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1. Based on the first document, do Exercise 1.4 in page 13. You have six phrases and you have to identify
them to whom the phrases might belong, “Attribute each of the…phrases to Ferdinand de Saussure, Noam
Chomsky, or Michael Halliday. What does the quote tell you about their perspective on the study and
analysis of language?”.


“If we could embrace the

sum of word-images Because in his original structuralism he
stored in the minds of all projected language as a system of elements
individuals, we could composed of a community of speakers who
identify the social bond communicate in that language and allowed
that constitutes language. Combination rules, and he explained that
It is a storehouse filled by language is related to the potential of each
the members of a given FERDINAND DE person and the potential of each person's
community through their SAUSSURE brain. Similarly, opinions on language
active use of speaking, a learning and analysis have a certain
grammatical system that relationship with the words in phrases. He
has a potential existence projected language as a sign system, so that
in each brain, or, each speaker can share their knowledge
specifically, in the brains through linguistics. This is a study of
of a group of individuals. language system to clearly distinguish the
For language is not elements of one functional form from
complete in any speaker; another.
it exists perfectly only
within a collectivity.”

“It seems clear that we

must regard linguistic Because he introduced the concept of
competence – knowledge language competence in the exposition of
of a language – as an generative grammar, the language has
abstract system been widely adopted, and competence is
underlying behavior, a NOAM CHOMSKY the only language level being studied.
system constituted by There are some characteristics and
rules that interact to elements that can determine a specific
determine the form and human language, some general elements,
intrinsic meaning of a and the form and associated conditions of
potentially infinite any human language. The form is the
number of sentences.” subject of the study of general grammar.

“Every text – that is, Point out that functional grammar is called
everything that is said or because of its concept The framework is
written – unfolds in functional, not formal. It has three
some context of use; MICHAEL HALLIDAY different functions Meaning: when
furthermore, it is the interpreting (1) text, (2) system and (3)
uses of language that, elements linguistic. For Halliday, there are
over tens of thousands of three more ways to make it a selection
generations, have system.
shaped the system.
Language has evolved to
satisfy human needs;
and the way it is
organized is functional
with respect to these
“Linguistic theory is
concerned primarily with In this sense, linguistics is an idealized
an ideal speaker -hearer, model of language. The speaker has
in a completely grammar in his mind. Natural speakers
homogeneous speech NOAM CHOMSKY have their own understanding of language
community, who knows its The rules of grammar; when we were
language perfectly and is children, we could learn some grammar.
unaffected by Linguistics focuses on the "law behind"
such grammatically the specific use of language in language.
irrelevant conditions as Specific circumstances.
memory limitations,
distractions, shifts of
attention and interest,
errors (random or
characteristic) in applying
his knowledge of the
language in actual
“Language is a system of
interdependent terms in For Saussure, there is no object
which the value of each (word/text/other) Contains internal,
term results FERDINAND DE autonomous, "positive" meaning: only
solely from the SAUSSURE opinions The meaning depends on the
simultaneous presence of relationship between them. Established
the others … [for relationship with Ferdinand The symbolic
example]. To determine representation in the rough is arbitrary. So
what for example, what can we say May have
a five-franc piece is worth different meanings; there is further
one most know: (1) that it evidence that the language is not A system
can be exchanged for a with a name already exists.
quantity of a different
thing, e.g. bread; and (2)
that it can be compared
with a similar
value of the same system,
e.g. a one-franc piece, or
with coins of another
system (a
dollar, etc.). In the same
way a word can be
exchanged for something
dissimilar, an idea;
besides, it can be
compared with something
of the same nature,
another word. Its value is
therefore, not fixed so
long as one simply states
that it can be ‘exchanged’
for a given
‘Spoken and written
language, then, tend to Alternative grammatical features are more
display different KINDS hypothetical processes Grammatical
of complexity; each MICHAEL HALLIDAY complexity in advanced academic writing.
of them is more complex Written language and Spoken language
in its own way. Written has its own vocabulary and grammatical
language tends to be meaning, depending on how we
lexically dense but Understand the word or sentence we are
grammatically simple; learning or acquiring.
spoken language tends to
be grammatically intricate
but lexically
sparse’ … ‘the value of
having some explicit
knowledge of the
grammar of written
language is that you can
use this knowledge, not
only to analyze the texts,
but as a critical
resource for asking
questions about them.’

