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What did you do yesterday?

(qué hiciste ayer)

 In the morning i was in clases online.
 In the afternoon i was playing with my daughter and my husband // wife.
 At night i was studying and then i was to sleep.

Mi rutina
In the morning I study and do a little exercise, in the afternoon I play with my
daughter and my wife and in the evening I watch movies.
What part of your body does your wife like? Que parte de tu cuerpo le gusta a tu
My lips and my eyes.
What did you do last night?
Last night i was watching movies with my daughter and my wife
Háblame de tu padre
My father died when he was 11 months old
Tell me about your mother // wife
My mother is a great woman, I love her and she is one of my reasons to keep going.
What did you have for breakfast yesterday?
A cup of coffee and two pieces of buttered bread.

What did you have for lunch yesterday?

A bowl with chicken soup, a plate of chicken rice and a glass of lemonade.
What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
A cup of milk and two pieces of buttered bread.

Do you have children?

Yes I have a daughter.
How old is your daughter?
My daughter is four years old.
What is your favorite sport?
volleyball // swimming and soccer
What type of restaurant do you like?
Chicken, grill and chifa
Describe your family?
I have a husband //wife who understands me and I love him // her and a very
intelligent daughter who is my reason and I love her very much.

Cabeza: Head. // Boca: mouth // Labios: lips // Dientes: Teeth

Orejas: Ears // Lengua: Tongue // Cuello: Neck // Brazos: arms
Cejas: eyebrows // Manos: hands // Dedos: Fingers
Ojos: Eyes. // Nariz: Nose // Pies: Feet.

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