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Tenderizing Agents Used In Indian Cooking

1. Curd:
Curd is basically fresh milk inoculated with a culture of lactobacillus. It is the
lactic acid in curd that helps to break down meat fibres and renders the product
soft and succulent when cooked in tandoor. In curries it is usually added at the
end. Apart from the curds, the whey of the hung curd also known as khatti lassi
is used for marinating the meat for tenderizing.

2. Lime:
The citric acid content in this fruit is what causes the tenderizing action on the
meat fibres. It is also used for marinating of meats for kebabs. The other citrus
fruits, such as orange, kokum, and gamboge, etc. can also be used as

3. Kachri:
Kachri is a wild variety of melon-like fruit of cucumis family and is found in
Bengal, Punjab, parts of Maharashtra, the northern and western provinces, and
the Sind area (now in Pakistan). It is used as a tenderizing agent for meats,
especially for kebabs and biryanis.

4. Vinegar:
Vinegar is produced when natural yeast in the air acts on the juice of the fruit
used to make the vinegar. It converts the sugar to alcohol and then this alcohol
is converted into acid. Acetic acid is the substance which gives it its tenderizing
quality. The strength of acetic acid in vinegar varies depending on the fruit base.

Every country produces vinegar made from locally abundant fruit. Grape and
cider vinegar remain the most popular for cooking in the West.

5. Tamarind:
Found mostly in south India, this is an extremely sour, beanlike fruit with larger
seeds. The ripe fruit contains two acids— citric and tartaric acid—that give it a
characteristic sour taste and its tenderizing properties.

6. Fruits:
Many types of fruits in various forms are used as tenderizing agents, especially
for meats.

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