Could you give me a hand? Example of dialog Dialog 1 Todi: Could you help me find my pencil? Ard: Sure, that's ok. Dialog 2 Rike : Could you give me a hand? Indra : Sure. What is it? Rike : Help me lift this box. Indra : No problem. C. ASKING FOR DIRECTION How to ask for direction - Excuse me. Could you tell me where - Excuse me, How do I get to ...? - Excuse me. Where's the ...? Bxomple dialog Dialog 1 Wina : Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is? Irfan :Sure. Just go straight and turn left. Dialog 2 Ratna : Excuse me. How do I get to the post office? Eka: Just go straight. It’s one block from here. Dialog 3 Riko: Excuse me. Where's the nearest gas station, please? Inna It’s across from the bank, 'D. ASKING FOR PRICES How to ask for prices = How much does it cost? - How much is...? - How much are ...? Example of dialog Dialog 1 Seller : Can |help you? Buyer : Can [have a bottle of tea? Seller : Here you are. Buyer : How much does it cost? Seller = It's three thousand rupiahs. Dialog 2 Buyer : How much are the tomatoes? Seller: They are five thousand rupiahs a kilo. Dialog 3 Buyer : How much is this dress? Seller : It's a hundred thousand rupiahs. Bahasa Inggris |= 581 Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or DI 1 2 Mita Gina : Could | have some more chocolate? Evan A. It's five thousand rupiahs 8. Sorry, no more chocolate C. Where's the chocolate? D. Thanks anyway Pembahasan: Kalimat Could have ...? bermaksud meminta sesuatu barang atau makanan pada seseorang. Untuk menjawabnya, katakan Sure. Here you are bila barang yang dimaksud ‘ada atau Sorry, no more ... bila barang yang dimaksud tidak ada/sudah habis. Jawaban: B bring this luggage? ‘Angi : Sure. No problem. A. Ganthave 8 May! borrow Whereis D. Could you help me Pembahasan: Dalam percakapan tersebut, Mita sepertinya memerlukan bantuan Anggi untuk membawa kopernya.Untuk meminta bantuan seseorang, ucapkan Could you help me....? Jowaban: D Marni : Excuse me. Could you tell me where the post office is? 2 Sure. A. Whereis it? 8 Letmesee. C._It’sacross from the museum. D. Just tell me. Ima 582 Mega BankSoal Pembahasan: Marni bertanya pada Irma di mana letakkantor pos. Untuk menunjukkan letak, gunakan kata seperti [5 next £0 ots acrOss from... It in front of .. dan lain sebagainya. Jawaban: C Citra : How much is this bag? A Itsfifty thousand rupiahs 8. There are fifteen bags C. Sure. No problem D. Here you are Pembahasan: Kalimat How much isvare ...? bermaksud menanyakan harga suatu barang. Kalimat yang menjelaskan harga suatu barang adalah it's fifty thousand rupiahs, harganya lima puluh ribu rupiah. Jawabon: A Wahyu Ivan: Just go straight and turn left. ‘A. How much dogs it cost? 8. Would you help me? Could you give me a hand? D. How do get to the hospital? Pembahasan: ‘Wahyumenanyakan sesuatu dan dijawab oleh van dengan perintah untuk berjalan lurus dan belok kiri, Berarti Wahyu menanyakan arah dan Ivan menunjukkan arah menuju ke tempat yang dimaksud. Untuk menanyakan arah, ucapkan How dolget to...?. Jawaban: D A. Where's the cake? 16. Hera : Excuse me. Could you tell me —? 8 Cut the cake, please. Vika :Sure. It’s next to the gas station. C. Here's the coke A where the museum is 0. Nomore cake 8. where is the museum isthe museum where 13, Shela: How much are these mangos? D. the museum where is Mr. Anwar : — A Sure, here you are 17. Waitress : Cant help you? & Cant have more mangos? Canthelp you? OD. Theyare ten thousand rupiahs a kilo Rita: Cant have some — please? Waitress: more orange juice. A. candies C orange juice B. potatoes D. icedtea Look at the map and answer questions 14 and 151 18. Mrs.ima_ : Canthelp you? Asti re Mrs.trna_ : Sure. Here you are. ‘A. How much does it cost? B Canthavea kilo of grapes? They are five thousands rupiahs 1D. Sorry. no more grapes. School Hospital y Park 19. Mom: RAA Dian SuesNmatsk Mom? Mom __ : Peel the mango, please. 14. Andy: Excuse me. Where is the hospital, A. Canthave the mango? 8. How muchis the mango? C._Diah, can you help me? D. Could you help me find the mango please? Lucky: I's over there. The hospital is_ bank 20. Yuka: How much is the book? ‘and school Yola : — AL next to infront of A. They are twenty thousand rupiahs 8 between ©. behind B The book is twenty thousand rupiahs C_It'stwenty thousand 15. Sania: Excuse me. Could you tell me where D. They are twenty books the park is? Bella: Sure. It's A. infront of school 8. acsoss from schoo! between bank and hospital ©. next to the bank 584 Mega Bank Soal

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