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Cruel Tales Of Impermanence

This exhibition is about consciousness expansion through spirituality.

It calls you to rethink about our balance between feminine/masculine
energy as humans. About our cycles and consciousness codes we
follow in this life.
In the Egyptian book of the dead, there is a papyrus I which the dead
undergoes on a trial, where his heart has to be weight against a bird’s
feather, if the heart was heavier (thing that the heart’s owner judges
himself) had to be devoured by a spirit and he couldn’t continue to the
eternal life anymore.
That is why humanity would have had to live under certain spiritual,
moral, physical and psychological codes. But it became corrupt and
priests started selling statues to hold the balance for them. So now
we are in a spiritual crisis where the most important thing in the world
is profit, instead of consciousness.

The use of symbols and rituals in my own work, evoke the recovery of
the balance between feminine and masculine energy. Reestablishing
spiritual codes that could let us live in this world differently. Putting
myself in the place of the feminine to balance the matriarchy and
patriarchy way of thinking. The use of the blood as an element in my
painting is recalled from this feminine position, this perspective
signifies life, reborn, ritual, intuition, etc. The use of blood normally,
comes from patriarchal mentality perspective, in which we have been
subjected for the past 13,000 years, and has generated violence,
unbalance, abuses and physical dead leading humanity into the
actual crisis.

It is urgent to recover our balance; it is urgent to recover our

love bond between the universe and our spirit.

Buddhist mudra Turning the Wheel or the World Spins, evokes our
consciousness awakening to illumination where we will surrender our
resistance to change, understanding that nothing is permanent and
on each single moment our spirit changes. This Impermanence oblige
us to let go, to loose everything up even though this planet’s
circumstances feel cruel to live a bit of certain stories, forcing us the
next moment to let go of the affective attachments we build.
Understanding life as a cyclic ritual in which everyday life is an effort
to lighten up our heart becoming an exceptional enlightened being,
spiritual by nature, with the core of saving our principles, our
universal origin: consciousness.

Alessa Esteban.

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