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he flies

He speaks

she buys

he likes

he looks

he goes

she finishes

he kisses

he enjoys

he teaches

she cries

He does his homework every evening.

She’s a teacher. She works at primary school.

“Are you a singer?” “No, I’m a pilot. I fly aeroplanes.

Joan washes her hair every day.

The museum closes at seven in the evening.

Daniel brushes his teeth every morning.

She studies Science at university.

Every Saturday, Paul gives his dog a bath.

In the mornings, Betty takes her sister to school.

We go to the swimming pool at the weekend.

John and Mary have a cup of tea in the afternoon.

Susana does her laundry at the weekend

My friends and I go fishing at the weekend

He reads the newspaper every morning

Sharon exercise in the morning

They eat dinner at 7:30

Does Mr Simpson teach Chemistry? Mr Simpson Doesn´t teach Chemistry.

Do You like playing computer games? You don´t like playing computer games.
Do John and Sue work in a café? John and Sue don´t work in a café.

Do We do the shopping on Saturdays? We don´t do the shopping on Saturdays.

Does The baby cry all the time? The baby don´t cry all the time.

Sam speaks French, but he doesn´t Speak Russian.

Ann doesn´t like jazz music but she likes pop music.

“Does she play the saxophone?” “No, she doesn´t”.

Where do you work?

He doesn´t go to school on Sunday.

What do you have for dinner?

What time does she get up?

She gets up at 7:00.

How does she go to school?

She walks to school.

Does she have breakfast every day?

No, she doesn’t.

What does she do in the afternoon?

She does her homework.

When does she go to bed?

She goes to bed at 10:00.

1. Alfred is an American boy. T

2. He lives in a modern flat. F

3. He is eleven years old. T

4. He has got two brothers. T

5. Alfred wakes up at eight o’clock. F

6. He walks to school. F

7. His classes begin at half past eight. T

8. Alfred and his family have dinner at half past

seven. T

modern ● ● older

together ● ● alone

starts ● ● end

leaves ● ● enters

begin ● ● finishes

old-fasioned ● ● younger

helpful ● ● unhelpful

happy ● ● unhappy

1. Where does Alfred live? He lives in Los Angeles,

2. What’s his sister’s name? Emma.

3. What time does he wake up? He starts his day at about half past seven.

4. Does he have breakfast at home? Yes he do

5. What time does he leave home? he leaves home and catches the bus to school.

6. Where does he have lunch? He usually has lunch at the school canteen at half past twelve.

7. When does he return home? After school, at a quarter past five, he goes home.

8. Does he make homework at school or at home? In his home

9. Is he a helpful boy? Yes he is

10. What about you? What’s your daily routine like?

I get up at 5 am, eat some fruit and then go jogging until 7 am, I come home and take a shower,
prepare my breakfast and I eat breakfast, then start my virtual classes at 8 am.

morning classes end at 12 so I start to make lunch, I eat lunch at 1:30 pm and go back to class until
6 pm, then I do work until 9 pm and go to bed.

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