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Humankind’s Positive Response against the Influence of Coronavirus

Coronaviruses has made a huge change on various aspects of human life around the world and different
hypothesis have been put forward for future lives. It affected our day to day lives and is slowing down the
global economy. These viruses has affected thousands of peoples, who are either sick or are being killed
due to the diseases caused by these viruses. It has also rapidly affected businesses, disrupted the world
trade and movements. Allana Shaikh, is the speaker of the oral activity, Coronavirus is Our Future, was a
journalist in Global Health and currently working there for 20 years, has a master’s degree in
International Health, specializes looking at populations and health systems. Shaikh shared regarding the
concepts she had in mind about coronaviruses but the majority is about the world’s currently facing virus
that’s a pandemic already, the COVID-19.

Coronavirus disease or commonly known a COVID-19, is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus called novel coronavirus. It affects different people in different ways. Most
infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. The most
common symptoms are dry cough, fever, tiredness all the way to fatal pneumonia. MERS or the Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome and SARS or the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome are also coronaviruses,
they’re called respiratory syndromes since they head or they targets the lungs in a human’s body does
COVID-19. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, which means that they transmit from animals to people. COVID-
19 also transmits person to person. This mode of transmission travels faster and travels farther. One of the
statements of Shaikh’s states that we would not wear mask because mask are for sick people and for our
health providers, is a contradiction on my point, since wearing mask is known as an effective strategy
now together with washing hands properly as frequently as possible, physically distance yourself to
people atleast 2 arms’ leangth away and by following the safety guidelines designed by auhthorities. For
the rest, I can say Shaikh speaks nothing but the truth. It is simply because she’s part of the global health.
They’ve got all the knowledge and potential to know these diseases and the proper ways to control it.

Allana Shaikh was such an excellent speaker, the way she delivers her conceptions and knowledge clearly
about these coronaviruses together with her calm tone/voice, pleasing gestures, her eye contact and
connection towards the audience that can drew your attention and interest in listening to her. We should
be grateful for our health providers whose lives is at risk for us and our sake, so as a fellow human, we
must as well do our parts and start even with the least things we can do. Like being a responsible and
disciplined citizen in our country, community, and our home. Together let’s flatten the curve and heal as
one to make the world a better and safe place to live again.

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