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APµ •u» GÊz öuÀ»õ®

Bv£PÁß •uØ@Ó E»S
@Áshõø© AßÚ ÂÊaöŒÀÁ® DsiÀø»
¯õsk® ALöuõ¨£x CÀ (v¸USÓÒ & 363)
The word @Áshõø© in this Kural means, freedom from desire
AßÚ means equivalent to,
There is no greater wealth than dispassion (freedom from desire).
ÂÊaöŒÀÁ® refers to Incomparable wealth.
Dsk means in this world, that is experienced by us.
In this world, there is no greater wealth than, freedom from desire.
Kumaragurubara Swamigal said that,
öŒÀÁ® Gߣx ]¢øu°ß {øÓÄ
Contentment is the real wealth.
However much one earns, a human being is never satisfied.
Satisfaction, that is contentment - alone is the real wealth.
At the same time, we don’t deny the genuine earning, that is
required for life. If it is within the limit, it is ok. But when it goes beyond
the limit, it leads to sorrow.
It is said that, “There is end to need, but there is no end to greed”.
For the individual and the society, this greed is the biggest source
of problem.
Here, Tiruvalluvar is presenting this - in the context of - disciplines
to be followed by a Sannyasi. A Sannyasi should not even have traces
of desire. He should be totally free from all desires.
If there is clarity in knowledge, one will not have desires.
Thus, we can understand that, there is no greater wealth than
dispassion (freedom from) in this world.
Tayumanavar sings, {µõøŒ°ß@ÓÀ öu#Á•s@hõ? which
means, one can attain God, only in the absence of desires.
¯õsk® is taken as Bsk®, which refers to other, higher worlds.
Earlier, we saw that Dsk refers to this world, that we are
We hear about so many other worlds like Devaloka, Svargaloka
etc., Even if we go there also, we have this desire to experience sense
pleasures. There also, the ones without desires are honoured and
¯õsk® ALx J¨£x CÀ.
Always, there is nothing, equivalent to freedom from desire.
It is indeed, a great surprise to come across a person, without
Now, let us take this example - Kailas Yatra. A person wants to go
to Kailas, he has this desire.
Once, he reaches there and has darshan of Kailas Parvat, his
desire to go to Kailas gets removed.
Though one feels happy, to be in Kailas, really speaking, the
removal of desire, brings greater relief.
Desire alone causes lot of fluctuations in our minds.
I have given a noble example of having desire to undertake Kailas
Yatra.But generally, people have illegitimate, adhaarmic desires.
The one who wants to fulfil his desire, through action, is not
considered to be wise.
One should try to remove desires, with the help of knowledge.
One should move with people, who have moderation in desires.
With God’s grace, by the association of noble men, one should learn to
conquer desires.
One should not supress one’s desires in the mind. If supressed,
desires lead to mental disorders. One has to remove them, only with
the help of knowledge.
We have to carefully understand this. Both in this world, and the
other worlds, there is no wealth, that is equivalent to freedom from desire.
The mind that is, free from desires, is free from fluctuations. The
mind free from fluctuations, is a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind is a
happy mind.
We have to realize this fact and gradually should aim for a mind,
that is totally free from desires.
Let us understand the nature of desires and with God’s grace and
knowledge, let us conquer our desires.
May simple living and high thinking be our motto.
@Áshõø© AßÚ ÂÊaöŒÀÁ® DsiÀø»
¯õsk® ALöuõ¨£x CÀ (v¸USÓÒ & 363)
My prayerful blessings to all.
Let Valluvam live forever.
Let humanity prosper with love.

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