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Pregunta 1 parcialment correcte Puntuació 0,67 sobre 1,00

The Past Simple tense is used...

Trieu-ne una o més:
a. to refer to actions that were in progress in the past.
b. to refer to a past habit or state.

c. to refer to finished states, actions or situations that happened in the past.

d. to refer to past actions which happened one after the other.


La resposta correcta és: to refer to a past habit or state., to refer to finished states, actions or situations that
happened in the past., to refer to past actions which happened one after the other..

Pregunta 2
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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"Used to" and "would" have the same meaning and both are very commonly used in affirmative, negative and
interrogative sentences. True or False?
Trieu-ne una:
a. True.

b. False.


La resposta correcta és: False..

Pregunta 3
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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I didn't revise so I _____ my exam.

Trieu-ne una:
a. passed
b. missed
c. didn't fail

d. didn't pass


La resposta correcta és: didn't pass.

Pregunta 4
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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One of these sentences is NOT correct. Which one?

Trieu-ne una:
a. He was having a shower when the bell rang.
b. My sister was studying while I was cooking.

c. We were playing tennis every day.

d. Were you studying when I phoned you last night?


La resposta correcta és: We were playing tennis every day..

Pregunta 5
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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The IT department is responsible for...

Trieu-ne una:

a. The company network and computers.

b. The internships.
c. Customers' complaints.

La resposta correcta és: The company network and computers..

Pregunta 6
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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The department in charge of payments, bills and expenses is called:

Trieu-ne una:

a. Finance.
b. Logistics.
c. Sales.


La resposta correcta és: Finance..

Pregunta 7
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Choose two suitable answers for this question: Whose car is that?
Trieu-ne una o més:
a. It's a Ferrari.

b. It's theirs.

c. It's Paul's.
d. It's the blue car.


La resposta correcta és: It's theirs., It's Paul's..

Pregunta 8
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Last week I _____ about you a lot.

Trieu-ne una:
a. thorough
b. through

c. thought
d. though


La resposta correcta és: thought.

Pregunta 9
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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The answer to "Where were you born?" is:

Trieu-ne una:

a. I was born in Madrid.

b. I'm born in Madrid.
c. I borned in Madrid.


La resposta correcta és: I was born in Madrid..

Pregunta 10
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00
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Text de la pregunta

Match the following abbreviations to their meaning.

As Soon As Possible. Resposta 1

Thanks In Advance. Resposta 2

In My Opinion. Resposta 3

See You Later. Resposta 4

By The Way. Resposta 5


La resposta correcta és: As Soon As Possible. – ASAP., Thanks In Advance. – TIA., In My Opinion. – IMO., See
You Later. – CUL., By The Way. – BTW..

Pregunta 11
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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My office has been refurnished. Now I need the _____to tidy up this mess.
Trieu-ne una:

a. cleaning staff
b. sales department
c. IT department


La resposta correcta és: cleaning staff.

Pregunta 12
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Your boarding card is...

Trieu-ne una:

a. A card that each passenger has to show before they are allowed to get on a plane or a ship.
b. A card that is giving to you by the flight-attendant.
c. A card that welcomes you onboard.


La resposta correcta és: A card that each passenger has to show before they are allowed to get on a plane or a ship..

Pregunta 13
Puntuació 0,00 sobre 1,00

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One of these questions is NOT correct. Which one?

Trieu-ne una:

a. When is it?
b. What time did he arrive?
c. Who told you that?
d. What did happen?


La resposta correcta és: What did happen?.

Pregunta 14
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00
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Text de la pregunta

How do you say "puerta de embarque?"

Trieu-ne una:

a. Boarding gate.
b. Gate.
c. Check-in.


La resposta correcta és: Boarding gate..

Pregunta 15
Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Text de la pregunta

It is correct to say "I'm loving this apple cake". True or False?

Trieu-ne una:
a. True.

b. False.


La resposta correcta és: False..

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