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Antrophology and medicine

Antrophology is the science which studies the human being. It studies aspect relating to
genetics, phisiology, biochemistry of different human groups and aspects which relate to culture,
religion, society and their history.

Of the four branches of antrophology(cultural, linguistic, physical and arheological), physical

antrophology(called also biological) studies man as a biological organism, studying anatomy, phisiology,
genetics in an evolutional context. This study is done with the help of: genetics, biology, anatomy and

One antrophologic concept about popular therapy and psyhoterapy, starts from the concept of
health which is placed in an antimonic couple with disease. Health is asimilated with well-being, of
balance with man with himself, the universe and social proximity.

Starting from these elements, we can say about cancer, the object of study and action of
oncology, that it is not a modern disease, that it has existed with certainty for thousands of years,
despite it having a higher frequence nowadays.

The XIX century ends with the discovery of the Roentgen and Curie families which led to the
birth of radiology and radiotherapy.

After 2000, once the human genome was discovered, a new era dawned in the treatment and
understand of cancer, through the discovery of methods of measurement of expression of thousands of
normal and tumoral genes. The progresses made in genetics and biology, have created many
opportunites for improving oncological treatments with the apparition of targeted therapies, opening
the way of individualized medicine.

In conclussion, cancer is a pathology which one must deal with devotion, continued need of
informing and a lot of perseverance. It is a great challenge to work in the field of medical oncology.

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