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One benefit of Agrarian Reform to the farmer beneficiary is the less expense in farming needs leading to

increased household income. The farmers received will receive seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, and other
farming equipment at a lower cost. They can also borrow money depending on how many hectares they
will plant, and the cash will be used to fund their farming needs lie labor. One project that they
implemented is water irrigation to places where water supply is not enough. Water is essential for plants
to grow, which is one of the significant problems of farmers who don't have enough water supply.

An example of this is my grandfather, who is a member of this Agrarian reform. When the planting
period starts, he received seeds, fertilizers, and a certain amount of money, and when harvesting comes,
he pays his debt through the use of the palays harvested. And that was a massive help to the farmers
who can't have enough farming funds, so I believe that investment in agriculture is the best weapon
against starvation and poverty.

One benefit of Agrarian Reform to the Agricultural sector is the increase in productivity. Since farmers
will have the opportunity to plant even if they don't have the land, funds, and equipment, there will be
increased production because the Agrarian Reform gave opportunity. The agricultural sector will gain
from the farmers because they were the ones who buy the farmers harvest. An example of this is the
tobacco farmers' member of NTA(National Tobacco Administration) here in our province under agrarian
reform. The farmers are received money and fertilizers, and in the end, the NTA will be the one to buy
their tobaccos and deduct their debts. In this case, the NTA will have an increase in the productivity of
finished products as connected to agrarian reform benefits to the agricultural sector..

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