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My perception on blended learning.

First,I can say that the digitized modular is somehow same as

online. Because were still using gadgets and internet connection but we are able to use gadgets more
frequently if I chose online class. As of now, I can say that I am still adjusting on this mode of learning.
Because for me, I like the face to face class more because I can focus more here. But I cant deny the fact
that the blended learning have advantages. We don’t need to go outside and go to school anymore. My
parents doesn’t need to pay for the transportation fair. And we can focus more and review longer
because of the blended learning. And the negative part of the blended learning is I cant use my phone
for hours,because my eyes hurts. Plus, we cant deny the fact that sometimes we lost our focus on our
teachers because were on our house and there are chances that someone may catch our attention. We
cant do anything for all of the negative and positive that I said because of our situation. All of us needs
to adjust. The most important thing is that we learned something until we pursue all of our dreams.
Thank you.

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