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The Croods-Movie worksheet

Instructions: Answer the following questions, use complete answers.

1. What are Grug’s rules?

2. What is the name that Guy gives to Eep?_________________________________________
3. What would happen at “The end”?
4. What are The Croods afraid of?
5. What makes them leave the cave?______________________________________________
6. How does Guy call the Croods the first time they met? _____________________________
7. Why do The Croods celebrate every day?
8. What is the only Grug’s desire? ________________________________________________
9. Mention at least five phrasal verbs you have listened in the movie.
10. What is a left over?
11. What is the simplest rule to remember? _________________________________________
12. Where is Guy going? ________________________________________________________
13. How do The Croods feel when they wore shoes?
14. Where do Guy ideas come from?
15. Mentions three Guy ideas.
16. What is a joke?
17. Why did Ugga thank Guy? ____________________________________________________
18. What does Guy show them on top of the three?
19. What did Grug invented?
20. What happened to Guy’s family? ______________________________________________
21. What is the “emergency ideas generator? _______________________________________
22. How do they pass to the sun? _________________________________________________
23. How does Grug fix things with Eep? ____________________________________________
24. At the end of the movie, how many pets do The Croods have? _______________________
25. Mention five new words that you have learned.

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