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Imagining our New ‘Normal’

What SOCIETY should leave behind… (e.g. negative aspects of our world/ quarantine) What SOCIETIES new normal should include.​.​(e.g. what makes our world/ community
1. Social distancing- Hopefully we can create a new normal where we don’t need to
social distance. Human contact is important, (e.g. shaking hands, hugging, 1. We should support small local businesses and restaurants. Decreases our
visits) carbon footprint and provides jobs for our local community.
2. Current/ old senior and retirement home systems. Covid-19 has demonstrated
issues with how our seniors are cared for.

- Stress buying of essential items- Covid-19 brought on a mass of over purchasing - More support - Many teens deal with stress and mental illness, with covid it can
of many necessities, leaving nothing left for people in need be hard to have someone to talk to, we need a safe and ava;able method to help
- Going into work/school sick - As we have seen with Covid-19 the risk of making teens in need
others sick is very high, if you feel sick don’t go to public areas - Teachers should be a bit more flexible with school work, many people have
- School systems - Many teens struggle with stress of school work during other priorities other than school and the stress of school can get to be a lot
Covid-19, we need to keep flexible schooling system - Support environmentally friendly businesses
- No Sports - Our bodies need to move around, being active is very important for - Be inclusive of all - Everyone should be treated the same no matter their race,
mental and physical health gender or sexual orientation
- No sense of community - We need to become more in touch with the people - Mental health - We need to in a way normalize mental health issues because
around us, especially when they are in need of help many people are afraid to speak up because they don’t know that others feel
the way they do too

What WE (personally) should leave behind… (e.g. what don’t you miss) What our PERSONAL new normal should include.. (what do you miss)

1. Craziness of life, stress and too many commitments. 1. More time for personal hobbies like woodworking, reading, cooking and going
on daily walks

- Spend more time with my friends

- Not being very active - Exercise at least three times a week
- Staying up late and being tired in the morning - Take time to reflect on myself
- Not taking time for my mental health - Take more risks
- Procrastinating and being overloaded with work - Find a hobby that helps relieve my stress
- Having to balance all of my classes

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