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Rivers are the main water resources to humans. Through the river
humans can drink, bathe and wash clothes. Rivers are also a source of
food resources. Rivers area also popular tourist destinations. This is so,
the river should be maintained so that its cleanliness will continue to be


Causes of river pollution

Disposal of solid waste into rivers - some members of the community

take the easy way out by dumping rubbish into the river. They
considered the river as a trash can. The river became dirty, many
aquatic life became extinct.

Sewage disposal directly into rivers - there are some factories that
dump sewage waste directly into rivers without prior treatment.
Entrepreneurs act in this way because they want to save costs. Sewage
waste contains many toxins that can threaten the aquatic lives.

Lack of monitoring and weak enforcement measures - The authorities

did not perform their responsibilities as best as possible. The authorities
face the problem of shortage of officers. Offenders are rarely

The indifferent attitude of members of society - they have no

awareness of the importance of the river to human life. They are also
less aware of the adverse effects of river pollution. The pollution of the
river by other parties is only viewed with one eye by the surrounding

Ways to maintain the beauty of the river

Authorities, NGOs and the private sector must continuously organize

the 'Love Our River' campaign to increase public awareness of the
importance of the river. - campaigns are also more effective if advertised
through mass media such as television, radio and so on.
Regular gotong-royong activities to clean the river involving all walks
of life - can deal with the problem of dirty rivers. Gotong-royong is also
expected to cultivate a feeling of love for the river.
Strict and continuous enforcement action - need to impose stern
action on offenders such as imposing higher compounds and mandatory
The authorities should diversify the function of the river - for example
the river is used as a tourist location, picnic activities, and water sports


The river is the great treasure of God's grace. All parties need to work
together to ensure the beauty and cleanliness of the river is preserved
until any time

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