2. “Based on the second text ‘Linguistics’ in “Bauer, Laurie; The Linguistic Student's Handbook”
Answer the following question: why is Linguistics definitely considered a science? In your answer,
involve the other language areas such as semiotics, philology and literature.

Linguistics is considered a science like other languages Biology. Linguistics focuses on observing and

classifying natural phenomena. This is how linguistics is responsible for studying and classifying

phenomena such as speech, words, language, and the way that language interacts. This is because

language can be expressed in human behavior, because it can be studied in the same way as other

behaviors, psychology or medicine. This is true in many sciences. The language argument is based on

observed data. In linguistics, it is important to observe specific types of language behavior through

theories about language behavior.

In this sense, linguistics is a subject that can Interpretation is the careful observation of related

phenomena in the real world, the classification of these phenomena, and the search for useful patterns

in the observed classification phenomena. Another characteristic of linguistics as a science is that it

tries to find explanations for linguistic phenomena and to establish theories that help explain the

observed phenomena. In this sense, it is important to highlight other areas of language, such as

semiotics, which is the study of signs, structures and important processes. Semiotics (or semiotics) is

broader than linguistics.

The philology investigation of language in oral and composed verifiable sources is all the more

regularly, characterized as the investigation of artistic messages just as oral and put down accounts.

Either the investigation of dialects and literary works, just as the comparing culture of its speakers, it

gives us how the old civic establishments could deal with the language, its own approach to convey.

The literature was seen, as a type of information and cycle of inventiveness and the whole body

where individuals can show a few feels and considerations composed on narratives.

3. In the following two questions you have to consult and then explain:

 The concept of ‘double articulation’ is a classic one at identifying language, please, explain it, and

give examples.

Double articulation: Also known as "[D]uality of patterning," says David Ludden, "is what gives

language such expressive power. Spoken languages are composed of a limited set of meaningless

speech sounds that are combined according to rules to form meaningful words" (The Psychology

of Language: An Integrated Approach, 2016). Is a quality of human language whereby discourse

can be breaking down on two levels:

1. Initial, a sentence can be separated into negligible significant units called morphemes.

Negligible significant units are typically words, or parts of words. For instance, 'greater'

contains two monemes: one for 'huge', and one for 'additional'.
2. Second, a moneme can be additionally partitioned in insignificant phonological units, which

have no significance. Insignificant phonological units are called phonemes, and they regularly

compare to letters in English, however not generally. The moneme 'letter' contains 6 letters and

just 4 phonemes, since 'tt' is articulated as one t and "er" is generally articulated as one sound

(2). In actuality, "pivot" contains 4 letters and 5 phonemes.


 Human language is different from other semiotic systems, explain at least three characteristics, that

according to Linguistics, are unique to human language.

The perception that information on language what is now and again called ability creates through

a progression of stages arriving at a develop consistent state, at some point before pubescence,

after which changes are very minimal to the framework. The underlying state recognizes a human

from a stone or a flying creature or a chimpanzee, which don't achieve a similar consistent state

given practically identical experience. We may expect that the underlying state is a uniform animal

groups property, hereditarily decided as an aspect of the human organic blessing. The scope of this

capacity is the class of human dialects or, all the more decisively, the class of punctuations of

human dialects, since what is really procured in the consistent state is a limited syntax, impartially

spoke to in some way, that determines phonetic, semantic and auxiliary properties of an unbounded

class of etymological articulations.

While issues emerge in seeking after this examination program and refining the ideas that go into

it, the overall line of request appears to be clear and has been productively sought after. In a

practically identical manner, we may concentrate some physical organ of the body to decide its

inborn nature, state, the visual arrangement of a feline. The subsequent inquiry, what is a language,

isn't, the way things are, an issue of science by any means similarly as the inquiry, what is a visual
framework, or an arrangement of loco-movement, isn't as it stands an issue of science. To decide if

music, or arithmetic, or the correspondence arrangement of honey bees, or the arrangement of

gorilla calls, is a language, we should initially be determined what is to consider a language.

In the event that by language is implied human language, the appropriate response will be

inconsequentially negative in every one of these cases. On the off chance that by language we

mean representative framework, or arrangement of correspondence, at that point every one of these

models will be dialects, as will various different frameworks, style of strolling, which is in certain

regards a customary socially decided framework used to convey disposition, and so forth. On the

off chance that something different is expected, it must be explained before request can start.

Assume that two organic frameworks have been described to some degree of achievement, with an

incomplete record of the underlying and last state-for instance, the visual frameworks of a feline

and a bug.


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