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For 12 pieces:

 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) pure maple syrup

 1/3 cup (85 grams) natural pecan butter
 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
 3/8 teaspoon salt
 1/4 cup (56 grams) coconut oil
 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
 12 pecan halves,
All you need is maple syrup, pecan butter, cinnamon, coconut oil, vanilla and salt. Just let it
boil for 2 minutes, pour into a mini muffin pan and freeze.

I actually forgot to add in the chopped pecans after boiling the fudge so I just plopped a half
pecan on top of each piece. I loved how smooth and creamy the fudge was that way but for a
truly pecan pie-ish experience, don’t forgot the pecans!
 1 cup coconut sugar
 1½ cups almond milk
 4 tbsp coconut oil
 1 tsp vanilla
 3 cups crisped brown rice cereal
 200g dairy-free chocolate

1. Prepare an 8x8 tin with greaseproof paper.

2. Make the caramel by adding the coconut sugar, milk and coconut oil to a medium saucepan. Bring to
a boil, whilst whisking. Once it reaches a boil and begins to bubble, reduce the heat slightly and whisk
intermittently for 15-20 minutes until the mixture has reduced and thickened to a toffee sauce.
3. Remove from the heat and work quickly to stir in the crisped brown rice as the mixture will start to
firm up fast.
4. Once mixed, transfer to the prepared tin and use the greaseproof paper to fold the mixture in half so
it's taking up half of the tin, making the bars about 1½ inches tall. Flatten as much as you can then leave
to set in the fridge or freezer for about 10 minutes
5. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate by placing it in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pot of recently
boiled water. Stir until completely melted and leave to cool sligtly.*
6. Remove the toffee crisp mixture from the freezer and cut into approximately 10 bars.
7. Dip each one into the chocolate until it's covered, then allow it to set on some greaseproof paper.
Once all the bars have been covered in chocolate, leave to set in the fridge for about 30 minutes before
250 grams of self raising flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
150 grams of caster sugar
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
a squirt of lemon juice
100 grams of vegan chocolate chips or pieces (smashed up Easter Eggs)
6 tablespoons of sunflower oil
teaspoon of vanilla extract
225ml of water

Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees.

Lay out a muffin baking tray and line with 12 cupcake cases.

Mix all the ingredients into a bowl,  give it a really good stir making sure that all the lumps and
bits of flour are worked through.

Spoon the mix into the cases and bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes.  When cooked take out the
oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.

Decorate with some vegan butter icing.   Use approx.  30grams of vegan margarine, 50grams of
icing sugar and some cocoa powder.  Mix it all together.  you might need to add a little water.
Spread on top top of cooled cupcakes and sprinkle with some vegan cake decorations.

 400g / 2¼ cups coconut sugar
 750ml / 3 cups coconut cream (you can also use coconut milk that has been refrigerated. Simply
scoop the "fat" from the top of the tin)
 6 tbsp coconut oil
 A generous pinch of sea salt
 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
 Line an 8×8 baking tray with greaseproof paper and put to one side.
 Tip all ingredients into a large pot on the stove and bring to a boil.
 Stir the ingredients as it reaches boiling point, then turn down to a medium heat. Keep stirring!
 Maintain the medium boil and stir every so often, for about 20 minutes or until it's reduced and
thickened. To test if it’s ready, using a spoon, drop a piece of the mixture onto a tray and it should
turn solid within a minute. If it remains liquid, then it’s not ready.
 Carefully pour the contents into the baking tray and leave to cool and set.
 If the mixture has separated slightly, don't panic. This happened to me on one occasion but it still
turned out perfectly!
 Let it set in the fridge for about an hour before cutting into small caramel pieces.
 (Optional) wrap in small squares of greaseproof paper for easy storage or to give as gifts!
 Keep at room temperature and store for up to 1 month (if you can last that long without eating them
Vegan Toffee Mugcake
Serves: 1

 1/4 cup buckwheat flour

 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

 1/2 tsp baking powder

 1/8 tsp baking soda

 7-8 English toffee liquid stevia drops

Mix everything in a mug or small bowl. Microwave for 45-60 seconds, and that’s it!!! So so
easy. Top with whatever you want!

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